i helped my step brother cum between my friends tits pt3 (fmf) (adults) a bit long but you could a bit if needed

So, a little bit about my friend Emily. We have been friends since we were little, she is your classic ‘ugly duckling’, as a youngster she was a bit of a tomboy and all through secondary school she was taller than all the girls and a bit gangly, her blonde hair was always frizzy and out off control then add to that braces and Diedre Barlow glasses and you’ll have some idea, sadly this all effected her confidence, she was (and still is) very shy, not just around guys but anybody new.

After we left school Emily and I went to college together for a year (on different courses but the same college) before I went to uni. During this year Emily started to fill out and looked much more comfortable in her own skin (still lacking confidence). she got quite friendly with another girl on her course who was very much a girly girl, I don’t remember her name, but before they met Emily was never really interested in make up or clothes or going shopping, like I said she was a bit of a tomboy. But this other girl helped her find herself.

My first prostate massage experience [FM]

Now I own another superpower. I know how to massage the prostate and my gay friend explained and showed me that. I’ll tell you about it next time, but it was really fun.

If you are over 40 and you are worried about your health you need a prostate massage at least once a year. If you don’t do it, there is a good chance that your sexual energy will go out. Any girl wants a man to be able to fuck her good with his hard cock at any time without any pills. That’s what I’m telling you as a girl!

I have a friend who I’ve known for about 8 years now, he’s almost 60 years old, but he’s a very stylish, handsome and wonderful man. We met him and his wife at a nightclub and it turned out that he was the right person who could quickly resolve some issues concerning my employment at the airline.

I became very good friends with him and his wife and had a lot of fun. I’m not going to lie, I thanked him with a blowjob in his car a week after he solved my issue. And since then, we’ve been seeing each other secretly sometimes just for sex. My husband and his wife don’t know about it.

Getting into the ‘Film’ industry

Being a young aspiring actor isn’t as easy as I had hoped. I left my hometown 2 years ago and moved to London, a city of wonder and expectations. I had no qualifications, no money but a dream and the willingness to do whatever it takes to get there.

I moved in with an old school friend and his university friends. They let me crash on their couch until I could find my feet. There was 3 of them in the flat, my old friend Connor, and his two uni friends Katie and Abigail. Connor was gay, and also a wanna be actor like me. He had some small experience with being an extra on some BBC dramas, but he was losing his passion for acting and had just started an office job to keep him afloat. Most of all though, he was a really nice guy and one of the most genuine people I know.

Katie was the first friend that Connor made at Uni, she was very loud, very vibrant and a little bit of a bitch. She had some doubts with me crashing at theirs for the foreseeable future, which was fair enough, but she was very welcoming when I got there. She was about 5ft 9, athletic build, with c cup breast and very rounded ass.

The Naked Yogi Daddy and the Inflexible Boy; [M/M, Gay, Bicurious, Fantasy]

As class ends, everything wraps up, I pull you to the side and talk to you about not being able to hit the poses like you do in class. I ask if we could do a private session and you say absolutely. We set up an appointment for a few days after.

On the day of our appointment, I come in and we start to talk, and I say that I’m not stretching right. So you help me out and show me some simple stretching positions to get me warmed up. As were doing it, my shorts are a bit in the way. They’re too tight, so you ask if I could come out of them. I tell you, of course, especially if it helps me to hit these poses. You start helping me stretch, and I’m not quite getting it. You help push my back down, and grab my waist and help stretch me out. The thought of your hand very close to my cock gets me very excited, but I try my best to hide my growing bulge. You catch eye of my bulge, but don’t bring it to my attention in fear of my embarrassment. So we continue to stretch.

FUCK BUDDY – M/M; Bicurious, Fantasy, Lust

We’ve been friends for some time now. Every time we hang out, there’s always that bromantic chemistry that gets stronger every time we spend time together. You know, that’s how bros usually are. We’ve gotten comfortable being naked in front of each other with no issue. But these last few times we’ve hung out, I’ve gotten curious about your ass.

Even when you’d wear regular, loose gym shorts, I can see the roundness of your ass filling them out. You’d wear them all the time, every time I would play out a hot fantasy in my head that you’d wear nothing under them.

One day, I “accidentally” touched your ass to see if you were free-balling and I could feel the softness of your beautiful white bubble butt. Something came over me, and I thrusted my growing bulge on your ass, pulled you in close and whispered to you, *”Stop fucking teasing. If you want me to fuck you, just ask.”*

You look at me with this hunger in your eyes, pulled me by my t-shirt, slapped and grabbed my ass, intensely stared in my eyes, licked my lips, insinuating that you wanted a kiss, and said, *”It’s about fucking time you did something about it.”*

A [M]an, a [F]emale, and her M2F [T]rans ex-boyfriend, Part 1 #TrueStory #ChicPorn #TheDirtySouth

As always this is a longer post with some back-story because even the quickies in my life seem to have a story behind them.  If ypu want yo skip to the sex (guys), scroll down to the obvious marker(.

I hesitate to post this because of all the judgment that will come with it, but what the heck, here goes.

As a late 20s something staff sergeant in the Marine Corps, I was stationed in an east coast city in the US South whose greater metro area spanned seven counties.  The city is known for the number of colleges with Greek systems on the various campuses.  I was dating a girl named “Tonya” who was about 4 years younger than me and a senior at one of the universities.  She was from the same state, but not the city that she studied in.  Tonya was a really cool chic who had attended Marine Officer’s Candidate School (OCS) through one of the Marine commissioning programs and was waiting to graduate so she could start her military career.  Tonya was shorter than me by a few inches, and had a rockin’ athletic bod with great augmented boobs and a nice round ass that you could bounce a quarter off of.  She was a natural blonde with a sexy tattoo of a rose vine that started on her back, crossed over her right shoulder and ran down her chest and cupped under her right breast.  Her pussy was always clean shaven, soft, and smelled of body powder.  ❤️

New Pins [FF] – Been Sitting On Some Stories For A While, Thought I’d Share!

I was tired… I mean really tired.

I barely realized that jacket I hastily threw on to ward off the heat as I made my way to the library to the vending machine.

I barely realized the stares the girls were giving me when I walked by them to find a quiet place to study.

I barely realized that I had to pay twice to get the food I was trying to buy because it got stuck the first time.

I barely realized when Addy Lennon walked up behind me.

Or well, I guess I did notice that one as my heart began to flutter and my legs felt weak. Addy Lennon is two years ahead of me in College, a Senior in her last year. I’d never talked with her before but I knew who she was because I was kind of stalking her. I only had came out publicly as gay a few weeks ago, but Addy is someone I crushed over since I saw her playing Morticia in Addams Family last year.

Fuck, my roommates are vampires and now I’m their… [Bisexual F/M/M/FTM]

There was something about taking showers while high that turned a normally pleasant experience into a super pleasant experience. Honestly if he wasn’t here to get his degree he’d be doing it all day. Afterall, mom and dad left him a handsome amount of money and always expressed that they wanted him to succeed in life. He wasn’t exactly sure if he wanted that too but at least he agreed it would be nice to make a fair amount of money so he wouldn’t have to worry about things like rent for the rest of his life.
Obviously Elmford University wasn’t too keen on drugs use on its lands but Nate had his skills in hiding the smell of weed and fuck he lost his parents so he could really use the mindnumbing effects of mary jane.
It was his first day at Elmford University and he had only met a couple of dormmates. Ellen, a tall blonde girl from the Netherlands with a lovely pair of tits. James, an American from the state of Pensylvania, who he accidentally walked in on naked when he left the shower. Nate was definetely not dissapointed by what he saw and James didn’t seem to mind him enjoying the sight. And lastly there was Marcel, he hadn’t seen the guy yet but James assured Nate he might be difficult but had a good heart.
After a while he heard Ellen knock on the door and in a perfectly Brittish accent “Are you gonna come out? More people wanna have a shower you know?” she shouted.
Nate reluctantly turned off the shower and started drying himself, with a towel around his waist he got out. He had wondered whether he needed a second towel for his chest but he had already explained that he was a trans guy when he met them and they were completely cool with it. In fact they all happened to either identify as bisexual or pansexual and were happy to be housed with another pansexual. It was nice to be surrounded by fellow gays.
As he passed by Ellen he could swear she licked her lips, was she interested in him sexually? He wouldn’t say no that was for sure, with her legs and breasts they’d have hours of fun.
Without paying attention to his surroundings Nate walked into his room and took off the towel only to be surprised by a whistling James.“Hot damn, I’d like to eat that ass” he said with a smirk and honestly Nate wouldn’t mind if he did either. “Oh god, James, I’m sorry, I wasn’t here with my head” he exclaimed with a red head as he grabbed his towel again.
“Eh don’t worry, dudes seeing dudes naked is like University 101, totally normal” he said with a reassuring smile “dude, is that weed that I smell?” he came closer and sniffed Nate’s hair. Remarkable, normally no one would notice after he masked the smell with his special bodywash and shampoo. “and you didn’t think a second about sharing? not cool bro” James said with a goofy smile as he jumped on his bed “I’ll give you some privacy, unless you enjoy walking around naked, to which I won’t object”. Ofcourse he wouldn’t, James was your stereotypical slutty bisexual, the kind that gave us a bad name amongst the straights, not that Nate cared because he was most definetely the same.
“You’ll be happy to know that I sleep naked, so maybe on a lucky day you’ll catch a glimp of my great ass” Nate replied with a smirk as he put on some pants. As much as the idea of walking around naked appealed to him, he was certain it wouldn’t be appreciated by the others. “I’ll keep my eyes open” James bit back with a playful smirk “or, you could just ask, I don’t mind having my ass eaten by a nice man like you” he added to the fire. Fuck he was being openly slutty and he knew that but if James could why couldn’t he?” James blushed a little and looked away, chickening out of the highly sexual conversation.
“is Marcel around already?” Nate asked looking through his bags for the perfect tea for tonight. “Nope, I suspect that he’s somewhere outside of campus drinking and flirting with the locals” James replied scrolling on his phone.
“I thought we weren’t allowed to leave the campus in the first week” “yeah but Marcel can’t be bothered by stupid rules” he replied.“Won’t he get in trouble?” “Highely likely but Marcel got some lucky charm and usually doesn’t get caught with his sheninigans” James replied with a smirk.
James jumped off his bed and looked at Name’s ass while he was looking for tea. “Whatcha looking for?” Nate asked as he noticed James’ eyes glued to his ass. “I was just looking at what you were doing, can I have a cup as well?” he replied shyly. “Ofcourse you can, ask Ellen if she wants some as well and I’ll heat up some water in the microwave”
“Ellen will kill you” James responded “what? why?” “C’mon, she’s half Brittish, boiling water in anything but a kettle is heresy to her” he said with a smirk. “Yeah right, ofcourse” Nate shrugged.
Nate grabbed a shirt, put it on and walked towards the kitchen, thank god there was an electric kettle, he didn’t have the patience to fuck around with an actual kettle, this would be the middle ground Ellen had to cope with.
A few minutes later tea was ready and the 3 sat around the table with biscuits and tea.
“I thought Marcel was the trouble maker for leaving campus but this fucker here smoked weed on campus” James said with a smirk.
“Eh, they’ll never notice, it calms me down so if they ever catch me I’ll just give a medical reason, got plenty of documents to prove my mental unstability”
“Amen to that” James said, Ellen shrugged and drank her tea.
For some reason Nate felt that he wasn’t really welcome? as if the 3 knew each other and saw Nate as an outsider. Despite the fact that they were all gay in a way, it still didn’t feel exactly how he wished it would feel.
Suddenly he heard a girl moan as she got rammed against the door of their dorm. “shush, you’ll wake up everyone” a drunk sounding Marcel whispered. However, the girl didn’t seem to be able to help it. “you’re… hurting me, Marcel…” and that was the sign for Nate to stand up and check out what was happening. Marcel could be queer but that didn’t gave him a freepass to abuse women.“The fuck you think you’re doing” he said as he opened the door and saw Marcel seemingly drinking from the girls neck, sort of like a vampire.
“What the hell…” both Nate and Marcel exclaimed. Marcel dropped the human girl and looked Nate in the eyes. “Forget you ever saw me here and go back to your room like nothing ever happened” he said, like a command, who the fuck did he think he was?“Yeah right, how about you get away from that girl and hand yourself over to authorities before I kick you into the hospital?”
Marcel was confused for a second, normally he’d be able to suggest anything to a human and they’d do it without a fuss, this one just straight up ignored his command.
Ellen and James came up and grabbed Nate “Marcel, get that girl somewhere safe, we’ll deal with this guy” James said with his eyes pitch black, what the hell was going on? Were they actual fucking vampires?
“Now Nate, we don’t want to hurt you, so sit down, have some tea and we’ll talk” Ellen said rubbing her eyes. Fuck, how could this go so wrong? There shouldn’t have been an issue with vampires mixing up in dorms with humans. It was part of the school’s philosophy to teach vampires that they could live amongst humans.
If these guys were vampires for real he didn’t have much of a chance to fight so he listened and sat down.
This couldn’t be happening, right? Why would there be actual vampires in real life. Those were fictional monsters, oversexualized in tv shows and books, but not real things, right?“I can see you’re trying to process the fact that we’re in fact real” Ellen said with a warming smile as she looked at him.
“The fact is” and she revealed her fangs “that we are real, it’s just that you weren’t supposed to ever find out”.
“Well Marcel wasn’t exactly doing a great job at hiding it, if he runs around like this soon the entire school will find out” Nate stated dryly after a while.
“You’d be correct, if it wasn’t for the fact that vampires can normally charm humans to forget about things, but for some reason it just won’t work on you” James replied with his arms crossed and a worried expression on his face.
“We’ll have to kill him” he added “what no, that’s insane James” Éllen bit back. “If there is anything more suspiscious than someone ratting us out it is killing our fucking dormmate you nitwit”.
James shrugged “just saying, dead people don’t talk” and he walked up to Nate. James, who had seemed like the sexy goofy kind now was the scary kind, but somehow still sexy. Nate felt James his hands wrap around his neck and panicked, not noticing Ellen who punched James and freed him.
“Did you listen to any fucking word I said James?” she said through her teeth. “Yeah and I chose to ignore it, look, we can’t have a fucking mortal know about our existence, that’s why we wipe their memories, this one appears to be stubborn though and you know we can’t just let him walk free with that knowledge”
“Please don’t kill me…” Nate begged James smiled “I’m sorry Nate, I really liked you, but we can’t risk you telling people about us being vampires, that would gravely endanger our lives”.
Ellen nodded and this time she didn’t stop James as he grabbed Nate and violently pushed him to the wall.“James.. James.. I’ll do anything, just let me live, I’ll do anything…” James smirked and relaxed his grip “oh really? anything?” “yes, anything” Nate reassured, desperateness in his eyes. “like what?” James asked, entertained by the thought.
“James, let him go…” Ellen tried to get in “yeah right and have him run towards the dean to rat us out?” he snapped back.
“Look man, I’ll do anything you ask, you can do anything you want to me, I’ll never speak a word of what I saw or speak up to any of you, just let me live man, I don’t want to die this young”
“Hmm, anything” he rolled the word on his tongue and suddenly a wicked smile appeared on his face. “Ellen, do we have anything like a service ring around?” Ellen looked still in shock at Nate. She wanted to help him but she knew she couldn’t, James was right after all. If his memories couldn’t be wiped they’d be in danger.“I might have one in my bag” she replied and she walked away.
“Allright, so here’s the deal, from now on you’re ours, we own your body and soul, we’re free to do whatever we want to you, in exchange, you get to stay alive” he said with a sinister voice “do we have a deal, mortal?” Nate nodded, it wasn’t like he had a choice. He was scared, but also turned on for whatever messed up reason, the idea of being owned by a bunch of sexy vampires and being used whenever they’d want to was incredibly hot.
“Alright, so for starters, lets get you in my bed, I’ve wanted to fuck that ass for a while” he said with a smirk, picking up Nate like he didn’t weigh anything and carrying him to their bedroom with the speed of light. One moment he was in James his arms, the other moment he was thrown on the bed, having his pyjama pants pulled down.
Fuck, James really meant it when he said that he owned him now and seconds later he felt James his strong hands on his hips and a tongue between his cheeks. James was feasting on his ass like a royal buffet and fuck did it feel good. He couldn’t help but let out a moan as James continued snacking on his ass and started pressing a finger in his bonus hole. “Fuck James, fuck yes, please…” he begged as James spared no breath and devoured his ass like a popsickle that was about to melt.
“James, what the fuck, stop” a female voice yelled and suddenly James crashed into the wall, pinned down by Ellen. “Hmm, you know I’m a sucker for violence during sex” he said with a smirk “what were you thinking? harrassing that poor human, you had no right you fucking scumbag” she yelled at him.
“Keep your voice down dumbass, wouldn’t want the whole fucking campus to know” he spit back at her.
“Besides, you had no reason to protect our fella here, he was enjoying my ass eating skills, wasn’t he?” Ellen punched James in the guts and left him crawling up at the walls “you bitch that’s gonna take minutes to heal” he cried out.
Ellen sat down next to Nate on the bed “I am so sorry what happened to you Nate, James is such a fucking asshole”
“No it was fine really, I thought it was hot for him… to you know… dominate me like that and we already flirted before hand..” he added.
“Really? Look you can say so if it wasn’t okay, I promise he won’t hurt you, once we got this ring on your finger you won’t be able to tell on us but everything else will be normal, it’s just a way for us to keep our existance a secret she added.
“Despite the rings name, we’re not gonna force you to be our servant” Nate nodded and lay there in silence, his ass still bare. “but what if I want to be your servant?” he finally said with a blushed face.
“I’ve always been a submissive guy and honestly the idea turns me on, if you don’t actually abuse or hurt me, I think I’m on board for this whole servant idea” he said with a smile.
Ellen smiled at him and quickly turned her head “Did you hit his head with something James?” “Fuck no I didn’t, he’s fine” James bit back as he tried to get up.“Ofcourse, he’s high as fuck, that explains everything” she said after a while but Nate noticed her eyes were going down to his ass as well.“I’m not going to deny that I’m high, but I am in fact willing to be your fucktoy, c’mon, its the dream of every free use slut to be the slave of some sexy ass vampires and now it’s becoming reality”
Ellen shrugged “Christ when did mortals become so willing to vampires?” she asked. “Haven’t you seen Twilight? Vampires are sexy now” James answered, now leaning against the wall.
“So, you really want this?” Ellen asked, looking Nate in his eyes, trying to catch a glimpse of him being being too high to give a valid answer.
Nate his heart was beating in his chest “yes, absolutely I do” he finally said. “Well, allright, in that case, I’ll get the ring” she said with a pleased smile and within half a minute she was back.
“I’ll ask you one more time Nate, do you want to be our servant?” “more than anything” he replied, Ellen grabbed his hand and put on the ring binding it with a hair of her, James and Marcel. Ellen spoke some words in what appeared to be latin and the ring started to glow for a couple of seconds “As of now you’re our servant Nate, as much as I’d love to ravage you right now, I’ll let you sober up from the weed first, the ring will only serve to make sure you won’t share our secret” she said and she pressed a kiss on his hand.
“James, you’re sleeping in the living room tonight” she spoke with an air of authority. “The fuck I am…” James could see in her pitchblack eyes that it was serious business and shrugged. “Fine, but why?” “To make sure you don’t do anything to Nate in his current state of mind, we’re no savages afterall”With that said she put Nate to sleep and the two of them walked out. Ellen had to admit that the thought of having a sex slave to command was hot, she just wanted to do it the right way, consensually. Tommorow would be another day with plenty of time in between classes to experiment with their new toy.
Read part 2 here

Fuck, my roommates are vampires and now I’m their… [Bisexual F/M/M/FTM]

There was something about taking showers while high that turned a normally pleasant experience into a super pleasant experience. Honestly if he wasn’t here to get his degree he’d be doing it all day. Afterall, mom and dad left him a handsome amount of money and always expressed that they wanted him to succeed in life. He wasn’t exactly sure if he wanted that too but at least he agreed it would be nice to make a fair amount of money so he wouldn’t have to worry about things like rent for the rest of his life.

Obviously Elmford University wasn’t too keen on drugs use on its lands but Nate had his skills in hiding the smell of weed and fuck he lost his parents so he could really use the mindnumbing effects of mary jane.

It was his first day at Elmford University and he had only met a couple of dormmates. Ellen, a tall blonde girl from the Netherlands with a lovely pair of tits. James, an American from the state of Pensylvania, who he accidentally walked in on naked when he left the shower. Nate was definetely not dissapointed by what he saw and James didn’t seem to mind him enjoying the sight. And lastly there was Marcel, he hadn’t seen the guy yet but James assured Nate he might be difficult but had a good heart.

Amnesia Was The Best Thing To Happen To My GF [M/F/F] Part 61


=== ***Bella*** ===

“Did you have fun?”

“Yes. Yes I did. Did you sleep alright?”

“Pretty good. This is kind of weird, like do I have a split personality or something?”

“I mean, I guess you do. Or we do. Huh. Can I see him again sometime?”

“Chris? Of course! I know he loves you, and it wouldn’t be fair to keep you away from him.”

“Aww, thanks. Oh, he gave me a name! Well, he gave me our middle name.”

“Our middle name? Marie? So you’re going to go by that name?“

“Do you mind?”

“Of course not. I’m glad you had fun, but I need to come back.”

“I know. Thanks for letting me see him again. I’ll talk to you soon. I think I’ll go and sleep since Honey didn’t really let me sleep.”


It’s surreal. When I came too, I felt refreshed. Imagine going to the best masseuse that money can buy and letting them work out all of my stress and worry, then you lay down in the most comfortable bed and sleep, uninterrupted, the entire 8 hours. That is what waking up today felt like.