My gym crush, pt. 8 [MM] [20s] [femboy] [straight to gay]

[pt. 1]( | [pt. 7](

Dylan reached the end of the posts. It felt a little stalkery, but he switched over to read through his comments. This guy was active in a crazy number of subs, answering questions about computer science and programming that was way over Dylan’s head. He also posted in a few language subs (Greek?) that were literally illegible to Dylan. Apparently he was also really into baking.

A few of the comments made Dylan laugh out loud. He was funny in a way that avoided the Reddit clichés like “it’s almost as if…,” “I’ll need that sauce for science,” and “damnit take my upvote.” He engaged in much more debate than Dylan, but he also asked a lot of questions. It almost stressed Dylan out to see all the subjects and hobbies he was interested in.

He was also really helpful in some of the sex subreddits, sharing hygiene tips and general advice. Dylan was excited to read that he was a switch with a preference for bottoming. Dylan couldn’t imagine ever wanting to be fucked in the ass, but he could definitely see himself on the giving end if someone like this guy was receiving.

(Part 6) Mike & Dylan – MM Caught Sweaty-Handed [M22/M28] [Straight to Gay] [Romance] [1stPOV]

READ NOW! **Part 6** is now available on [Wattpad](!


Caught sweaty-handed…

Dylan is mortified when his long-time crush and boss walks in on him masturbating during the middle of the day. It’s not like he can chalk up some lame excuse while he’s in the middle of coming, not to mention the GQ magazine laid out beside him and his fingers in a place they normally shouldn’t be.

Mike’s been having trouble in the sex department for a while now, but after seeing Dylan jettison his load all over his stomach, he finds he’s rock hard. He can’t seem to shake the image of him either, his face as he came, his pink cheeks, not only were they cute but maybe a little sexy? Now all he has to do is convince Dylan to help him with his ‘not so little’ problem.

**All characters are over the age of eighteen, HEA guarantee! For Mature readers only.*

Find all my original work on Wattpad @ creativeinkpad and support me on [smashwords](

*A spinoff from Alexis & Wolf and can be read as a standalone.*

My gym crush, pt. 7 [MM] [20s] [femboy] [straight to gay] [toys] [masturbation]

[pt. 1]( | [pt. 6](

“Was it too much?” The silence was excruciating. Ryan’s heavy breaths through his nostrils were the only sound in the room aside from Alex’s heartbeat.

“No, you were fine.”

Alex touched Ryan’s shoulder, but he pulled away. “I think I should go.” He stood and pulled up his pants. “

Are you upset?”

“No, I just need to go.” He pulled on his t-shirt.

Ryan unlocked the door and was halfway out before Alex called out, “Bye, Ryan.”

“See ya,” he mumbled.

Alex sat on the bed, stunned. He went through that night, searching for some misstep, something he did to upset Ryan. Then he noticed the pint of cum Ryan had left on his bed. He grabbed some tissue and mopped it up as best he could.

He sat at his desk and opened TikTok. Another sexy man making focaccia. He sighed and then messaged Ryan.

>Hey, I hope you’re ok. It was good seeing you tonight. Lemme know if you ever want to talk

‘The Mandate’ – medieval cock sucking lessons for the virginal daughters of the aristocracy.

If you want the extensive Bardcore playlist follow the link below (it is part of the story) but if music isn’t your thing that’s cool too. Stay here and read.

***Medieval times in some far away kingdom…***

‘Come now girls, for tonight thou shalt knowest and learn something of the secrets pertaining to womanhood!’

The young girls tripped along behind me through the torch lit castle corridors, with florid cheeks and excited whisperings upon their lips. Perhaps they imagined what was to follow to be further needlework instruction or may hap, tutelage on raising babes. Twas not the case though. Upon orders of the King himself, these dozen maidens who were daughters of high ranking aristocrats and now of marriageable age, had been put in my charge so that they might come to grasp the basics in relation to the arts of the bedchamber.

It was undoubtedly going to be a challenge, I knew that much. They had led shielded, coddled lives; two had been raised in a convent. But no matter. I had devised a way to introduce them to such wonders in a light hearted and gay manner.

My gym crush, pt. 6 [MM] [20s] [femboy] [straight to gay] [oral] [toys] [fingering]

[pt. 1]( | [pt. 5](

Alex had received his fair share of blowjobs–not as many as Ryan probably imagined, but enough for him to make an educated assessment of what Ryan was doing. He had never had his cock sucked with so much enthusiasm and drive. It was sloppy as hell, but he gave Ryan an A for effort.

Ryan coughed a few times as he plunged down onto Alex’s shaft, but he never slowed his pace. His drool dribbled down and soaked Alex’s balls, and the grip he had on Alex’s thighs… Ryan’s rough hands held Alex like a vise.

Alex reached down and touched Ryan’s face. “*Fuck, this feels so good!*”

Ryan looked up and grinned. “Yeah, you like that?” He pulled Alex by the hips and pressed his knees to his chest. “What about this?” He took Alex in his mouth again, but then Alex felt him shove a finger into his asshole.

“Whoa whoa whoa! *Easy!*” Alex sat up and opened the drawer on his nightstand. He took out a bottle of lube and some edibles. He popped a gummy and opened the bottle.

My Gym Bro Used Me As His Fuck Toy

When I first started working at the gym I stood out right away. In a good way. People commented on how hard I worked. James once told me that members would stop him and comment on how great of a worker I was multiple times a day. James also told me that he liked when I was there because he never had to worry about what the club looked like (minus the ladies locker room of course).

A few months into the job and I was pretty comfortable with how things were going. I started to work out regularly and with intensity, and my body showed the results. I would come into the club and people – co-workers and members alike – would come talk to me.It really made me feel welcomed. For the first time since the good times with Tommy, I felt like I had a place where I belonged.

There were gorgeous men (and women) everywhere! Besides the belonging, the eye candy was the best part about the gym.

I remember one day, I had gone upstairs during the midday lull to do some deep cleaning in cardio. I put each machine on its highest incline so that I could raise them up and clean underneath the machines.

Getting Fucked By A ‘Straight’ Dad In The Locker Room

So I worked in a gym for several years…I saw a lot of things… At the time, I had just begun to accept who and what I was. Saying ‘I’m gay’ wasn’t something that quite rolled off the tongue yet.

I had been the type of person who kept his head low and worked really hard. I got moved to the closing shift at my gym and that’s where the story kind of started.

I was always very by the book. I followed all the rules. The only problem was that nobody else did. For anonymity’s sake I am gonna be vague on certain details.

Some members at the gym would become very upset with me because they were used to getting things free that we actually were supposed to charge for. I had a hard time with this because it felt wrong to charge some people for the extra services and not others. I was just beginning my shift one evening when in comes this man who I will refer to as Miguel.

My gym crush, pt. 4 [MM] [20s] [femboy] [straight to gay]

[pt. 1]( | [pt. 3](

Alex knew he shouldn’t have messaged that guy. It probably creeped him out that someone at his school saw him and then called him out.

But there were other dynamics that Alex couldn’t make sense of. He’d definitely seen that guy at the gym before and noticed him checking Alex out. Like—every day. And he seemed genuinely excited when he realized who Alex was.

Plus, the guy was posting in a ton of gay subs. So maybe he was attracted to women and men but not femboys?

Whatever. He seemed weirdly transphobic anyway.

>It’s cool if I’m not your type. I promise I won’t be weird if we run into each other at the gym

He sighed and opened up his dating apps. After swiping through a few profiles, he stumbled on someone he actually knew. It was Ryan, a guy he went to high school with. He was hot, played on the college’s baseball team, and was combatively straight—or at least that’s what Alex had thought. Ryan had had a reputation for making perverted jokes, tossing bits of paper into girls’ cleavage, and being a bit of a slut.

[MM] My New Team Mates Cum On Me

Lying on the floor of the communal showers, I was was covered in cum. Not my cum. It was in my hair, in my chest hair, on my face, all over the speedos I was wearing, and I think there was even some cum between my toes.

This was part one of the initiation to my new waterpolo team.

My team mates had all left the big open shower area, leaving the coach and I alone. The coach, who liked to be called ‘Coach’ was a big guy. He had played waterpolo at two Olympics and his arms were easily bigger than my legs. Nearly sixty years old, Coach’s barrel chest and chiseled jaw left no doubt how fit and strong he was.

Back on my feet, Coach approached me. We were both wearing the team speedos and both had raging boners. Coach asked me if I really wanted to be a member of his team, I replied in the affirmative. I had been told that we weren’t allowed to take our team uniforms/speedos home and Coach reminded me of this as he started to undo the white drawstring at the front of my speedo. With the knot undone, he popped my cock out and slid them down until they were on the shower floor.

My gym crush, pt. 3 [MM] [20s] [masturbation] [femboy] [straight to gay]

[pt. 1](

[pt. 2](

Dylan woke up the next morning in a haze. He checked his phone to make sure it hadn’t just been in his head.

There, in Reddit, were the messages. There was the profile. And there, in his camera reel, were the photos and videos of another man that he’d jacked off to.

The man was dressed like a woman, sure. But Dylan had seen the pictures of that very real, imposing cock.

There was a new message from the guy. “It’s cool if I’m not your type. I promise I won’t be weird if we run into each other at the gym”

Dylan realized he had never messaged back. He’d been distracted cleaning himself up last night and then had passed out.

He looked again at the profile and found the pics of the guy in red lingerie. Dylan immediately got hard.

“Fucking morning wood,” he grumbled as he squirted lotion into his left hand. He bit his lip as he swiped through the photos and stared at the legs and ass and torso on his screen. He tried to avoid looking too long at the cock until he finally swiped to a video of this feminine figure jacking off and ejaculating onto a mirror.