[pt. 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/11xpnin/my_gym_crush_pt_1_mm_femboy_20s_masturbation/) | [pt. 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1241t8fmy_gym_crush_pt_7_mm_20s_femboy_straight_to_gay/)
Dylan reached the end of the posts. It felt a little stalkery, but he switched over to read through his comments. This guy was active in a crazy number of subs, answering questions about computer science and programming that was way over Dylan’s head. He also posted in a few language subs (Greek?) that were literally illegible to Dylan. Apparently he was also really into baking.
A few of the comments made Dylan laugh out loud. He was funny in a way that avoided the Reddit clichés like “it’s almost as if…,” “I’ll need that sauce for science,” and “damnit take my upvote.” He engaged in much more debate than Dylan, but he also asked a lot of questions. It almost stressed Dylan out to see all the subjects and hobbies he was interested in.
He was also really helpful in some of the sex subreddits, sharing hygiene tips and general advice. Dylan was excited to read that he was a switch with a preference for bottoming. Dylan couldn’t imagine ever wanting to be fucked in the ass, but he could definitely see himself on the giving end if someone like this guy was receiving.