This is a continuation of an on-going series. I consider this to be a stand alone story so previous readings are not required to the posting below.
The gift of the Sexual Coupon
Sarah and I had been bf/gf for a few months now and our relationship was predominately sex based with a little actual couple related stuff thrown in here and there. I was an innocent naive virgin before all this started and she laid conquest after sexual conquest in those regards. We had a name for everything; pussy poundings, anal adventures, bondage barealls, flogging free-for-all's, toying tests, breast beatings, nipple nastiness, fanny figgings, bum beatings, rectum ravagings, vagina vindications, oral operations.. the list was growing at every encounter.
Sarah was 21 and I was coming up on my 20th birthday. She was average height with long brunette hair down to her back and sparkling hazel green eyes. Her California body was dark and tan except where her milky skin met with gorgeous two-piece bikini tanlines. Thin streaks of white invitations that circled her torso and hips leading to her tits, pussy and that perfect ass.