Used by the Gladiator: My Shameful, Descent into Wenchdom – Chapter 1: The Box Seat [M20s, F30s][fantasy][masturbation][voyeurism][cheating][public nudity]

Even from my private, curtained box seat, high above the dry, dusty arena floor, I could see the sweat gleaming on the toned bodies of the warriors below. I felt a tight rush of pleasure between my thighs. Their skin glimmered in the sunlight as their muscles rippled, each thrust and parry sending a shiver of excitement through my body. *I haven’t been touched in so long*, I thought with a frustrated groan. My husband had been at Court for a month and I ached for satisfaction.

Not that I had ever been particularly satisfied when he was here.

I wondered what he would have thought of this, of these hulking fighters, garbed in ragged loincloths, spiked platemail, chain tunics. Some fought with axes, some with swords or whips; all seemed deadly. A hundred different styles from a hundred different places, a hundred different men and women here to prove themselves in battle.

He would have found it barbaric and pointless – and a risk to even be here. I could hear him in my head, droning on about Family reputation and the importance of decorum and how nobody respectable would be seen at the arena. *Well, that’s why the boxes have curtains,* I thought with a laugh, toasting to myself.

Our First FFM session

Hello guys couple here.We are new couple exploring our fantasies and we’ve done some crazy things also. So we’ve decided to write it down and share our experience with everyone.This is Nila.Today I am gonna share my POV of our first FFM session.

My fantasy about a sexy librarian became true: (PART 1) [MF]

Let me tell you a secret: the only reason I come to the library every day is him.

He’s not just good-looking or sexy, he’s drop-dead gorgeous with the perfect amount of muscle.

His eyes are a mesmerizing moss-green, and when they meet mine, I can feel my heart race.

I won’t pretend I wasn’t admiring him before, but now that he’s looking at me, I can’t help the pulse that hits my core.

I bite my lip hard to contain the moan that’s about to escape me.

This isn’t the first time he’s caught me checking him out, but I just can’t resist him.

I imagine him between my thighs, and I squeeze them together, feeling the wetness gather.

I want him so badly that I decide to take action. Today is the day I fuck the librarian.

I gather myself, adjust my skirt and top, and with my head held high, I walk towards him with purpose.

He looks shocked as I approach, almost as if he can’t believe I’m making a move.

Working in Real Estate part 11 [M35/F30/F32] [fiction] [anal] [oral] [penetration] [rough] [rape fantasy]

A few hours after our foursome had ended, I awoke when I felt one of the naked girls next to me moving. I looked up to see Kayli getting out of bed, her ass swaying as she walked to the bathroom. I glanced over my shoulder to see Jennifer and Tara cuddling with each other, fast asleep.

When Kayli came back into the bedroom a few minutes later, she saw me awake and whispered, “how you feeling?” I smiled and said, “amazing. Can we do that again?” She laughed and said, “how about you join me in the shower?” I slowly got out of the bed, to not disturb Jennifer and Tara, and followed Kayli to the bathroom, my hand grabbing her ass as we did.

Being a Pleasure Toy for my Lover [Sci-fi Fantasy] [Portals] [F19] [F19]

The year is 2082 and life is about how you’d expect it would be after all the futuristic movies let us down. It’s the same old stuff, kids go to school, there is a divide in class and everyone just kind of stumbles around in life hoping for a better future. My unproposed wife and I, are a couple seeking that better future, a nice job away from the lower class we grew up knowing. This meant taking any and the best schooling we could get ourselves accepted into. I got accepted into a prestigious business school on the east coast of the US while she got accepted into a high end tech school in Japan.

We find ourselves in the mall saying our goodbyes, sitting in the food court enjoying some of our favorite junk food meals. it’s busy and loud with chatter as young adults still celebrate being done with their initial years of schooling. Younger kids enjoy the upcoming break from another year done in the class room. “It will be 4 years but you know we will see each other often and I can facetime you every night.” she breaks the silence.

Getting and Staying There – [MF] [50s] [Edging] [Conference]

While attending a conference, I met a woman in her mid 50s, about my age, who sat at my table while we listened to the Friday night keynote speaker. My university had sent me to this conference for department chairs. We paired up for a breakout session to discuss some questions and we really seemed to hit it off. The session ended at 8 pm and the next session was not until 9 am the next morning.

I asked if she had plans for the evening as I knew neither of us were local. She indicated that she did not and asked me if I’d like to walk around downtown with her as she did not want to walk by herself. I agreed and said I’d just like to go back to my hotel room to change into jeans and comfortable shoes. She wanted to do the same, so we headed out. We walked to the same elevator and exited on the same floor. She was only a few rooms down from mine.

After changing, we met in the hallway and headed back down to the ground floor and out onto the crowded street, full of pedestrians, some local, and many from out of town.

The game device pt1 [F 30s][remote play][exhibitionism][fantasy]

It’s the morning of the game. I wake up early. I’ve played before of course, I’m a regular, you may even have spotted me but I’m good so maybe not.

I’m too excited to do anything other than get ready. I look at myself naked in the mirror on the back of my wardrobe door.

You won’t have seen this even if you spotted me in the game. No one pays for the game we’re strictly amateurs which is good because people are unlikely to pay for the view I get in the mirror.

Brown hair, some grey but mostly the same faded brown I’ve had all my life. Currently in a pixie cut but I’ll be wearing a cap anyway. My body is in okay shape, breasts are pretty much where they should be, belly is taking up a little more real estate these days. Freckles across my face and breasts that seemed a lot cuter on me a decade ago. The glasses I wear are not so much for the sexy nerd vibe as they are the ‘I can’t see my phone without them’ vibe.

Meeting up with an old friend part 2 MMF (43, 42)

(link to part 1 in the comments)
It had been 3 months of planning to sync up schedules. Ed had chatted with Bri several times and Kirk too. He did let them know about his impromptu rendezvous with a friend during a workout…and he got tested before they agreed to meet up.

Ed was nervous all week leading up to this but finally it was here. Ed took a breath as he parked in the suburban driveway of his high school friend Bri and her husband Ed’s house.

It was a summer day and Bri came out to greet him with a warm friendly hug. Memories of their passionate night together in a hotel flashed in Ed’s mind. Eating her out from behind, her tongue on his balls, her body towering over him as he came. He squeezed into the hug slightly.

As she pulled away, Bri grinned “I can feel your excitement, Ed…let’s go find Kirk.”

Their kids were at summer camp and Ed’s kids were with his ex. Kirk was your average 42 year old dad. Fit enough but not hitting the gym like Ed. He had a great smile and an easy way about him. Ed found him attractive. They had a nice meal together, laughing about times gone by and connecting over shared interests in hiking and sports. As dinner wrapped up the air felt a little tense.

Our first hotwife experience [MFM]

My wife and I faced some external stressors and subsequent life changes over the fall and winter, but we are now settled, happy and more deeply connected than ever before. So, of course, we are upping our slut game to a whole new level.

Tash is a beautiful, fun-loving strawberry blonde with an incredible body. I’m tall and getting in decent shape again; a gentle, horny goof. We are both in our thirties and have engaged in various acts of ethical non-monogamy (ENM) on and off since we got together. I’ve posted a few other stories about us before, if you’re interested.

During the first 2+ years of the pandemic, we did not engage in any ENM activities for several personal reasons. While that sucked, it did make our fantasies get more and more intense and risque as time dragged on and we got endlessly hornier. The most dominant one to emerge was our hotwife fantasy about me sharing Tash with multiple men, with her being totally submissive to me and anyone I chose/approved. We’ve fucked and cum to countless variations of this fantasy for a while now, but we never acted on it. Our prior ENM experience was almost exclusively at sex clubs with couples and single women.

Tuesdays with Marcus – Part 2 [MF] [20s] [interracial]

**[PART 1](**

After Shelley’s long day of classes that Wednesday—made even longer by her choice to start the day off by working out—she finally walked through the front door at around 7:30 pm.

I glanced over at her and smiled as I finished plating the piping hot roasted chicken with herb potatoes I prepared for us. The timing worked out perfectly.

“Hope you’re hungry,” I greeted her.


She started to walk to the couch and I stopped her with a holler.


My love looked over as I stared at her, vexed, waiting for her to realize why I demanded her attention.

After a few seconds, she let out an “oh” of acknowledgment. She walked over to me as I put down the hot pan and gave me a quick kiss.

“I’m sorry. I’ve just had a long day. My brain is running on fumes.”

It wasn’t like either of us to be the last one to arrive home and not greet the other with a kiss straight away. In fact, it had seemingly become some sort of unspoken routine. Aside from kicking off our shoes or hanging up a coat, it was always the very first thing we did. The fact that she didn’t do it here was frankly off-putting. I had to tell myself not to read into it much.