Even from my private, curtained box seat, high above the dry, dusty arena floor, I could see the sweat gleaming on the toned bodies of the warriors below. I felt a tight rush of pleasure between my thighs. Their skin glimmered in the sunlight as their muscles rippled, each thrust and parry sending a shiver of excitement through my body. *I haven’t been touched in so long*, I thought with a frustrated groan. My husband had been at Court for a month and I ached for satisfaction.
Not that I had ever been particularly satisfied when he was here.
I wondered what he would have thought of this, of these hulking fighters, garbed in ragged loincloths, spiked platemail, chain tunics. Some fought with axes, some with swords or whips; all seemed deadly. A hundred different styles from a hundred different places, a hundred different men and women here to prove themselves in battle.
He would have found it barbaric and pointless – and a risk to even be here. I could hear him in my head, droning on about Family reputation and the importance of decorum and how nobody respectable would be seen at the arena. *Well, that’s why the boxes have curtains,* I thought with a laugh, toasting to myself.