My ex bf (36M) had a hot wife before he met me (19F), meaning he liked to watch her have sex with other men in front of him. When he asked me to do the same, I admitted the idea always turned me on but I was hesitant to actually make his fantasy a reality because I was worried about what it would do to our relationship.
Anyway he had been really insistent about watching me so I told him maybe when we go on our New York trip I would indulge him. He was there for a conference and I usually go with him to get away too. So our second night there he asked if I wanted to go down to the hotel bar. He wanted me to sit by myself wearing one of my skimpy dresses to see if a man would try to pick me up.
It didn’t take more than 10 mins before an older black man started to chat me up. After 30 mins he asked if I wanted to go upstairs. I was ready for it and I texted my bf who was hanging out in the lobby. He said yes and I told the guy my bf wanted to watch. The guy apparently had done this before and he said he loves to show off.