My First Orgy: An Awkward Teenager at Tommy Lee’s Sex Mansion [Group] [Attempted]

“The lunar eclipse is this Saturday, Eddie, and my friend is having a naked party,” she said on the phone. Tara’s father was a famous musician from England, which made Tara a socialite. Once, her British rock star father and I sniffed cocaine off a skull key in the bathroom of Dublin’s. Everyone knew about it, and my popularity skyrocketed as a result.

“Is Manson going to be at this one?” I hoped the answer would be yes. At the last party I had gone to with Tara, a Tuesday night thing, the goth musician Marilyn Manson had left an impression on me. It was in regards to a joke he had made about men and women who stare at their own fecal matter. According to Marilyn Manson, doing so was a characteristic of homosexuality. I had this nagging feeling in the back of my head, secretly wondering if the reason I got bored while having sex with Rachel had something to do with the fact that once or twice I had stared at my own poop.

“No clue if Marilyn is going to be there, Eddie,” said Tara in that drowsy affectation of hers. She was on first name basis with hordes of celebrities. And she was asexual. “But you still want to have an orgy, right?”

[M]y [F]irst and only BBW Experience [craigslist]

I had just moved across the country to LA for a new job, but I guess it was not solely the job I was moving to the west coast for. I was also moving because fuck the Midwest. I was over it. And I was moving because I met a woman, and I thought she was awesome. We were both crazy in much the same way. It’s not like I didn’t know this was a bad idea. But I moved to LA because I kinda fucking love LA. All of SoCal, really. The woman was the impetus for my move, during a time when I was in a rut. I think maybe that is the theme for this story…the landslide falling down.

I think we know our own secret motivations behind our actions, even if we tell ourselves and others some misdirections. Those motivations may only come to light years after the fact, and are obscured by the fog of time. We create these stories of our lives which are never really totally true at the time, and when viewed through the prism of age and experience, and subjected to the fragility of our own memories, start to take on a totally different meaning. That’s just the nature of existence and the stories we tell to make sense of it.

[FM] Toke, Kiss. Toke, Kiss.

This is a story of my first time smoking, and my first time fucking.

I live in a small town, so to entertain ourselves we fish, drink, smoke pot and fuck. And I’m not sure which we do more.

I was raised in a very conservative family, no sex, no drugs, etc.

When I turned 21 my friend of four years, Septima (apparently she got her name because she was the seventh child,) invited me over to her house to play Skyrim and eat pizza like we always do.

Her house always smelled like weed and apple cider vinegar (for the bugs,) but this time, however, I was greeted with a haze of smoke. I knew she smoked of course, but she never did around me because she knew I wasn’t very comfortable around drugs, and was apprehensive about even second hand smoking.

The moment I walked in the door she said “Reilly, sit down.”

“What’s up?” I said, worried something had happened sense she always smoked a lot when things were bad.

She handed me a colorful glass pipe “I want you to smoke with me.”
Both relieved, and shocked I said. “I’d really rather not, sorry.” And handed the pipe back to her.

How I lost my virginity smoking pot for the first time.

I live in a small town, so to entertain ourselves we fish, drink, smoke pot and fuck. And I’m not sure which we do more.

I was raised in a very conservative family, no sex, no drugs, etc.

When I turned 21 my friend of four years, Septima (apparently she got her name because she was the seventh child,) invited me over to her house to play Skyrim and eat pizza like we always do.

This time however she was smoking. I knew she smoked, but she never did around me because she knew I wasn’t very comfortable around drugs, and was apprehensive about trying them.

The moment I walked in the door she said “Reilly, sit down.”

“What’s up?” I said, worried something had happened sense she always smoked a lot when things were bad.

She handed me a colorful glass pipe “I want you to smoke with me.”

“I’d really rather not, sorry.” I said, handing the pipe back to her.

“Dude, you know you can’t get addicted to this stuff right?” She replied, pushing it back.

[MF] One drink can’t hurt.

If you’re at the point in your life where you’re looking for a steady supply of promiscuous sexual partners and illegal narcotics, you need to go work in a restaurant. Seriously, put the keyboard down, go find an Olive Garden or something, and throw applications at them until you get hired. Even the ugliest person can easily find someone to bang and a decent weed hookup at the minimum.

At this point in my life I had worked in food service for almost 10 years, and having burnt out from serving I had found a position as a line cook with decent pay. Nothing glorious, I wasn’t Anthony Bourdain, but as a cook you can fuck with everyone because they all need something from you; their food. Bartenders hold a similar position of power, and it’s a fun position to hold.

Not So Secretly Filmed [mmf] [drugs] [anal] [oral] [creampie] [facials] [fist]

I got this e-mail from a friend. She thought I’d appreciate it. First, a little background. Her name is Tanya and we went to high school. While the other girls were reading romance novels, Tanya was doing what the boys were doing: watching porn.

You know how women say, “Sex shouldn’t be like it is in the porno movies!” Well, that’s what they would say if they kept a closed mind. Tanya’s mind was an wide open as her legs. She hated slut shamers. She was who she was. And she was a FREAK.

Anyway, she was always pushing the limits. She was very open minded and curious about people’s sexuality and their fetishes. And because she was cute and approachable (and could keep a secret), people felt comfortable telling her. And if she was attracted to them, she’d say, “Well, hey, that’s not MY fetish, but why don’t you come over and we can explore.”

Okay, so here’s the e-mail I got from her last night:

k —

omg okay listen to this. i met this guy in a bar a few weeks ago and we’ve been sleeping together a lot. he’s cute AF. so i was pushing him to tell me what his kinks were, but he was being super closed lipped about it.

Diary of a Call Boy, Entry 1 & 2 [MMF][bi][rape]

Entry 1 – The Rules!
Follow these or pay the price:
-Keep your business and personal life separate.

-Everyone pays. No exceptions.

-Safe sex is more than a condom.

-Play to the clients fantasy, but NO is OK.

-Have an exit plan!

Good Luck!


Entry 2 – Where to Begin?

I was told it would be good for me to write what happened to me down. I think I understand the necessity as there aren’t really a lot of people I can or even should talk to about this. Additionally I need to get some of this off my chest. So I guess here I go, though I didn’t know it at the time this is my story of how I became a Call Boy.

My first kiss with Amber [MF]

A few years ago I had a friend suggest to me that I get out of my normal social circles and date people outside my league. I thought she was full of crap but I gave it a try and made some new friends outside my normal group. When I was in the fire academy, some people were idiot savants with rope – I was just an idiot. I can barely tie my shoes on a daily basis and I had a really rough time getting all my knots figured out. There are six I was required to know by state law and I had figured out maybe two of them.

That’s when Lisa offered to help me. I didn’t know this but Lisa is totally into rope. Like…..sexually. With her help I got all the state knots figured out and then some. She taught me how to tie up women and little did I know, WOMEN APPARENTLY LIKE THIS SORT OF THING! Like our mutual friend Amber. It’s been a few years since I started talking to Amber and I have been too shy to say anything other than hey and sup but recently things changed a bit. She’s always laughed at my jokes even though I didn’t think they were too funny she’s said over and over that she thinks I’m cute and I smile and think she’s being nice.

[MF] The one where the cute, go-getter student rocked the kinky professor’s world

I’m a professor at a university. At 29, I’m a bit on the young side for that but I had some nice breaks in my research career. So here I am: upstanding, involved with students and constantly worried about the makeup of my future tenure committee. I’ve been teaching since I was an upperclassman in undergrad and I never would have thought of being inappropriate with a student. Until I met Lisa.

Lisa came to me in October ’15 to ask for a spot in my spring semester class because she wanted the course content on her transcripts before her graduation in May. I was immediately impressed by her go-getter attitude. Contrary to popular belief, most college students are not all that engaged with their academics. Mostly they’re doing what their parents told them to. I was also not blind to the fact that Lisa was gorgeous: just 21, 5’3″ and petite, with perky little B-cup-on-a-good-day breasts but surprisingly striking, shapely legs for someone her height. She had green-gray eyes, not emeralds at all, but still arresting. And her long brown hair was salary held up with barrettes or pushed back with a headband or ribbon. The other thing that caught my eye was that she was dressed to the nines in a purple vintage-looking A-line dress, tights and oxford pumps. If it seems like I noticed a lot about her clothes, well, that will be clear later.

Lassez Les Bon Temps Rouler

“Leave your bags at the desk at Lafitte’s Guest House at Bourbon and St. Phillip. They’ll take them up to the room when it’s ready. Wait in the lobby and I’ll meet you there when I can.”

That’s all his last message said, and she wasnt sure what to expect. She came, of course, but not without a slight pit in her stomach. She sat there, waiting, not knowing that to expect. She waited a long time. She looked at her dress, and felt her sexy underwear beneath it, and felt a mixture of excitement and fear.

When he came in, she jumped up expectantly, and ran over to embrace. He hugged back, but he wasn’t as exuberant as she was. He was calm,
measured and had an air of confidence bordering on arrogance.

He looked in her eyes, and held the gaze. “I’m really glad to see you. I’m going to give you the best day I can. One you’ll never forget. Let’s take a walk.” Something about him was cold, and serious. More so than she remembered. Not unkind, but not jovial either.