I don’t even believe this story. This is the closest I came to a celebrity hookup, even though he was barely a celebrity and we barely hooked up.
I was friends with a few people on my football team when I was in college and wound up at a couple of their parties. It was fun because I always looked very, very tiny in pictures.
One night my roommate and I went to one of these after a big game and everyone got fucking lit. I’ve never seen energy like.
I was in the kitchen when a random dude comes in and asks if I want to take shots. I shrug and pour us one and we start talking. I did notice a few people buzzing around, but I didn’t think much of it I ask his name and he laughs because he legitimately thinks I’m joking. When I stare at him blankly he’s like, “Oh, my bad.”
As it turns out he was one of our better players. He ended up going pro for a while. I’m just an idiot.
“Oh shit, I did not realize you were so… tall.”