The Fucking of Her Life [MF]

It's going to be long. Just warning you.

I'll start this off with a little bit of background. I've been seeing this girl for a while now. We're both in our early 20's. She's about 5'5" and rather petite. She weighs about an even 100lbs, reddish hair, soft features, she has some good C-cups and an ass that would blow your mind for someone of her size.

I wouldn't really call us boyfriend and girlfriend, although at first it seemed that's where it was headed, but it's pretty much taken the turn to nearly completely physical, which is fine for me, we're both good at fucking each other.

Now we've had plenty of sex together, we know what each other like. But this is the story that sticks out the most to me and she tends to bring it up from time to time, even called it "the fucking of her life." (hence the title)

Help finding a [blkmail][reluc] story about a MILF modeling shoot gone wrong!

I came across a fantastic longer story. I dont remember the genre or the title but the plot has stuck with me ever since.

The story is about a mother, who gets selected (or volunteers) to model for baby products/food. she gets picked up in a black sedan and driven far out of the city to the shoot. during the shoot the photographer has her get naked and says that if she doesnt comply she can walk the many miles back to the city. she agrees (reluctantly) and does all that he asks. he says that he needs to get a picture with a guys dick in her ass and that once he gets the photo the guy will just thrust near her ass. she wants the guy to just get it in in one trust so that its over and the photographer makes a deal with her that if she is able to take the whole thing it, the anal will be over but if not, he gets to fuck her ass until its loosened up for the guy. she obviously cant take it so he proceeds to fuck her asshole. the shoot keeps going and winds up with her pretty much getting gangbanged before the shoot is over. she gets washed up and taken home where she meets her babysitter and her child on her front steps.

A Humiliating Threesome [MFF] [Cuckquean]

Looking back, it was inevitable that me and Jeff would have problems with our sex life eventually. He was twenty-five and stunning, I was thirty-one and average. When you've been having sex with someone below your level for five years it's only natural to become frustrated. When it got to the point where it was threatening our otherwise great relationship I decided to take drastic action. Before our problems I would have never even considered inviting another woman into bed with us but the sexual frustration had gotten to be too much to stand. We needed to do something to spice things up.

I first started having doubts when me and my friend Amy were in the bathroom getting ready for him. I normally avoid situations where I'm naked in front of other women or other women are naked around me, it's always made me uncomfortable. Considering what we were about to do I decided that changing separately would just be silly. The self-conscious thoughts started when I realised just how much hotter than me she was. Ten years younger than and the tanned body of a goddess. Blonde hair, blue eyes and a supermodel's face. Her body was perfectly slim besides her heavy breasts and juicy butt. Her pussy was shaved, showing off the soft pink flesh. I looked down at myself. I was okay-looking but my chest and butt were very flat. I was not on the same universe as her. "Amy, you look amazing" I said, fishing for compliments myself "I got some competition tonight!" Amy smiled as she applied her make-up "I'm just here to help, Denise. This is all about you and Jeff". She touched my naked hip, I felt a little more uncomfortable. "Besides, you look great too".

REAL [german] [sci-fi] [Str8] [mf]

Erstes Szenario (Part 1 von X)

Mit einem Lächeln, das einer reinsten sexuellen Befriedigung geschuldet war, nahm er die weißen, kleinen Kontaktplättchen von seinen Wangenknochen und drückte auf den grünen Knopf, der zu seiner rechten angebracht war. Der Deckel öffnete sich langsam mit einen zischen und Josh erhob seufzend seinen Oberkörper, um seine Arme zu strecken. Er saß nun in der Komponente, auf dessen Seite in leuchtend pinken, aber dennoch dezenten Buchstaben REAL geschrieben stand. Josh verließ das sargähnliche Gerät, sogleich schloss sich der Deckel und ein Bestätigungston erklang. Wie viel Zeit hat er in der Komponente verbracht, fragte er sich. Es fühlte sich wie eine Stunde an, aber diese Annahme erlisch sofort, als er aus dem Fenster seiner Wohnung schaute. Eine in Dunkelheit gehüllte Stadt mit Wolkenkratzern stand ihm gegenüber. Er war sich sicher, dass er am Nachmittag das Realisierungsprogramm der REAL-Komponente gestartet hatte und war erschrocken, wie schnell die Zeit vergehen kann, wenn Sex den Kopf erfüllte. Er brauchte ein kühles Bier und ging in die Küche. Am Tisch sitzend schaute er auf sein Handy und beantwortete eine Nachricht: „ Ja Lilly, ich verstehe doch, dass in unserem Ehevertrag stand, dass ich dich regelmäßig finanziell unterstütze! Doch langsam bin ich es leid, dir jede Woche das gleiche zu erzählen: Der Betrag stand fest! Mehr bekommst du nicht, auch wenn ich es mir leisten könnte. Such dir endlich einen neuen Job und schließ mit uns ab! Schließlich war ich ja wohl nicht derjenige, der über Nacht eine 3 Jährige Ehe beendet und plötzlich ein neues Leben beginnen will!“ Wütend schob er das Handy zu Seite und nahm einen Schluck kaltes Bier. Er schämte sich, diesem Menschen, der schließlich über 3 Jahre lang sein ganzer Stolz war, solche Nachrichten senden zu müssen. Das war nicht Josh, er wollte nie ein solcher geschiedener Mann sein, der seiner Ex-Frau anklagende Nachrichten schreibt. Wie viele Paare hofften Josh und Lilli, dass die Scheidung nicht wie jede andere mit Streit verbunden werden würde. Doch zerstöre Lilli diese Hoffnung nicht in dem Moment, als sie nachts ihre Koffer packte und für immer aus Joshs Leben verschwand? Schließlich sollten mit Ende Dreißig die Zeit der Abendteuer vorbei sein. Doch Josh zwang sich dazu, nicht mehr an dieses Chaos zu denken und legte sich schlafen.

Categorized as sexystories

Mindless denial.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9

A wave of pleasure emanates from your lips. You moan softly, and quietly.

It is the night before you are sent into your new home. A week after those amazing tests, Doctor Grey came in for one final session to gauge your desperation; you have been forbidden from sexual contact ever since. You are forbidden to wear anything; not that you mind – wearing clothes makes you feel itchy, and you feel clean, now that you have no hair on your legs or on your pussy. Your hair is a glowing golden colour; they are long enough to tickle your nipples every time your hair brushes on your tits.

The nurses seem excited when they come into your room to administer the drug; they talk about being like you, finding a home of their own. They seem quite horny, too; one night, one of the big-breasted nurses came in, secretly fingering herself. She let you taste the wetness from her pussy – it was so arousing that you pushed her down onto your bed and licked all her pussy juices up; you were quite surprised and aroused when you tasted semen from a man flowing out of her pussy.

Try Me! Part 2 [BDSM, Fsub, MF]

The car slows and then goes up a long driveway. Nick gets out and walk around to her door. He opens it and takes the chain in his hands. She spins and climbs out. There are no other houses visible. A number of small to medium trees fill the very deep front yard.

John parks the car. Nods to Nick and then climbs on his Harley. Roaring down the drive.

The house is two stories. Certainly not a mansion but fairly large. It is very quiet as he leads her inside. Disarming a complex looking security system. She sees cameras and little sensors in various spots.

Inside. Hardwood floors. Entranceway. Kinda empty. Hallway. No pictures. Another room. Big one. Black leather and touches of silver. A circle of wide couch around a central umm table. A padded one. Angel feel fear touch her again.

Which gets a lot better when he stops to take off the cuffs. He takes her panties too.

"Through that door is a shower. Use it. Come back out naked and not wrapped in a towel. Wait for me on the couch." He orders in a mild voice.

"Ummm… Yes… ah… sir."

A Deal With The Devil [MF] — Would love to hear your thoughts! ;)

In the middle of the night, I awoke to see a large shadowy figure in my doorway.

“I’ve come to collect on your debt,” he whispered, his voice low and deep.

I froze. I knew this day would come, but I didn’t think it would be so soon! The figure walked closer toward me, and with every step I could feel more goose bumps dotting my skin.

“But, I’m not ready yet,” I whispered, my voice trembling.

“A deal’s a deal.” The voice stated from the shadows.

Having been raised Catholic, I knew shouldn’t have said what I did. But to tell you the truth I never really believed in all that Heaven and Hell stuff anyway. I just figured they were stories told to keep adults in line.

So when I said, “My god, I would sell my soul to be beautiful!” I thought nothing of it. I was just exasperated looking in the mirror day in, day out at my homely reflection. My limp, mousy brown hair, and my flat A-cup chest never garnered much attention from men, and I was starting to think that I would never get a boyfriend.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

GRO Part 9 – Bobby’s School Daze [Str8, mF, oral]

I am the world’s biggest chump, Bobby thought as he sat in class. Everyone else had skipped – Jeni, Bella, Adam, Amber – but somehow he’d thought it was a great idea to come to class.

If I’d just stayed home, I probably could have fucked Jeni in the morning, then closed the deal with Bella, then had Amber for dessert! he moaned to himself, then regretted it. Thinking of sex wasn’t making it any easier to control his hormones or his massive cock. He could feel the latter growing inside his pants leg, and he tried for the thousandth time today to distract himself by paying attention in class.

Mrs. Amaretto, Bobby’s history teacher, was in the middle of a lesson on the Protestant Reformation. Bobby tried to listen.

“Frustrated by practices in the Church, Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses to the cathedral door…”

Wow, Bobby thought, Mrs. Amaretto is a hottie! Not that this was news to the boy. Ever since Mrs. Amretto had joined the staff the boys of the school had been talking about how pretty, hot and even sexy she was. She was even young for a teacher, just out of college.

My first time [f/m]

I was 16 and my sister and her boyfriend were both 20. Every year our family rents a beach house for a week with my aunt and uncle and their kids. That summer, her boyfriend came with us. They had been dating since they were 16 and I had always had a crush on him. I hung out with them a lot, though, and we became pretty good friends.

One night I went up to the kitchen to get a snack at some godforsaken hour of the morning. I thought everyone else was asleep, but I saw him sitting out on the deck drinking beer. I went out to go talk to him and ask why he was there. He said he was just enjoying the stars and the breeze and offered me a beer. I was a little nervous because I wasn't alone with him much like this and had never had a beer before. But I said yes and we just started talking.

Coffee Shop

“Why is the line in this coffee shop always so long?” I mumbled to myself. Despite this place always having a ridiculous line, the barista here is the only woman I know that can get my coffee right. In the end the line is always justified. I patiently waited and one by one I was closer to my favorite barista. A short petite latina woman stood in front of me, she couldn’t be any more than 5’3”. Her long brown hair contrasted her skin perfectly, causing her even lighter eyes to have a piercing effect.

“Hey, how are you doing today? Same thing as always?” Her voice was soft and sweet and I’ve been coming her so long she had my coffee memorized.

“Uh, yeah. A quad iced…”

“Iced espresso with a single pump of white mocha. Sure thing.” Apparently I’ve been coming here so long she can now finish my sentences. Grinding and steam noises filled the room on top of the chatter from the people in line. “Okay sir, your coffee is ready.”

Her smile always gets me but I’m never going to let you know that. “Thank you, I’ll see you…”