GRO Part 9 – Bobby’s School Daze [Str8, mF, oral]

I am the world’s biggest chump, Bobby thought as he sat in class. Everyone else had skipped – Jeni, Bella, Adam, Amber – but somehow he’d thought it was a great idea to come to class.

If I’d just stayed home, I probably could have fucked Jeni in the morning, then closed the deal with Bella, then had Amber for dessert! he moaned to himself, then regretted it. Thinking of sex wasn’t making it any easier to control his hormones or his massive cock. He could feel the latter growing inside his pants leg, and he tried for the thousandth time today to distract himself by paying attention in class.

Mrs. Amaretto, Bobby’s history teacher, was in the middle of a lesson on the Protestant Reformation. Bobby tried to listen.

“Frustrated by practices in the Church, Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses to the cathedral door…”

Wow, Bobby thought, Mrs. Amaretto is a hottie! Not that this was news to the boy. Ever since Mrs. Amretto had joined the staff the boys of the school had been talking about how pretty, hot and even sexy she was. She was even young for a teacher, just out of college.

Today she was wearing a button-up pink blouse, very dark skinny jeans and heels, and every time she reached up to write something on the dry erase board her shirt rode up, revealing a thin sliver of lower back…

And, Bobby couldn’t help but notice, the top of her thong panties.


Not that it took much these days, but the sight of his hot teacher’s panties reinvigorated Bobby’s persistent hard-on, and threw wood on the fire of Bobby’s rage for not having skipped school.

Eventually the bell rang to change classes and everyone started to get up. Bobby got gingerly out of his chair, being careful to guide him semi-hard cock down his pants leg and out of sight. He was almost out of the room when he heard a voice behind him.

“Bobby, can you please stay behind for a second?” Mrs. Amaretto said.

Bobby stopped. Please, no.

Once everyone left, Mrs. Amaretto walked around him and closed the classroom door. Then she turned to face him.

“Bobby, is there anything you want to tell me?”

Your ass is making my cock hard. Oh, and it’s 10 inches long. No, for real. And yes, I do want to put it in you. No, thank you!

“No,” Bobby said.

Mrs. Amaretto sighed. “Ok, Bobby, we can do it this way. I saw you moving something around in your pants during class.”

Oh, shit. “Mrs. Amaretto, it’s nothing.”

“Bobby! I saw you. So…? Would you like to show me?”

“Show you?!?” Bobby couldn’t believe she was asking him that.

“Yes! What is it, Bobby? A knife? A gun?!?”

Bobby couldn’t help it. He laughed. “No! I don’t have a weapon!”

“I saw you hide something in there, Bobby! I can see it now. Show it to me.”

“Mrs. Amaretto…”

“Show me!” Mrs. Amaretto yelled. She was clearly not going to stop until she got in Bobby’s pants.

Bobby shrugged and dropped his bookbag, grabbed the elastic bands of his workout pants and underwear and pulled them down.

Bobby’s semi-hard cock practically lunged at her and began growing all on its own. Bobby was kind of surprised himself by how hard it was getting. He was feeling humiliated, but that was thrilling.

The look on Mrs. Amaretto’s face was priceless. Her mouth dropped open and she blushed furiously. Her hands met one another on her chest, just over her heart. Bobby thought for a moment that she was having a coronary.

“Oh, Bobby!” she gasped. “I’m…I’m so sorry!”

“No… Mrs. Amaretto…”

“Bobby, please just go.” She turned around to face the blackboard. Bobby tucked himself into his pants again, with more difficulty this time, and hurried to his next class.

At the end of the day, an office paige delivered a note to Bobby to stay after school. The teacher requesting his detention: Mrs. Amaretto.

Bobby was nervous. Could he be in trouble? What if Mrs. Amaretto told someone he had been playing with himself in class? Or that he had shown her his cock? She had asked him! Besides, it’s not against the rules to have a big cock, was it?

When the final bell rang, Bobby hesitantly made his way back to Mrs. Amaretto’s classroom.

Once inside, Mrs. Amaretto said, “Please close the door, Bobby,” in serious tone.

Bobby shut the door and stood silently. After a few moments of awkward quiet, Mrs. Amaretto spoke.

“Bobby, I have to apologize for my behavior earlier. I was afraid you were carrying a weapon, and it made me act rashly. I should never have asked yout to…do that.”

“Oh, Mrs. A, it’s ok! I understand.” Bobby was so happy to not be in trouble himself he would have forgiven her anything.

“Bobby, there’s one more thing,” Mrs. Amaretto said.

“Umm, ok.”

She was quiet for a minute, considering.

“If you tell anyone what happened, I would get in a lot of trouble,” she said finally. “You can tell if you want. I deserve that. But would you consider keeping it our secret?”

Bobby never hesitated. “Yeah! Totally! You’re a good teacher, Mrs. A.”

“Thank you, Bobby,” she said, gratitude evident in her voice. “You may go.”

Bobby turned and headed for the door.


He spun back around at her voice.

“There is just…one…more thing,” she said. “Can I…see it again?”

Bobby just stood there. Was she serious? She just got done telling him what trouble she could get in.

“It would be our secret, Bobby. I know it’s not right, but I really would love to see if what I think I saw earlier was real. Will you do that for me?”

Bobby felt himself grow harder again. Should he? Why not? She was the one who would get in trouble for this if anyone caught them!

Just the same as before, he grabbed his waistbands and pulled them down, letting them rest under his giant cock and humungous balls.

“Oh, Bobby. It’s amazing!” Mrs. Amaretto said breathily.

Hearing her say this made Bobby proud, and made Bobbys cock swell. It wasn’t completely hard, but it was standing out thick and long already.

“Bobby, will you show me how you stroke it?”

“Are you sure, Mrs. A?”

“Call me Jessica. And yes, Bobby, please show me.”

Bobby wrapped his hand around his hardening cock and began to jerk it while his teacher watched him. She sat back against her desk and rubbed her hands up and down her thighs in time to his rhythm.

“Is that as big as it gets, Bobby?”

Bobby chuckled nervously. “Not quite. To get it all the way hard, I might need some…inspiration.”

Jessica Amaretto took his meaning. She smiled slyly and began to unbutton her blouse. Underneath was a lacy purple bra concealing two smallish but perky tits. She removed the blouse entirely, then the bra. Bobby stared at her strawberry pink nipples and felt his cock surge with desire.

“Oh my! It sure likes that, doesn’t it, Bobby?” Jessica exclaimed. His cock had grown visibly harder. He could no longer get his fingertips to touch around it.

“Is it bigger than Mr. Amaretto’s?” Bobby asked.

Jessica looked shocked that he would ask, but then she smiled again. “Oh yes, Bobby. Much bigger!”

Bobby jerked faster hearing this. In turn, Jessica began to rub and pinch her nipples as she stared hungrily. The look in her eye gave Bobby an idea.

“Would you like to touch it, Jessica?”

Jessica let out a gasp and a nervous laugh. “Bobby, shame on you for asking me that!” she said, but she got up from her seat and walked toward him.

She was a gorgeous woman, Bobby thought. Her hair was reddish and cut to her chin. She wore understated makeup, pink lipstick and dark-rimmed glasses. She was taller than Bobby by just a few inches, with long thin legs and a pert round ass.

She walked right up to him, staring intently at his hand and cock. The she reached out and palmed the head. Bobby stopped jerking it, but his cock lunged at her touch. She wrapped her warm hand around it and began to take over stroking him very slowly and intently.

Bobby’s hands were free, so he reached around the lovely teacher and grabbed her ass in both hands. No sense in being careful now! He pulled her closer and placed his warm mouth over one of the lady’s hard pink nipples.

“Oh, Bobby!” she gasped and jerked him faster. With her other hand she unbutoned and unzipped her jeans, inviting Bobby to get her out of them. He obliged, pushing them and her naughty thong down with them. They stopped at mid-thigh, however, when Bobby could no longer reach lower to push them down.

But thats was all he needed. With one hand cupping her perky round ass and the other palming her waxed cunt, he began sliding a finger between her wet pussy lips, making the teacher pant and squeeze his monsterous cock harder.

Bobby continued to work on her nipples with his mouth and tongue as well. Soon he had her squirming on his finger, rubbing her hot little clit into his hand as her orgasm approached. Bobby, sensing she just needed a little more incentive to release her cum, stuck one wet fingertip inside her tight little asshole and bit down ever-so-slightly on her nipple.

It worked. Jessica groaned loudly and arched her back, squeezing Bobby’s cock in her insistent little hand and gushing wetness into Bobby’s palm.

Bobby sucked her nipples and massaged her ass cheeks as she calmed down. Soon her hand on his cock started moving again and she seemed to regain her wits.

“Bobby! Oh, god!” she gasped, smiling contentedly at him. “Where did you learn to do that?”

Bobby laughed. “Oh, here and there.” By making my sister, my girlfriend and her friend cum like freight trains yesterday, is what he didn’t say.

“Bobby, I know it’s wrong, but I need one more thing,” Jessica said.

Bobby laughed again. It seemed like it was always just one more thing with Mrs. Jessica Amaretto.

Grabbing her hips he turned her around to face the desks. Standing behind her, her spread her ass cheeks with his hands and poked at her exposed slit with his engorged cockhead. He found the hole easily enough, but Mr. Amaretto sure hadn’t done him any favors as far as loosening her up went. No wonder she couldn’t resist!

“Spread these for me,” he said, slapping her on her taught little ass.

Jessica yelped but did as she was told, reaching behind herself and spreading her ass cheeks wide. Then Bobby slid his massive member up and down her slit, collecting some of her adundant wetness. When the head was well lubbed, he pushed it inside her warm, pink little twat, just a bit.

A bit was all it took for poor Jessica.

The helpless slut of a teacher must have had another orgasm boiling under the surface, because when Bobby began to split her open, it burst. The redhead arched her back and moaned loudly. Bobby wondered for a second if anyone would hear, but only until her growing wetness and spasming pussy began swallowing his cock inch-by-inch.

Bobby took the cue and began fucking his love wand into her. His tight little teacher took it like a real woman, groaning, sighing and gasping as he invaded her deeply.

Soon Bobby’s balls were pressed into the top of poor Jessica’s thighs and she was skewered with more cock than most women ever had to endure.

Not that the naughty teacher was complaining. She let go of her ass now and grabbed the top of the desk, pushing her round little ass back into her 13 year old student hungrily.

Bobby didn’t need any more encouragement. He grabbed Mrs. Amaretto’s hips and began to plow the young teacher. He fucked her steadily at a moderate pace, wanting both to sustain their session and to finish quickly to avoid getting caught. Jessica was certainly responsive, and the faster he fucked her the quicker her next orgasm was coming.

Soon Bobby was pounding the poor helpless female with all the frustration he had built up over the schoolday.

“Oh, Bobby!” Jessica cried. “That’s it! Oh god! Fuck me! Yes, please god, fuck me! I’m cumming!” And Bobby felt her wet cunt get even wetter as she gushed on him again.

This tipped Bobby’s scales, and with a cry of his own he buried his cock to the hilt and unleashed his load inside the cute, hot, sexy teacher.

Bobby’s load of cum had built up over the day, growing each time he’d gotten sexually excited, and now it found its release inside of poor, married, unprotected Jessica. His load filled her cunt with one spurt, which meant the next several shots simultaneously filled her womb and her panties as some pushed past her cervix and the rest gushed past Bobby’s cock to drip into her jeans and thong around her toned thighs.

Bobby and Jessica were both panting heavily. Bobby withdrew his aching shaft from Jessica’s tight passage. The teacher instinctively turned and dropped to her knees to worship it. Her warm mouth engulfed his plum-sized head and she began to lick and suck it clean.

But before she could do a very thorough job they both heard voices outside – the nightly cleaning crew!

“Bobby, we should go!” Jessica said.

“Oh…right,” Boddy replied, disappointed.

“Would you…come to a hotel with me? We can…continue there?”

Bobby grinned and nodded. Sounded like fun to him!



  1. No idea! I’ve officially posted all that I had written or started. But I’m glad you like it!

  2. All the stories in these series + the baby sitting one were extremely hot. Hope we get more from you!

  3. Can the next story have Bobby put more GRO cream on? Would love to read what he would do with a ridiculously massive cock…

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