Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 10)

Table of Contents

< Part 9

Alyson was looking a little distressed, so Lord Jacob decided to try something else. "Tell you what. Let's try a different tack. Answer me this question. Do you consider yourself to be special? Not in the sense of a special human being or anything. Just in the general sense, do you believe you are special; that there is something of significance or consequence to you? Do you believe you have any impact in the world around you?"

"Yes, of course Master Jacob. Of course I think I do."

"Well if you do not believe in the existence of God, then you need to come to grips with the fact that you believe you are nothing more than a chemical reaction; merely a more interesting form of what happens when you combine vinegar and baking soda.

"If you believe that you are nothing more than a chemical reaction, then you have nothing to believe in, because chemical reactions have no control over their reactions. They only respond to their environment, and nothing more.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 9)

Table of Contents

< Part 8

Lord Jacob spoke, "The only one we have not heard from, is the one that I wanted hear from the most. Ally?" He was speaking to the blond surfer girl, Alyson Fraizer, who at this time was sitting at the far end of the couch on the left, deep in the valley of the 'V.'

"You are the only girl here who is initiating into our kingdom without ever going to our church. Surely you must have some questions that you wish to speak about? Why not tell us how you came here, and we'll see where it goes from there? All I know for sure is that your sister Susan entered our kingdom a few years ago, and is now vouching for your admission. You have proved your worth in two months at our 'boot camp,' but beyond that, I really don't know what motivates you to be here."

"Yes, Master Jacob. My sister is the reason I'm here, and looking back, it's a bit of surprise to me that either one of us are here.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 8)

Table of Contents

< Part 7

Becky Phadt, the middle-eastern looking woman, then raised her hand along with Marcia, but rather than waiting for Lady Jennifer to call on her, she just started talking. "Mistress Jennifer, what Sandra and Evellyn are saying is related to my issue. I was raised to believe that monogamy is the highest form of respect that a husband and wife can show to each other, so I am having a hard time redefining what a proper relationship is between spouses in this kingdom.

"It seems to me that you have rejected monogamy because you think it is a better method to deal with cheating spouses. Yet would it not be better to expect better behavior from people, rather than letting them get away with disrespectful conduct? Why should I not expect from my husband that I be good enough for him… sexually speaking?"

"Good enough?" Lady Jennifer repeated. "What exactly does it take to be good enough? The fact that you're female, and are the only one he is allowed to have sex with? Is that all it takes? That doesn't sound like much of an accomplishment to me.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 7)

Table of Contents

< Part 6

When it appeared that Lady Jennifer had finished, it was Evellyn Robinson that next raised her hand. Lady Jennifer then nodded towards her to continue. When she spoke, her speech matched her appearance of a Nubian princess. It was very regal and measured.

"Mistress Jennifer, in some ways I feel I have been deceived. From the outside, this kingdom appears morally strict, which is something I feel is necessary in life. Yet what you have shown me in the past three days, I think, is quite different. The sexuality that you have exposed me to has been like nothing I have ever experienced. I can assure you, before you took me in; I had never previously contemplated sex with a woman, let alone engaged in it.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to blame you for my behavior. I have made it a point to rebel against my African-American community's tendency to blame others for our own failings. And one of the areas of my community that I have particularly rejected is the over-sexualized aspect that manifests itself in considering it acceptable for a black woman to be referred to as a 'ho' or a bitch.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 6)

Table of Contents

< Part 5

As Marcia entered the room, the first thing she noted was the furniture. There were two very long, leather couches, with low wide arm rests, positioned at right angles to each other, forming a 'V.' At the open end of this 'V,' was a matching leather love seat facing into it. Lord and Lady Jacob sat there, with Lord Jacob to the right of Lady Jennifer.

"Please girls," said Lady Jennifer. "Have a seat on one of the couches."

Marcia sat on the far end of the coach next to Lady Jennifer. The other seven girls had no problem sitting down, as the couches were indeed very long.

Marcia then looked around the room, and thought this room was more like a library with lots of books on shelves. Then it struck her that this room had no windows. Just as it dawned on her how ominous that seemed to her, she then noticed a long wide leather strap hanging off the wall beyond Lord Jacob. Considering what she had experienced today, she had no problem visualizing what was about to happen to them tonight.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 5)

Table of Contents

< Part 4

"Marcia," responded Lord Jacob. "When a woman wears the uniform that you are accustomed to see, she is considered to be in the service of the Lady of the manor, and cannot be touched by another man, including her own husband. Although this does not protect her if a man sees her panties.

"Brenda and Sylvia?" he said to get the other women's attention. "Run along, Roberta will be joining you in a little while."

After they had left, Lord Jacob reached out with his left hand. Roberta was still standing right next to him, so he had no trouble reaching under her uniform. To say he reached under her uniform is a bit of an over statement. The hemline of her skirt was at her crotch, so it offered no impediment to his hand as he reached between her legs.

When Roberta saw his hand coming she slid her right foot over to give him easy access, then grabbed her elbows behind her back. As Lord Jacob began slowly stroking the crotch of her panties, Roberta closed her eyes, and allowed her head to drop back slightly. Everyone in the room could clearly see that this woman was greatly enjoying the attention she was receiving.

When looking isn’t enough [MF]

Sometimes it gets hard to control my desires. I see him look at me and my whole body tenses up. He freezes me when he smiles but as he releases me by looking away I feel a rush of blood through my veins to the parts I so long for his touch to linger upon. I push my hair back imagining his lips on my neck… before he puts his hand around my throat and pushes me back against the wall. He whispers in my ear "I am gonna fuck you so hard but you're not getting it so easy". He's pushed his body against mine now- i wonder if he can feel my body pulsing, wanting him so badly. I try to pull him closer wrapping my hands around him digging my nails into him. He exhales- almost like a hiss. He likes it. He lets go on my throat and runs his hands over my breasts down to my waist. He puts his hands under my top on my bare skin and immediately I get chills. He slowly pulls up my shirt over my head and on his way down he pushed the straps of my DD cup bra off my shoulders so gently, and then he unhooks it and pulls it off with his teeth. He grabs my exposed breasts and pinches my nipples- he feels my reaction as I push my head back against the wall. " You like that? you fucking slut". i manage to mutter 'yes i love your hands all on me'. Just then he starts to bite. Oh it feels so good when he's aggressive with me. For a brief minute I forget there are people watching. All of a sudden his hands are under my ass and he's lifting me to put me on top of the desk. Then he slides his hand up my skirt- but just to play. He does like to tease me, slowly. He starts to move his hand faster and faster until he slides a finger in and it shocks me. I love him teasing me- but he can't have all the fun.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 4)

Table of Contents

< Part 3

While everyone was eating, Lord Jacob continued. "I would like to get back to talking more about expectations, and the political implications of them. This is important to understand because it goes a long way to justifying the existence of this kingdom. We have to be more than just a support group, or, like the liberals would want us to do, we may as well just rely on the government when we need help.

"When you look at most of the social programs liberals want, you always end up with some variation on giving a street beggar the change in your pockets. This action allows the liberals to feel good when they do it, but there are no expectations placed on the beggar to improve his life. Whether liberals want to believe it or not, they are in fact paying the beggar to stay on the street and beg.

"And it gets worse. Liberals hate expectations so much; they even refuse to place any on themselves. They don't care whether their actions actually accomplish anything. They only care about whether people see that they care. In fact, the more they sacrifice and force sacrifice from others, the better they feel because it shows how much they care.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 3)

Table of Contents

< Part 2

There was a lull in the conversation, and Laura took that opportunity to speak her mind. "Master Jacob is right. Before I went off to college I thought that 'targets of indoctrination' was a bit harsh, but that is what I found there. If you mouth liberal orthodoxy you are considered enlightened, but if you said anything against it you were seen, at best, as a fool who needed to learn better.

"The proof is in how anyone who strays from the liberal dogma is treated. They are shouted down by the 'shock troops' that are the core student body. No attempt is made to moderate them by the faculty. In this twisted world it is those who dissent from the liberal ideology that are treated as the ones who are attacking the free speech. I certainly did not feel like I could speak my mind there."

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 2)

Table of Contents

< Part 1

Marcia began to wonder if that was the reason why Laura stopped going to college when Laura said, "They have probably already started serving. We better get going. Mistress Jennifer is having an introduction dinner for the girls she has just now taken on for initiation. I'm already a maiden, but I've been gone for nine months, so she wanted me to attend also."

They quickly threw on their dresses, and hurried down the hallway and a few flight of stairs. While Laura led the way, she asked, "I'm sure you have had a few dinners at the Lord and Lady's manor?"

"Yes. My family has had many dinners here." As Marcia replied, she recalled the large dining hall that her family always ate in. It was often filled with up to a hundred people or more. The meals were always fantastic, and there was always a constant roar from all of the conversations going on at the same time.

Laura then led her into a room of the manor she had never been in before. It was a much smaller dining room that could probably only seat about ten people. "This is their casual dining room where they eat when they are not entertaining."