A Superhuman Women Teases and Pleases Guy Over and Over Again.

Escaping from the party outside to fetch drinks, the quiet click of the latch of a door coming to a close echoes through the uninhabitted house. Dismissing this sound, I continued to pour my drink, until i heard a fly being undone. Suspiciously, I searched the house for where these sounds were coming from. At the foot of my bedroom door, the last room to be checked, Zac yells out to me from outside. "Have you got my drink yet?" "Yeah!" I reply. Forgetting about the sounds I delivered the drinks i promised to serve and continued to party. An hour or two later of men and women grinding up on eachother, a girl wearing a red short skirt that reveals the crotch of her lace panties, spilt her drink all down the front of her clothes revealing her stiff nipples through her singlet. Being the gentleman I am, I entered the house once again to show her the bathroom to clean up. It was then when I heard a slight timid moan come from the bedroom. Determined to see what it was this time, I opened the door slowly, half expecting two people to be fucking their living daylights out and jizzing all over my bed. But as i opened the door, there was nothing moving and the lights were off. However, i could still hear moaning. Bravely, i switched the light on, revealing a slim brunette, wearing only white lace boyshorts and a baggy white singlet which i later identified as mine, sleeping on my bed.

Categorized as sexystories

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 13)

Table of Contents

< Part 12

The well-oiled machine kicks in again with Lord Jacob taking over the lesson. "And there is another very good reason to consider long and hard about what you are going to value in the Christian religion. I learned this one talking to a Jew. I asked him, "If Jesus was a Jew, then why are you not a Christian now?'

"He replied 'I find the idea that you can live a life of wickedness and deprivation, then pray to Jesus just before your death to absolve your sins, and poof, you're now going to live with God forever, to be ridiculous. We Jews believe that you must live your life in a manner that shapes you into the kind of person that can be one with God.'

"What he said made a lot of sense. How can you define yourself by the material possessions in your life, and all of the other things of this world, and then live for eternity in a place where none of these things exists. Those parts of you that have identified with the physical world would have to be left behind after your death. It's quite possible that so much of you would have to be stripped away to make it into heaven that there would not be enough left of you for anyone to recognize as you.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 12)

Table of Contents

< Part 11

"Good. Now where was I…. Oh yes, the Sabbath. So for us, the Sabbath is about focusing on our relationships, not about what we should abstain from. So what exactly should we do on the Sabbath? There is the obvious activity, like engaging in fellowship at church, but there other activities that are about relationships such as singing and dancing, and of course sports.

"If I were to come up with a secondary definition of our kingdom beyond a kingdom of relationships, I would say this is a kingdom of sports. The benefits derived from the physical development, and social interaction that occurs when we engage in sporting activities, cannot be overstated.

"There is still much more to cover about our Sabbath activities, but we'll do that some other day." To her husband Lady Jennifer said, "I know picking on liberals is one of your favorite things to do. Would you care to continue from here?"

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 11)

Table of Contents

< Part 10

"This leads right into the other significant difference we have. We do not believe that God cares about what we do. We believe that He only cares about who we are. When this is told to a previous generation Christian, they claim that this is not difference at all, but when it's explained that this means that we do not believe in sacrifice at all, they then start to back track.

"For most Christians, sacrifice is a big deal. In fact, for them, the more you sacrifice, the better a Christian you are. We, on the other hand, see no sacrifice in being a Christian. Quite the opposite. We believe it is a sacrifice to not be a Christian.

"The principle of sacrifice is to do something that you would normally not want to do. In other words, to do something that you would prefer not doing. As my husband stated earlier, we believe God only wants us to do things we should want to do any way, and if what He requires of us can be considered a sacrifice to us, then there is something wrong in us that needs to be fixed.

Future Wars. Future Women [Fm][Scif-Fantasy][Fdom] Part One

Note: I write these with my BF, part of our fantasy has us casting our characters with out favorite xxx and movie stars lol… enjoy! :)

In the silence of space, among the vast ocean of stars, a bright pink light glimmers like a diamond on a glittered velvet gown. Suddenly, cutting fast across the vast plane; a small starship piloted by the beautifully heroic Amber Rayne, races at warp speed away from two rouge pirate crafts.

Checking Her gauges, the ship warns of unstable operations. The Pirates have dealt some heavy damage in their attacks, Amber desperately tries to think of a way to gain the upper hand.

Calling into Her headset, “Mother, paging Mother over! I’m under attack and it’s looking critical. I don’t know if I’ll make it to home base…!” Amber waits for a radio back. Nothing. She looks to the glimmering pink light far off, Home She thought, then She checks for the pirates. One ship cuts in behind Her, hot on Her tail. The other ship hangs right to flank Her.

Christmas shopping can be fun – part 4 [Mff]

I sat down and pulled my shoes and socks off quickly, followed by my jeans. My sweatshirt soon joined the pile, leaving me sitting there feeling a little vulnerable in my jockeys. The strangeness of the situation suddenly washed over me. I had never been naked in a warehouse before, but then this was proving to be a week of firsts. With a fatalistic shrug of my shoulders, I removed the last of my clothing.

Karen was disrobing almost as fast as I was. She turned her back to me, and gestured for a little help with her bra clasp. I hadn't realized how much my hands were shaking until I stood up and tried to unfasten those tiny clasps. As my hand brushed across her back, I realized that it was first time I had even touched her, and in just a few seconds we would most likely be having sex. Talk about a quickie.

After she slid her bra down her arms, she turned to face me. I guess I was expecting to see some rather ponderous, sagging breasts, but much to my delightful surprise, Karen's chest sported a pair of B-cup pointers, looking almost as perky as some of the college girls I had gotten to know so well. She put her hands under her tits and bragged a little. “Not quite what you were expecting?”

Christmas shopping can be fun – part 3 [Mff]

“Where?” I gasped. I began to thrust my hips faster, face fucking Sandy now in a desperate attempt to get my rocks off before our party was over. I was still worried about being caught of course, but a man that close to an orgasm doesn't always think logically. “Where?” I gasped. I began to thrust my hips faster, face fucking Sandy now in a desperate attempt to get my rocks off before our party was over. I was still worried about being caught of course, but a man that close to an orgasm doesn't always think logically.

“Behind you,” Candy hissed.

I turned and saw a middle-aged lady staring at us. She had a Santa hat on, something that all the store employees were wearing, so I knew she wasn't just a curious customer. This could be real trouble. She had one of those phony 'can I help you' smiles on her face, but hers eyes had a suspicious look to them. She probably thought we were trying to shoplift something. She was about twenty feet away, and coming t oward us.

“Shit,” Candy hissed, “Terri, it's her. Get the hell out of there. She's coming!”

Christmas shopping can be fun – part 2 [Mff]

They didn't answer me as they continued dragging me through the store. When we got to the row of dressing rooms in the back, Sandy found a vacant one. She opened the door and Candy pushed me into it. The girls piled in behind. It was a typical changing room, fine for one person, tight for two, but the three of us made a real crowd.

“Now, about that bet,” Sandy said, her face so close to me now that I could smell not just her perfume, but also something that resembled peaches. Her shampoo, I wondered? If so, it gave her long brunette tresses a nice shine. “I bet the other girls that I could convince you to let me give you a hand job right here in the store…”

“…and I'm here as her witness,” Candy purred. Her favorite shampoo had a hint of strawberry. “So …”

“… that's why we pulled you in here.” Sandy finished, her hands already attempting to unzip my fly.

“Hey,” I protested, “stop. I think the other girls win. I'm not going to let some underage girl perform a sex act on me in a public place.”

Christmas shopping can be fun – part 1 [Mff]

I love Christmas shopping! Okay, I know most of you think I'm nuts, and will bring up the traffic, the rude or inexperienced sales clerks, and the overly aggressive shoppers looking for bargains, but to me that's all part of the challenge. Of course, these days I do most of my shopping on line, but I still make time for at least one trip to the mall during the seasonal rush, not just because it makes it feel like Christmas, but also out of nostalgia for something amazing that happened to me years ago when I was a handsome, confident (and modest) young man of twenty-two.

In those days I wasn't very organized, so I often ended up spending the last few days before Christmas running around, my panic increasing by the day as I tried to finish my list. 1988 was no exception. On the last Saturday before Christmas, I found myself at the biggest mall in the area at nine a.m., list in hand, determined to make everyone of my friends and relatives happy, or at least not think of me as a total jerk (talking about you, Uncle Lenny).

Resume Building (MF)

Another long one at the office. They just keep throwing these projects at our department, of course, while demonstrating no regard whatsoever for the fact that time is a finite thing. It pays well, which somehow is just enough to keep us here despite the fact that the other branches clearly have no respect for the level of expertise we have in our fields. Resume building is hard work.

He comes in from his office and closes the door; despite the late hour, you never know when there's a perked ear waiting for dirt, and we do enjoy commiserating over the ineptitude of our coworkers. I embrace the chance for a moment to clear my head. Well, perhaps 'clearing my head' wouldn't be an appropriate term, as the sight of him doesn't exactly wipe my mind's eye …clean. But he's certainly a welcome distraction. The comfortable clothing he wears allows the physicality required for his work, and it drapes off of the lines of his body, suggesting lithe musculature. I find it difficult to not hold his gaze longer than appropriate.