Christmas shopping can be fun – part 4 [Mff]

I sat down and pulled my shoes and socks off quickly, followed by my jeans. My sweatshirt soon joined the pile, leaving me sitting there feeling a little vulnerable in my jockeys. The strangeness of the situation suddenly washed over me. I had never been naked in a warehouse before, but then this was proving to be a week of firsts. With a fatalistic shrug of my shoulders, I removed the last of my clothing.

Karen was disrobing almost as fast as I was. She turned her back to me, and gestured for a little help with her bra clasp. I hadn't realized how much my hands were shaking until I stood up and tried to unfasten those tiny clasps. As my hand brushed across her back, I realized that it was first time I had even touched her, and in just a few seconds we would most likely be having sex. Talk about a quickie.

After she slid her bra down her arms, she turned to face me. I guess I was expecting to see some rather ponderous, sagging breasts, but much to my delightful surprise, Karen's chest sported a pair of B-cup pointers, looking almost as perky as some of the college girls I had gotten to know so well. She put her hands under her tits and bragged a little. “Not quite what you were expecting?”

I avoided answering that dangerous question by stuffing my mouth with one of her tiny tidbits. I put my arms around her, drawing her body closer to me. My erection was pressing against her leg. She reached down between out bodies and began stroking it while I continued to suckle.

“Nice,” she purred. I wasn't sure if she was complimenting my manhood, or expressing an opinion about my oral stimulation of her surprisingly young looking mammories. I found out which a moment later, when she let go of my cock, put her hand on my head and began pushing me down. I slowly dropped to my knees in front of her, leaving a saliva trail down her chest in my wake. Soon I was kneeling in front of her, my face pressed against her hairy mound.

Karen leaned back against a stack of boxes. She put one foot over my shoulder, giving me better access to her aromatic womanhood. I closed my eyes, and realized that based solely on my senses of smell and touch, her vagina was really no different than much younger girls. It was somewhat odoriferous, but like they say, once you get passed the smell, you've got it licked.

There was already moisture gathering on her outer lips, which I lapped up like a thirsty kitten. I spent the next few moments teasing the opening between her inner lips, before probing as far as I could inside her already open-for-business vagina with the tip of my tongue. I turned my attention to her love button next. It was easy to find, a prominently large bump that my nose had rubbed against while my tongue had been exploring. I sucked it into my mouth, which elicited an even stronger response from my anonymous lover.

“Oh sweet Jesus yes. Keep doing that …. yeah … harder baby, harder.”

Something about her voice caused suppressed memories of my first schoolboy crush to suddenly surface. In my mind's eye , Karen's face was replaced with that of the beautiful red-headed visage of my favorite boyhood fantasies, Mrs. Kestler, my eighth grade English teacher. Of all the nasty things I had done to Mrs. Kestler in my fervid fourteen-year-old masturbatory fantasies, sucking her clit had not been one of them, probably because I didn't even know about things at that age. I began orally assaulting the pussy in my face with more energy now that the Pandora's box of my boyhood secrets had been opened.

Karen noticed. “God damn … yes …. God, who says young men don't know how to give head,” I heard her exclaim. Her voice was much louder now, caution overcome by her enjoyment.

Just when I thought I was going to push her over the edge to a big orgasm solely with my mouth, she pushed my head away from her body “I could let you do that all day, but we're running out of time and I want to feel that cock inside me.”

I was in favor of that, so I didn't protest. The foot that had been hanging over my shoulder, was now perched on a small box, giving me room to stand up and merge our bodies. I stepped between her splayed thighs and without hesitation aimed the head of my charger at the now sopping wet entrance to her love canal and pushed my hips forward. My shaft slid in easily due to the self-lubrication my oral skills had generated. Her opening was still tight enough to grip my cock like a teenager, another surprise for me. I was beginning to understand why some young men are fascinated by older women. She had the experience, and daring, to lead me into an adventure that I would probably never have had the courage to attempt by myself, and yet her body in many ways felt like that of a much younger woman.

I was beginning to lose control of my own body. My fucking became harder and faster, to the point where the pile of boxes Karen was braced against began to slide away from her. “Stop,” she said, putting a hand on my chest. She looked over my shoulder and I followed her gaze to the mattress on the floor behind us. “Lie down,” she said, showing that she was still in charge.

Once I was on my back on the lumpy mattress, she quickly straddled my hips. I felt her slick pussy lips wrapping around the head of my prick, and with one quick twitch of her pelvis, I was again buried to the hilt in her hot quim. She put her hands on my chest, and balanced herself on the balls of her feet while she began moving her hips in a very interesting back-and-forth, then side-to-side pattern, groaning her pleasure as my hard tool came in contact with every nook and cranny of her most sensitive parts.

It felt like Karen was milking me as she somehow managed to keep up her intricate motions while at the same time tensing and releasing some hidden muscles inside her body. Under the influence of her amazing erotic abilities, my climax arose rapidly, too fast for me to warn her, or pull out. I felt my balls spasming and knew my man seed was flooding her womb. For a moment I was worried about my lack of consideration in not even asking about birth control, then I realized that she had been the aggressor, and if she was worried about something like that she would have told me. Once I was over that brief worry, I concentrated on trying to keep my dick hard while she ground away on top of me, in search of her own pleasure peak. Thankfully, that didn't take long.

She stopped moving and leaned back, her hands braced on my raised knees. She reached down and rubbed her clit with my cock still buried deep inside, my semen beginning to drip out. A few second later she announced to the world that she had found Nirvana with a loud yell. I was sure that she could have been heard all the way back to the Womens' Department, but she didn't seem to care.

Karen collapsed on top of me, seemingly drained of energy. That lasted about five seconds before she pushed herself up and looked at her watch. “Crap,” she sighed, “gotta get back to work.”

We dressed quickly and silently, like illicit lovers in a hurry to leave a crummy motel room and get back to their families. My head was still reeling at the audacity of what we had just done. I felt a certain sense of achievement, having bagged my first of what today would be called a milf, but at the same time still uneasy about how Karen had practically blackmailed me into having sex with her. As we were leaving the stockroom she finally broke the silence. “You're really good,” she told me. “Now I see why they were so interested in you.”


“Yeah, those two little elves you were diddling around with the other day. Did you even bother to ask their names, or where they just fuck toys for you to play with?”

“Uh yeah, Sandy and Candy.”

“I mean their real names, dickwad.” Karen's tone had become harsher, the mellowing effects of good sex already wearing off. “No, I guess not, you weren't that interested. You were just after a quick piece of young nookie. But I guess it's not all your fault. Those girls acted like brain dead twits. I thought they had better morals than that.”

“You know them?'

She smiled at me, not a friendly smile. “You might say that. The one you called Candy, that was my daughter. And the brunette is her best friend. I always knew they were a little wild, but I didn't expect them to be screwing around right here where I work. Maybe that was the idea. My daughter and I haven't exactly been getting along lately. You could have been her way of giving Mom the middle finger.

“You should be ashamed of yourself,” she went on. “Don't ever let me catch you around my daughter or any of her friends again, got it?” I nodded my agreement. Then Karen smiled and said, “but if you ever want to get laid again, with a real woman, not a cupie doll, give me a call.” She handed me a business card with her name and title on it. “Home number's on the back,” she added, “but it would probably be better if you called me here. It might get messy if my daughter answered. Now, get the fuck out of here. This is a restricted area.”

And that, friends, are the memories that still put a smile on my face when I go Christmas shopping. Next time you pass by a mall Santa, check out his helpers and see if you can spot a modern-day version of Candy and Sandy. Maybe mischievous elves have become a holiday tradition.
