[F]un At the [M]all

Well this is my first post, so I figured I'd post about my first time. Before you ask, all my posts will be recollections of actual events. Hope you enjoy. Skip to <sex> to skip story.

So this all happened round about two years ago (when the man of steel movie came out). Now in the past four months I'd asked out the girl I'd been crushing on for nearly a year, broken up with her as a result of long distance and gotten into a new relationship with this redhead in my psychology class.

Now Hillary and I were taking things slow, and I respected that. We were both virgins and I was plenty willing to wait. While on holiday I met up with my ex, Jane, but so that it wouldn't be awkward she brought her friend along with, Meredith. Very quickly this turned into a flirt fest with the two of them trying to compete for my attention (I have no idea how).

Wine, No. 5, Love and Passion [MF]

My lips are stained purple from the red, beside the bottle on the table, crumbs on the cutting board, a few slices of French cheese and Italian meats leftover. Her thin fingers undo my belt buckle under the table, then the button, the zipper gives and her small hands reach in, feeling the thickness of my cock over my boxers. I look down, her ocean blue is dimly lit by the candlelight, weak wicks lit earlier fight for life, my hand reaches out and I run my fingers through her dark auburn hair, I catch a faint scent of her No. 5. I feel her neck and pull the hair back while she playfully kisses the hardening bulge. As she arches her back, through the open-back red dress she said she'd wear for me I see the shadows dance on her creamy pale skin, soft to my rough fingers.

Categorized as sexystories

Kidnapped by a Demon, Part 1 [BDSM, cheat]

It's Halloween night and I am walking down the street with my fiancee Court. Holding her hand I look over at her and think to myself how amazing she looks in her Harley Quinn nurse costume from Arkham Asylum. The short skirt of the costume shows off her slender legs while the top half reveals a decent amount of her C-cup breasts and cleavage.

"You're so beautiful," I say to her as I run my hand through her short dark red hair.

She smiles and says, "You're no so bad yourself," before turning and giving me a kiss. I take her hand in mine again and I smile, knowing how lucky I am to have her.

We walk for a few more minutes checking out all the different costumes people are wearing but then one catches our eye from all the way down the street.

"Check that out!" I say pointing to the guy dressed as a demon. Even at a distance we can see that he is about seven feet tall and that the detailing of the demon's muscles are extremely impressive. When we reach him we look up at him and compliment how awesome his costume is.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 20)

Table of Contents

< Part 19

Lady Jennifer now came in. "A word of warning though. A real leader is also someone who does not bend to the desires of his followers for the purpose of keeping them as followers. People who do that are not even rulers, they're called politicians, and as far as we are concerned, they are worse than rulers. At least with a ruler you know where he stands.

"What this means is that we can easily tell whether a conflict between you and your husband is because he is a poor leader or whether you are a poor follower.

"Getting back to our relationship to God. Through our submission to men, men learn what submission to God means. Men need to see that they benefit the most when their wives are free to speak their minds, and develop into the strongest, most capable women they can be, just as God benefits the most by each of us developing into the best people we can be. If men don't believe this about women, then they are forced to consider some very terrible things about their relationship with God.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 19)

Table of Contents

< Part 18

"Another important point is something that leads us to the nature of the relationship between husband and wife.

"Consider for a moment the attitudes that the Islamists have about women. The more violent and viscous they are, the worse they think of women. We believe this is not only related, but it has a causal effect. They are not just evil people, and so are evil to the women in their life. The reason they are evil is directly related to their attitudes towards women.

"These men disrespect their women because of their submissive nature. Yet at the same time they know, at least subconsciously, that this is the role they must play with God. If they disrespect women for their submissiveness, then they must also disrespect themselves for theirs. The self-hatred they generate spills over into every aspect of their life.

"The important thing for you to understand is that your relationship with God will be destructive in your life, such as these Islamists have with Islam, if you do not respect the submissive side of a relationship."

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 18)

Table of Contents

< Part 17

Lord Jacob now spoke up to support his wife. "All evening long you have been listening to my wife and I speak as if we were one person. From that you might be thinking that we are very similar people, but you couldn't be more wrong. My wife grew up in Northern Minnesota, and I was raised until I was ten in Iraq when my family immigrated to Brooklyn. We could not possibly have more diverse backgrounds. About the only thing we have in common is our type A personalities, and that is something that the prevailing wisdom says couples should not have in common.

"The only way two dissimilar persons can end up with a common purpose, like we have, is through trust. And there is no way that browbeating, nagging or any other form of intimidation can help you. All forms of threats only destroy trust. They can never help build it.

"And there is a great deal of benefit from forging a relationship between dissimilar people, but before we can get into that, we need to look at one other question that we felt needed answering, and that is 'What is the true nature of our relationship with God?' The relationship between husband and wife, and ourselves and God may appear unrelated, but they are not.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 17)

Table of Contents

< Part 16

"I know you girls are going to remain skeptical of what I am about to say long after this evening has ended. Yet if you give what we have to say a chance, we are confident that you will reap the benefits we have seen. We are so confident that you will that we are willing to 'put our money where our mouths are.' It's called a buy out. I know some of you have heard of it, and wondered if it was true, well, it is. We don't pay women to stay in this kingdom, we pay them to leave. From the moment you are declared a maiden within this kingdom, your minimum buy out price is one hundred thousand dollars.

"I want to be very clear about this. If at the time we have deemed you to be worthy to be a maiden, yet you are so little convinced of the benefits to this kingdom that you would rather have the money, then we really do want you to go. Please, for our sake and yours, take the money and go.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 16)

Table of Contents

< Part 15

"Contrary to popular opinion, we did not start off as sexual degenerates who went looking for a religion to justify our moral depravity. In fact, quite the opposite. When we looked at something like infidelity, we saw it as something that was destroying marriages, and could be easily understood why. After all, if you make a promise that you don't keep, then there is something clearly wrong with your character. Right?

"The truth is, we could not find any justification for monogamy that brought anything positive to a relationship. At best, monogamy is about avoiding bad things, but usually it was about re-enforcing negative things like fear and jealousy. It definitely takes your focus off of the positive things that all relationships should be about.

"Eventually we began to see the same thing about monogamy as we did with sacrifice. As we stated earlier, if you see something as a sacrifice, you either need to change something about yourself so that it is no longer a sacrifice, or reject the sacrifice as something you should not do.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 15)

Table of Contents

< Part 14

All of the girls filed back into the dining room. Waiting for them was pots of coffee and pitchers of iced tea. There were also some snacks of fresh fruit and cookies. Some of the girls began partaking what was available, while others continued on out to the hall. Marcia followed Laura out, and saw on the opposite side of the hall a door labeled Women's Lounge. She then followed Laura into it.

The room was what any woman would love to find in something called a Woman's Lounge. Not only were there extremely comfortable looking lounges, but also the room was decorated with floral patterns and plenty of actual flowers. No man could walk into this room and think he belonged.

Marcia then asked Laura, "So what's next? I am so emotionally drained after what we have covered so far, I don't know how I am going to deal with anything more."

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 14)

Table of Contents

< Part 13

Just as before, none of the girls seemed to have any questions. Most of them even looked a little stunned. Then finally, as before, it was the shyest girl, Lisa Green, who raised her hand. Lord Jacob then nodded towards her.

"Master Jacob," said Lisa. "For the lack of a better word, I would like to say I found this evening very enlightening. I say 'for the lack of a better word' because usually it is associated with learning something new. I don't know how to describe an experience where something I have always felt to be true can now have words to describe it. It's not that you and Lady Jennifer have given me something new, it's that you have revealed to me something that was already inside me.

"I say this so that you will know that I don't doubt anything you have told me, except your confidence that we, who believe as we do, are in the majority. If we are, why do we not confront those in the minority and educate them in the realities of Christianity?"