A weird story

Walking down the hall, I saw my girlfriend talking with a bunch of guys from our class. I walked pass them, they were probably her friends, so it really wasn't any of my business. The next day after that I received a letter with cursive handwriting, accompanying said letter was a bunch of flowers. A positive and happy vibe spread across my body as I happily placed the flowers in a water filled vase. After placing the flowers in the vase, I continued to read the letter.

"Dear Amari,

I have been watching you ever since I entered Jaylin International School and when you and I used to be the best of friends back in elementary school. I do hope you still remember me even after all these years. Meet me at the airport bathroom by Gate 54 before you board to your flight.

Love, – Your secret admirer and childhood friend"


(Throwaway account for this.) Communion

The old judge put his cold hand on his cheek, and looked at the girl.

While pens scratched out whispered rhythms, and coughs cleared quiet throats, the girl told the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, with God’s help. Her small voice, a gentle cinnamon bristle, tumbled out of the monitors married to the microphone erect before her where she sat beside the judge, his hand still on his old cheek, still looking at the girl.

“And how long were you a member of what is known as the Congregation of the Magna Mater?” she was asked. “For five years.” “And how old were you during the time you were a member of the congregation?” “I was sixteen when my family joined the congregation, and I was twenty-one when I left.”

The girl remained quiet as a series of questions were marked for objection by the congregation’s attorney. After the judge ruled, he rested his cheek in his hand again and the state’s attorney proceeded. “While you were a member of the congregation, did you witness their ceremonies?” “Yes,” said the girl. “Can you describe the ceremonies?” “There were a lot of them,” said the girl. “Would you please describe the recurring ceremony before the end of the cult’s–” “Objection,” said the congregation’s attorney.

A massage scene originally created for a friend

Anathya lay on her back, splayed out across the silk sheets of her wide bed, exhausted. Garnett knocked on the door and entered the room after a grunt in reply. His piercing golden eyes glowing like the sunlight beaming in through the window he saw his dear friend lying on the bed and glided across the room to her.

She said "Oh darling I feel so rough today, it's like every part of me is sore. I can barely open my legs" The gown she wore parted and she flailed her leg a bit, like a dying fish it flopped down. "Ugh."

Garnett barley took in the words, the golden orbs of his eyes travelling down her back along her perfectly refined ass, then down her long, smooth legs. "All of you, you say?" His voice quiet and crisp like falling leaves "Well that's just no good, I'll have to help you relax. A massage, to take your mind off things"

He moved over to the side and emptied a bowl sitting on the drawer, opening up said drawer to retrieve bottle of lotion. He poured a gracious amount into the wooden bowl, as his mind wandered back down Anathya's body whilst his eyes couldn't.

Categorized as Erotica

How I lost my virginity: A true story (Part1)

This isn't really Erotica, it's a true story of how I lost my virginity. I didn't know where else to post it.

It's long and descriptive, with the perspective of a terrified virgin boy with hardly any experience beyond kissing – my perspective. My goal was to try and describe how I was feeling, what I was thinking, etc. Please don't judge me too bad though because I don't write erotica or anything like that.

I know it sounds crazy towards the end but I sometimes can't believe it happened either. Depending on how well people like it, I may continue the story, because there is more to it than where I left off.

I hope you enjoy. It's a long read. I had to split it up into two parts.

Names have been changed, but the story is real.


I used to go visit my aunt alot when I was younger. She seemed to move all over the place, and one of the places she lived was about 2 hours away in a neighborhood where the houses were within just a few feet of each other.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

[PROMO] Ride Me Away – Satan’s Saviors MC

Hey everyone! I just released a novella and for the next couple days it will be sitting at 99C before it goes back up to $3.99.

Here's what readers are saying about Ride Me Away:

"Jamie, I loved it!" – Alexis (with Books and Beyond 50 Shades)

"Loved it, can't wait for the next." – Lynn

"I couldn't stop reading!" – Virginie

Anna, the bad-ass undercover agent, is no doubt the best on the force. With her stunning looks and devious mind, she can easily manipulate any man into revealing to her whatever she needs to know. When a tough case from LA gets called in, there's no question about who it will be given to.

Armed with nothing but her confidence and sparse intel, Anna begins her investigation with Jag, the second in command of The Satan's Saviors Motorcycle Club. He's highly respected and handsome enough that keeping an eye on him won't be too tough.

When he starts to take a liking to her, she seizes the opportunity to get close to him. The problem is that her methods of gaining trust fall under "strictly prohibited" in the handbook, and for good reason. Anna is about to learn a hard lesson on following the rules.

Categorized as Erotica

Rain [MF][Light BDSM]

She leans back with a smile like she could do no wrong, kicking the bubbling water up in the air with a flick of her ankle. Her eyes never leave mine, or at least it feels that way. Coming to me or running away is all the same. Every time I look at her she's there, smiling, eyes wide as the moon.

The Girl Next Door crosses and uncrosses her legs in the jacuzzi making sure to flick water at my face with every motion. When I tell her to stop she mock pouts and says that I should be nicer to her. “You can't even swim,” she says, splashing the water with her hands and trying to look demure. “What if you started drowning? You'd need me to save you.

I grunt some response and she seems pleased with herself that she got any kind of reaction at all. She arches her chest and shows off her breasts in the bikini top and then winks when she catches me looking. I tell her that I only looked because she was trying to get me to. “I only tried to get you to look so I could catch you,” she tells me.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

Tales of Lust and Magic Extra: Learning a Lesson [MF][FemDom][Oral][Fantasy]

That same night, Farroh had an encounter of his own. After storming off from Getin and the alluring, but despicable whore, he found himself in the Mash Tun. This pub was the antithesis of the one he’d left but it was no matter. Farroh wasn’t looking for company or atmosphere.

He was just looking to get drunk and he succeeded after a short time. He became such a stumbling, aggravated mess the landlady was forced to kick him out. He stumbled home and found the house dark.

“Probably still with that bitch,” he mumbled as he opened the door. A more sober Farroh would have probably noticed the figure sitting in the corner. Unfortunately, drunk Farroh wasn’t aware of much past his own nose. He stumbled towards his bedroom. His shoulder smacked against the door frame and sent him spinning to the floor.

After a few moments he realized he was staring at was the ceiling. As he waited for the room to cease spinning, he decided sleeping on the floor was as good as anywhere.

My first attempt at writing “funny” erotica: The Succubus Fails to Seduce

The story with better formatting can be found here. A fun, short story I wrote. Not very long, but enough that I thought it should be shared! Thank you for reading. Let me know what you thought!

The succubus harumphed, her lip sticking out in an adorable pout. Inside the circle, she crossed her arms, sticking out a hip to bump the invisible barriers holding her in place. She scowled at the rugged, leather-clad man opposite her. He leafed through a book, squinting in a vain attempt to read the faded, yellow pages, slowly, gingerly turning them between his rough, tanned fingers. One of them cracked, crumbling into powder. He swore, then finally turned to her.

“Damn you, Brismée of Hell,” he snarled, slamming the ancient tome onto the table. A cloud of dust billowed over the chamber. His beady eyes bored daggers into the red-skinned demoness. Nonchalant, she flipped her hair over her shoulder with a flick of her wrist. The raven locks tumbled down her back as she laughed, the light music of her voice a stark contrast to her horns and long, thin tail.

The poor decisions of Police Constable Harriet Butler [MF, HUML, VOY, ANAL]

As Detective Chief Inspector Alan Smith, set a video clip playing on the large screen Television in his office, a small date stamp in the corner showed that it was twenty minutes long. DCI Smith knew however that it had been edited together from several hours of footage taken from several concealed cameras over a period of time.

There was no sound on this version though Smith had watched other versions with sound. It showed a man sitting alone at a corner table in a largely empty bar. A woman approached in her early 20’s, with shoulder length hair to her shoulder, which looked well styled. She was 5’8” with a stunning figure, dressed casually but fashionably with tight jeans that accentuated the curves of her hips and a top that showed her well toned abs as well as a flash of cleavage.

She sat at the table and passed an envelope across. The man removed some papers from it, and after a quick perusal he stood up and gestured for the woman to come with him. They walked out of the cameras view into what looked like a small office.

Jack It (M/Android, Unconventional Sex)

It was a warm feeling. Comforting, if the word could be used. The cord going from the nape of my neck to the wall warmed my artificial foramen magnum with 120 volts of AC heat, coursing power to my half-drained body. People always ask me if I can tell how much battery power I have left--I always respond, “can you tell how much caloric energy you have left?” I learned in that way that I experience the equivalent of “hunger,” but the way I recharge is more like “sleep”. So here I was, with every servo and piston within my frame relaxed, prepared, I suppose, to sleep. My SO--my significant other, though he wished I called him “honey”--was gone this night. A night without him wasn’t all bad--I could run folding simulations if I wanted, reach a couple perfect scores in Tetris--but these are essentially idle routines, secondary to primary programming. I always find it interesting, how much humans are obsessed with the meaning of life. Mine is laser-etched on my wrist plating. “Learn.” And when my “honey” was not home, I had no way to learn, at least what was necessary. The embedded collections of fifty encyclopedias from Ancient Sumeria to the Encyclopedia Brittanica contained on a chipset in my left pectoral plate, coupled with dozens of collegiate textbooks, thousands of research papers, and easy access to the Internet, rendered a search for empirical information a trivial affair. However, aside from the mocking automatons of the Sims that the SO had installed on my personal computer as an “anniversary present,” I had no way of studying human interaction. Even the ant colony in our basement had ceased to entertain me after I had studied it for a week straight, my cable plugged in to the wall next to it, my programs rendered near-fragged by such a long period without a restart. I experienced an odd feeling in these times. It was like I needed a charge, even though I was charged and charging. No matter what diagnostics I ran, it all came down to the same. I wished he was home. The snake in my neck pushed more energy into my half-empty frame. My neck servos disabled, I stared at the ceiling, which was painted in a pattern of exactly 376,342 puple-on-white dots. From what I had researched, my honey had an objectively terrible sense of decor, but I didn’t mind. I found more sense in angular geometry, and so did he. Modern architecture was all curves and circles, but he seemed to love the geometric. Maybe that’s why he loved me. As I stared at the dots, the recessed lights blinked on, warm-colored LEDs washing the room in light. I heard his footsteps, unable to turn my head. Without a word, he sat down next to me, and put his arm over my chest. Against my plastic cheek he pressed his lips; the thermosensitive membrane intended to detect heat fluctuations sensed a warm, somewhat quavering presence. He breathed against my head-frame, slightly clipping my aural sensors, and kissed me in various places, some that I didn’t register, only feeling the slight displacement of neck servos. It was senseless, literally, but he insisted, to show his commitment to me, some android without the warm lips and wet mouth he did. “Honey…” He whispered into my auracle, a gentle, warm gust of air with emotion I didn’t really understand. Nuzzling my neck, he moved his hand near my larynx. I was tempted to reinitiate operating procedures; I restrained. “Hon...I’ve seen you do this from time to time…” A current surged through me as he gently disconnected the auxillary cable connecting my circuitry to my voicebox. It was the simplest circuit in my body, and the easiest to access...I had learned how it could make me feel after he disconnected it as a joke one day, when I wouldn’t stop listing ancient Roman warriors. I’m not the only machine that feels what he did next. Speaker systems with jacks like mine always make audible static cracks when a cord is connected or disconnected...or gently circled around the rim of the jack, as he did now with gentle control, listening for the cracks and pops of my voice. Those systems might not have complicated processors like me...but the limbic system did develop before the cerebrum. Here a loud whine began, more than the quiet interference produced by his gentle movements, and I realized I was producing the sound, that I had involuntarily taken myself out of standby mode to vocalize my response. Involuntarily? The static-filled whine increased and decreased in pitch, a ragged moan of interference that he didn’t seem to mind at all. Waves of current permeated my frame, activating multiple motors and hydros, making my chest heave and my hands become fists, back arcing in reflex. He was right, I had tried this before, and I was surprised he had seen me disobeying my primary objective for...personal pursuits. But my hands were clumsy, my motors lacking the finesse of organic control. On the other hand, in his other hand, he seemed to be stroking my frontal plating, my gracilis area, as he deftly manipulated the cable, the interference beginning to make my vision slightly distorted. Something was mounting, in the vicinity of the buzzing speaker, that I didn’t recognize. My body was no longer under control and I was “spazzing out,” the foreign feeling overloading my processors, new colors and sounds and feelings coloring my mind as a climatic wave of current washed over my body, sparking the gap between the jack and the port, completely overloading every relay in my body. I shut down instantly. When my vision came back online, I first saw his concerned face, nervously surveying my body, visibly distressed. “Oh, oh, no...Oh no…” He saw my simulated eyelids blink open and focus on him. “Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?” His hand cradled the back of my head, and I worked through the lingering paralysis to shake my head. Trying to speak, I realized my audio jack was still unplugged, and reconnected it. “N-no,” I said, with an uncertain, hazy voice. “You did something right.”