Over the Bed – A short story I wrote for her [m/f]

You’re heading for the bedroom, and I must follow. I love the look of your naked body; it is such a turn-on for me. I struggle to finish pulling my jeans off, so I can meet you there in a similar state. I turn the corner into the bedroom and find you leaning over the bed, hands on the mattress, ass towards me, legs apart, looking back over your shoulder with an undeniable expression of “come fuck me”. I must oblige.

My right hand runs over your right ass cheek and comes to rest at your hip, while my other hand directs my hardened dick over your pussy lips. I run the head, light, teasing pressure, up and down the length of your lips. I can see your juices coat my head, your lips yielding to my hardened state. You push back against me, but you put me in the position of control, and I’m going to take advantage of that.

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I awakened, to him holding me closely. We had made love passionately the night before and fell asleep holding one another. So sweet, to wake up to him this way. His eyes still closed, so I reach my hand up and trace his face with my fingers. I touch his lips. He squints and smiles at me. I lean in for a kiss and he grabs me pulling me closer to him. He kisses me lightly. He whispers in my ear, ‘Turn over’. I do as he asks and he pulls me in closer to his body. He begins tracing my body with his fingers and running his hands across me. He cups my breasts and plays with my nipples a bit, just lightly pinching them. He slides his hand down my chest and stomach to my thighs and in between to my pussy. His fingers feel so good running all along my body. I quietly moan for him and whisper, 'I want you’, but he says, 'Not quite yet, my dear. I am not done with you’. He flips me over and gets up, then goes to the end of the bed and pulls me down as well. He gets on his knees and begins touching my already wet pussy. He then kisses her lips gently, sucks on my wet lips just a bit and starts to slowly tongue-fuck my pussy. He says he enjoys the taste of me and comes up for a kiss. He then tactfully climbs up onto the bed, pushing me up towards the headboard again and pins my arms up above my head and holds them there with one hand while his cock teases me just a bit. Not quite entering me, just touching my wet pussy. I call his name and I yell at him to enter me. I am more than ready for him to take me. Finally, after quite a bit of teasing, he slides his throbbing, hard cock into me and I moan so loudly and he feels so good inside me. I can feel his cock throbbing inside me and I call for him to cum with me. I have already came for him twice and am ready to do so again, but I want him to cum with me just this one last time. I hold out for him, he wants me to cum but I tell him I am going to cum with him. He is moaning a bit softly for my liking and I tell him to speak up. My King begins to get louder and louder and I can feel he is ready to cum inside me, so together we grind against one another and simultaneously moan so loudly, it’s as if an explosion went off inside of me. An amazing feeling, holding him closely to me, his cock slowly softening after cumming so intensely inside me. He lays with me, his cock still inside me, still throbbing, and we rest. We are in a state of euphoria afterwards, basking in the afterglow of our lovemaking. He whispers in my ear, 'You are beautiful and this is amazing’. Knowing he wants me again keeps me wet. As I looked up, I saw our silhouettes intertwined, dancing against the ceiling in the low-lighting of the room. It must be dawn or shortly thereafter, I think to myself. This is going to be a beautiful day. He kisses me again and slowly gets up to grab me a cup of coffee from the kitchen. He comes back with the coffee cup and hands it to me, as he does so I thank him and tell him to come back and relax with me. We lay in bed for a while longer together. In silence, we enjoy one another’s presence. I whisper to him, 'I love you, I am in love with you’. He could do nothing but smile and grab me and kiss me with passion. I know he feels the same.

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On the Table teaser: After-Party [MF, FFM]

Suzie still can’t quite wrap her mind around it.

Not that Alice burst out of a cake wearing nothing but an outfit of linked wine corks. No — Suzie spent weeks helping her put the crazy thing together so that it would be titillating without being obscene as her friend stood there, undulating unselfconsciously while singing a breathy rendition of “Happy Birthday,” chocolate frosting smeared across her alabaster skin. Not the reaction of the birthday boy — Danny was rendered properly speechless — nor the reactions of their friends: Luz aghast and Jamie red-faced, Carter laughing wildly, Heather Snow trying to keep scowling though her lips kept twitching up, Chris snapping pictures like crazy, and — most interestingly — wild-boy Bennet hiding his face in Sarah’s neck while conservative Sarah stared up at the cork-and-frosting-covered Alice, her mouth wide open.

Girls Night Out!

I'm not normally the type of girl who picks up a guy in a bar for a one-nighter. I know all girls say that, but I'm really not. Plus, haven't we all done some crazy things at one time or another? On this one night, it seemed like a few things happened all at the same time that made me do what I never would have done. The first thing was, I had just dumped the guy I had been dating (a whiner, a Debbie Downer with a dick) and I felt like getting out there and letting my hair down. So I banged on my neighbor Lyssa's door and talked her into going out. A few drinks, a few dances, a few hot guys to flirt with? Lyssa's always game for that, and I hadn't been going out much because of dating Negative Ned. We were ready to make some noise.

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Last night I dreamed of you, I dreamed you took me to a hotel and you paused before we entered the room. From your pocket you took a padded silk blindfold. You saw me notice it and leant into me and placed a silent meaningful kiss on my lips, I held your gaze as you pulled away from me and your eyes brightened in the fire you saw there. I dreamed you moved behind me and fastened the blindfold around my head, your lips grazing my earlobe as you whispered "Trust me" in so low a voice I had to strain to hear it. The blood in my veins began to quicken as nervous anticipation took its strong but gentle grip of me. I dreamed I heard you take out some keys and turn them in the lock. A warm breeze greeted us as you led me into this unknown, unseen room and I could hear the sound of rock music playing quietly in the background, you were setting the mood for your pleasure and mine and I liked that you had chosen music to suit your taste. I dreamed you left my side and I stood motionless in the room, unable to navigate these surroundings. I sensed you before I felt your hands begin to remove the clothes from my body and I didn't fight you, I wanted you to see me and I wanted to comply. As each garment was removed you traced a hand over the flesh it uncovered and kissed the naked skin, my remaining senses becoming more alive with every stroke and with every touch of your lips, my vulnerability becoming complete and I knew I needed you. I shuddered in the cool of the open window, I had no idea if my nakedness was on view to those outside that window or not, all I knew was that I stood naked before you and you took me in your arms and held me close and you knew that I would not feel the cold for long. I dreamed that in our embrace I slipped a hand beneath your clothing, eager to touch the skin. I knew you liked that and I wanted you to have what you liked. I tried to remember the layout of what you were wearing as I removed your clothing and I knew that you enjoyed that I had to feel my way around your body, negotiating buttons, clasps and belts. I dreamed that once more you took me into your arms but this time garments held no barrier to our embrace as our bodies entwined, your skin against mine for every inch of height we possessed. You took my head in your hands and inclined it toward yours, our lips met and our tongues tasted what each had to offer within. I embraced your head and fondled the softness of your hair, the contours of your face, the touch of my lips against yours as I pulled you closer to me. I wanted to melt into your kiss, to become one with you, to never be parted. Your flavour bewitched me and I knew I would do anything for you, you knew it too. Only once you had taken both my hands in yours did our lips part and you guide me to another part of the room. I felt your body leave my side, although you kept my hands in yours, and I heard the sound of metal against metal, for a moment I thought it might be more keys but you had no need of keys and the sound was too heavy for that. With your free hand you stroked my breasts with this foreign object letting the cold metal brush against my nipple, I gasped in pleasure and you moved closer to me once again. "This is because I need you and you need me", you said in that barely perceptible whisper and you moved behind me handcuffing me behind my back and guided me until I was sitting on the edge of a bed. You sat behind and straddled me, taking my nipples between your thumbs and forefingers and gently massaged them. I moaned my pleasure to you as my head fell to the side to expose my neck to your silken kisses. My hands, as they pressed against your stomach, unable to explore you further, felt your body's pulse accelerate within you and I basked in the effect this sight was provoking. Your fondling became more urgent as the gentle caresses gave way to insistent pinches and twists that sent shots of exquisite pain throughout my body, my back arching throwing my head back to brace against your shoulder and the shackling protruding my chest to permit the greatest admittance of my breasts to you. I wanted you to fulfil your desires, to satiate your cravings and I wanted you to have your way. I dreamed you moved to my front and, amidst my moaned protestations at the cessation of that pleasured pain you had so recently given me, placed your hands on my inner thighs and pushed my legs apart. To tease you I added a little resistance, as I needed you to feel that you were taking this for yourself, I needed to be possessed by you, to feel the intensity of your claim on my body and my desires. I dreamed your breath was warm against my cunt as your fingers played amongst the hot wet bare folds. Occasionally I could feel the wetness from within spread around my pussy lips as your explorations became more penetrative. I felt your finger slip inside my fiery folds; it was so easy, so without friction and I moaned my pleasure. I dreamed I felt your finger withdraw and a second later it was at my mouth, tempting me with my own arousal and I traced my tongue along its length before devouring this tasty morsel you were feeding me. My legs parted to their full extent inviting you to taste for yourself what you were giving me and you accepted ravenously. The first touch of your tongue against my clit sent involuntary cries from my mouth and the circular motions you executed completed my arousal. I was yours, totally. I dreamed that every nerve in my body was on stand by, wanting, expecting, demanding the fulfilment only you could give me as your tongue explored my cunt fully and completely. Now tender circling, now licking hungrily, now prestissimo flicks beating directly on my clit, now greedy sucking and gorging on all I had to offer until I could stand no more, every inch of my body crying out for that sweet release. From the very tips of my toes and the top of my head it began. First the slightest tingle but soon an insistent surge, coursing its way through my body, converging on the centre of my pleasure, holding me in suspended animation for the most fleeting of moments before being overcome with wave upon wave of ultimate sensation, the cries of my own voice foreign and uncontrolled. All care forgotten. All identity vanished. Only the great Oneness remaining, urging me on to higher and greater pleasure, before that, too, subsided into blissful calm, my four senses returning and the visible throbs in my cunt a testament to my pleasure. I dreamed you allowed me a little time to recover myself while you held me and kissed me, the taste of my body still fresh on your wet mouth. You held me close to your body, stroking my hair, loving me.

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A Knock at the Door

Here is a follow up to my first post Again, thoughts welcomed.

After what happened at the movies, I needed to get home and get some release. I get inside and am about to pull my pants down, when I hear a knock on at the door. Frustrated that someone would be here so late, I open it to see who it is. Standing there is Sarah, smiling. She is still wearing the same skirt she wore at the movie. I just stare, mesmerized by her beauty.

“Well, are you going to let me in?” She asks. She is has a playful smile and lust in her eyes. Before I can say yes, she walks in. As soon as the door is closed, she pushes me up against it. She reaches up and pulls my head down and kisses me. My head was filled with questions but those questions disappear once her lips touch mine. Before I know it, my hands are on her hips and our tongues are embracing.

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Semen and Wine [MF] (Part 1 of 3)

Semen and Wine

My name is Michael, and I was born in 1989 in Malibu to a fairly wealthy family. I had many close friends as I grew up, and our families would often host parties and events. For us kids, it was a nice opportunity to learn about manners, wine and, inadvertently, network with others for our own future.

I went to Harvard to pursue a degree in business, where I found the atmosphere of other young, egotistical wealthy kids a bit boring by comparison to home. While they dealt with Adderall and partied in their dorms I took a mostly quiet approach to college, reading in the library in the early and late hours of the day, admiring the sunrise and sunset, and the scent of old leather-bound texts. I would think deeply, and I found this made the various essays and personal anecdote assignments trivial. Like many others from Malibu, I also had an interest in personal health. I would sometimes skip the more dreary lectures in favor of an extended session at the gym and made sure to focus on the aesthetic as well. Squats, pull-ups, sprints, etc – and a typical meal afterwards would include chicken, zucchini, and red peppers.

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The teacher’s pet [MMMf][rough]

All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

If they knew my history, they would have never let me be a teacher. Especially a high school one.

Still, it's not like I spend all of my day gawking at the girls in my classes. But, every once and a while, a girl comes along that is just too hard to resist. Gabrielle was one of those girls…

Gabrielle was one of the good students in my class. She'd always turn her work in on time and it seemed like she really did take the time to study. There was no doubt in my mind that she would end up at a decent college after senior year. My simple economics class did not stand in her way.

She'd always come to class early, too, which might be one of the reasons why she really caught my eye. Her demeanor was quite pleasant and bubbly, with her voice being that perfect mix of youth: a little curious and playful, almost to the point of flirty.

[MF, Slight Kink] Another dream

We take a weekend away from the world to disappear into the mountains. The room we take has a balcony overlooking a vast valley. Shortly after arriving we take to the balcony to take in the view, I embrace you from behind and squeeze tightly. As sweet as the gesture was, it does not last long as I take the chance to tease you in revenge for your actions as we ascended. Grabbing hold of your hips, pulling you closer into me I take the chance to nibble to the left of your nape eliciting a small gasp from you. Smooth the fabric of the front of your skirt as I reach down to the hem and touch your stocking clad thighs. I drag my hands against your nylon wrapped skin upwards and reaching towards the back to grab ahold of your ass as I move from the left to the right side of your neck. I lightly tap on the base of the inserted plug, to ensure that it is still there on your owner’s orders. As quickly as the assault began, it suddenly ends; the shift leaving you slightly frustrated and in a disheveled wanton state. Remembering just then that we are outside when a cool breeze brushes your flustered face.

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Office fun

I come walking into your office wearing a short, tight skirt and a halfway buttoned up shirt. I stand behind you and reach around and start softly stroking that big bulge in your pants. I feel it twitch and you tense up. I hear you let out a low moan. You turn around and I see fire in your eyes, you need me, now. You grab me by the wrist and pull me into the first empty room you find and push me up against the wall. You lean down and give me a hard passionate kiss. You put your hand between my legs and can feel how wet I am. You undo your pants and let your rock hard cock out and pull my skirt up so you could get to me. You kiss me again and lift me up and I wrap my legs around your hips. I can feel your tip at my dripping wet entrance. Slowly you enter me, I gasp, you moan. You wanted to go slow but changed your mind after hearing me moan. You start pounding into me. You start out slow, trying to savor the feeling. I know you're about to cum so I unwrap my legs and get down on trembling legs. I kneel down in front of you and take you in my mouth, sucking you. I can feel you throbbing on my tongue, you're trying to hold on but you can't. I take it all in my mouth and suck you dry. You pull me up, kiss me and whisper "thank you".

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