Office fun

I come walking into your office wearing a short, tight skirt and a halfway buttoned up shirt. I stand behind you and reach around and start softly stroking that big bulge in your pants. I feel it twitch and you tense up. I hear you let out a low moan. You turn around and I see fire in your eyes, you need me, now. You grab me by the wrist and pull me into the first empty room you find and push me up against the wall. You lean down and give me a hard passionate kiss. You put your hand between my legs and can feel how wet I am. You undo your pants and let your rock hard cock out and pull my skirt up so you could get to me. You kiss me again and lift me up and I wrap my legs around your hips. I can feel your tip at my dripping wet entrance. Slowly you enter me, I gasp, you moan. You wanted to go slow but changed your mind after hearing me moan. You start pounding into me. You start out slow, trying to savor the feeling. I know you're about to cum so I unwrap my legs and get down on trembling legs. I kneel down in front of you and take you in my mouth, sucking you. I can feel you throbbing on my tongue, you're trying to hold on but you can't. I take it all in my mouth and suck you dry. You pull me up, kiss me and whisper "thank you".
