[MF, Slight Kink] Another dream

We take a weekend away from the world to disappear into the mountains. The room we take has a balcony overlooking a vast valley. Shortly after arriving we take to the balcony to take in the view, I embrace you from behind and squeeze tightly. As sweet as the gesture was, it does not last long as I take the chance to tease you in revenge for your actions as we ascended. Grabbing hold of your hips, pulling you closer into me I take the chance to nibble to the left of your nape eliciting a small gasp from you. Smooth the fabric of the front of your skirt as I reach down to the hem and touch your stocking clad thighs. I drag my hands against your nylon wrapped skin upwards and reaching towards the back to grab ahold of your ass as I move from the left to the right side of your neck. I lightly tap on the base of the inserted plug, to ensure that it is still there on your owner’s orders. As quickly as the assault began, it suddenly ends; the shift leaving you slightly frustrated and in a disheveled wanton state. Remembering just then that we are outside when a cool breeze brushes your flustered face.

Retreating into the hotel room, I throw you onto the bed and grab the pile of rope I laid out previously. Quickly your legs are tied shut at the ankles, knees and upper thighs; your struggling only impeding the ties once. I flip you onto your stomach and pull up your skirt exposing your ass to the air; affording me the pleasure of landing a few quick swats as I undo my pants. Free from them, I position myself over you, straddling your legs, preventing you from turning over in your struggles. Using the wetness nearly pouring from your cunt, I lube and position myself just at your entrance. Hesitating, to soak in the heat you are giving off, and to grow your need. Without warning, I plunge into you almost completely, and you cannot help but gasp on the intrusion. Before that feeling subsides, I pull from you and thrust again, deeper, this time making contact with the plug, forcing that too deeper into you. I continue the act, and begin to entwine my hands in your hair, grabbing a handful near the scalp I pull you back so that your ears are just beyond my lips. My heavy labored breath sending more chills down your spine to meet the sensations of my fucking you.

“You enjoy this, don’t you. No choice but to accept my cock, not that you’d have it differently.” As I say this, I feel the beginnings of an orgasm begin to build in you; so I stop and just lay there inside of you. You begin to move against me in protest, and I pull out entirely. “You will not cum without my permission.” Frustrated, you nod your head; taking this cue I begin my penetration again, taking care to notice the stirrings of another climax approaching. I pull you back up to my face and ask you if you want to cum. You nod in reply, “I didn’t understand that,” you then reply, “Yes, yes I want to cum for you, please let me.” Taking my time with long, deep thrusts, I finally reply after what felt like ages, “You may.” With that, you release the tension in your body and reach the climax you so desperately wanted. The clamping grip of your cunt sends me over the edge and instead of pulling out, I thrust as deep as I can and unload inside of you, claiming you as my own.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/33x373/mf_slight_kink_another_dream