Melissa (true story, x-post Breeding)

A few years back, I was between girlfriends, but that didn't stop me from wanting sex. I'm not a novice when it comes to internet dating, not even when it comes to casual hookups, so I was browsing the Casual Encounters section of Craigslist looking for some fun times in bed. It was there that I met Melissa.

She had posted an ad looking for a casual lover, and as anyone who has tried to meet people through Craigslist can attest, I was surprised when I actually got a response from her. We emailed back and forth for a while, got to know each other, and decided that we were a pretty good match. We set up a time and place to meet.

The original plan was to meet at the coffee shop on the ground floor of her building, but I ended up going up to her room instead. I’d already seen some pictures, but when she opened the door, it was the first time I’d seen her in person. She was shorter than me by about a foot, but I’m over 6 feet tall, so that was nothing new. She had straight black hair down to her shoulders, pale skin, and wore black glasses. She was a heavier girl, but frankly I like a woman with some meat on her. I’m very much a boob guy, and she had boobs to spare.

First and Final Women [mf; a little grim]

The first girl's hair is wet and smells like chlorine; he clumsily tries to push it from her face when she kisses him.

The last girl's teeth are yellow and half-missing.

There is a succession of women between: illicit under-the-bleachers fucks, quick dirty shags on the couches in the places where he buys his hits, a year of nothing but April with her dyed-black hair and her painted toenails and perfect slurring voice. A handful of easily-impressed nose-ringed hippie girls at whom he quotes Kerouac until they fall for it. A chubby girl with enormous green eyes, encountered at the bookstore. A zoned-out rich girl with expensive shoes, snagged from a party he wasn't qualified to be at.

The first girl takes his hand and pulls him into the downstairs bathroom when no one is looking, and when he realizes what is happening his heart races.

The last girl crawls into his sleeping bag and puts her hands into his jeans, and at first he tries to push her away, disgusted, ashamed.

Ghosts that Linger

A man marched into the ballroom, skin clammy, clutching a half drunk glass of scotch and its parent bottle. The room was empty, cleaned and closed for the night. Almost all the chairs were stacked seven or eight high and the tables were all covered with plain white table clothes. After one in the morning not even the cleaning crew bothers to come into this place. I set the bottle down on a table and dropped into closest seat angrily, making sure to face the door.

“I said I wouldn’t do this to myself anymore,” he thought to himself as he tossed back another quick swig of scotch. “I’m over this. I’m done.”

He had said the very same things to himself countless times over the past few months. It had become a mantra to him, one that was supposed to break him from this viscous cycle. Now it was just dull noise, repeated ad nauseam in his head, feeding the growing shame, melancholy, and lust. He hated the way he felt, the way she made him feel. It was all her fault and she wouldn’t spare a moment on that thought. He put the glass down.

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A new batch of rookies at the Orbital Academy [F masturbation] [mf] [standing sex]

EDIT: This is the first chapter of a webseries, updated weekly. You can follow the series here!

Halfway between a silver moon and a green-tinged planet, Jane shifted in her seat, adjusting uncomfortably. The cockpit was too cramped, filled with the faint smell of recycled air and old leather. They'd been flying for three hours now, her and her nine new students, cramped within their individual ships and maneuvering through exercises all afternoon. While the time had been very helpful to Jane, it was also somehow both nerve-wracking and boring. Putting the squad through their paces on the very first day easily showed her which of these rookies would need help in the future and which already had a feel for flying. On the other hand, the exercises were so basic that only a newbie could mess them up, and if anyone was so unskilled, they would cause catastrophic damage.

"Marcus, Preston, ease up on the adjusters. It doesn't make much difference at these speeds, but if we were flying a surface run you guys would start to drift out of formation like that." "Sorry Miss A," Marcus' voice crackled over the radio as both offending pilots moved to correct their positioning, nudging the sharp noses of their cruisers back into formation.

Wife’s attempt at erotica of her sexual misdeeds

Hi everyone, I wanted to share a new blog that the wife has created. It's sort of a chronicle of how she comes to discover her sexuality, her dates and how she turns from a "good" catholic girl to a slut. She always enjoyed writing, so this is her attempt at erotica. Hope everyone is able to enjoy it.

She LOVES attention, and as long as people are reading and commenting, she will continue to write about her dates. Drop a comment or PM us. We both share this reddit account so letting us know what you think will help make this blog continue. Thanks for stopping by.

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Morning Coffee [MF] [Cunnilingus] [Coffee]

The robust, alluring smell of warm coffee wafted into Lara’s nose as she leaned against the kitchen table. The vapor ran through her nose to the rest of her form as she took a long inhale and pushed back a ginger tress out of her face. Heavenly, she thought as she took the first tentative sip. The taste of the hot, bittersweet liquid was twice as good as the smell and the perfect cure to the frosty morning. She let out a little groan of pleasure. This was the perfect way to spend the morning.

A sudden chill ran down her spine causing goose bumps to rise up her pale skin, starting at her nude legs and following the course of her body up to her purple panties and faded green tee shirt. Her nipples stiffened on her petite breasts, much more tender during the cold winter months. She hugged herself, rubbing one arm while holding the mug in the other. It helped, but she wanted more to heat her up.

Peter walked in just then, bleary eyed, sporting this morning’s stubble.

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“Hide and Seek” Short Erotica Story (mf) –Please forgive any mistakes, I write for fun, not for publishing.

This is a story I wrote to settle myself down. It's the universes gift to writers that we can rewrite our experiences to be what we actually thought should happen, not what did. I apologize for grammar/ structure errors, though if you want to say what you liked/disliked I am open to hearing what could make my next story better. Please find the remainder of the story in the comments section. Enjoy!

“Alright, today’s exercise is hide and seek!” The petite cheerleader type announced from the center of the crowd. Twenty to thirty people stood in a ragged circle around the little woman with the high brown pony tail. The sun was beating down on the small clearing surrounded by towering conifers. The temperature hovered around comfortable, but standing still in the open was pushing the definition of the term. Not liking heat to begin with one tall female eyed the shadows between the trees with longing.

“Get on with it already,” Muttered a squat female with a rope of mahogany brown hair falling down her back. The comment made the taller woman just behind her grin.

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Safe [MF] [BDSM]

Edit: Audio here

I want to be your monster. The terrible thing you make a pact with to hold you in the night and keep you safe. Who keeps you close and warm and safe from all the other bumps in the night. The man who's presence can lull you to sleep or wake you up with a gasp, merely from where I touch you. To keep you as secure in my grip as you are in my thoughts.

Something about you rouses me from sleep and I find my hands sliding through your hair in the scant light of the pre-dawn. It takes a moment to adjust, to really come back into focus, so I let my hands do my thinking for me. They travel the length of you dark hair to the end and a few extra inches over your ashen skin.

You stir, emitting a pleasant moan. And with it I am brought back to life instantly.

My blue eyes open to scan over you as my hand slides down your back, over your spine, and back up your side. I make small circles and designs playing over it as I become aware of heavy breathing, my elevated heart rate. The cock you've made insufferably hard just by being as desirable as you are.

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What do you guys think of my first story? [mf] [bj] [piv] [oral]

The best kind of foreplay is the kind that starts hours in advance, without even touching each other. Texts with suggesting words, a winking face here and there, maybe a compliment or two.

I had the house to myself for the weekend and I was anxious to have a bit of fun with Iann, the guy that always knew how to turn me on, even if it was with just his words. He was busy most of the afternoon, but that gave me time to prepare for our evening together. Between the "I can't wait to see you tonight, baby." and "Do you know how sexy you are to me?" texts, I made sure my bed was made, my blacklight was in working order and my body was perfect.

I showered, singing and dancing, moving my hips and feeling the warm water run down my completely exposed body as I usually do. I had just enough of my favorite orange creamcicle scented body soap left to lather up, gliding my hands over my chest, along my sides and over my ass before rinsing off, wrapping up in a towel and sending him a quick picture, just so he knew what to look forward to.

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