Wife’s attempt at erotica of her sexual misdeeds

Hi everyone, I wanted to share a new blog that the wife has created. It's sort of a chronicle of how she comes to discover her sexuality, her dates and how she turns from a "good" catholic girl to a slut. She always enjoyed writing, so this is her attempt at erotica. Hope everyone is able to enjoy it.

She LOVES attention, and as long as people are reading and commenting, she will continue to write about her dates. Drop a comment or PM us. We both share this reddit account so letting us know what you think will help make this blog continue. Thanks for stopping by.


Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1pi27h/wifes_attempt_at_erotica_of_her_sexual_misdeeds


  1. Can confirm, blog is super! I found this the other day and blogged about it, and it’s looking well worth a follow!

  2. I read every word. All I need are more of these type of words, please. Very well written, as it kept my attention from the beginning and now, I’m left curious for more. I’ve never read erotica before…it’s my first time; but I think I like this.

  3. Thank you SO much! Sorry it took me so long to get back to you, I have been sick. But just posted 2 new blogs!

  4. Awesome!! Thanks for the compliment! I enjoy writing it. I just posted 2 new posts. Head over and check them out :) – Birdie

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