Morning Coffee [MF] [Cunnilingus] [Coffee]

The robust, alluring smell of warm coffee wafted into Lara’s nose as she leaned against the kitchen table. The vapor ran through her nose to the rest of her form as she took a long inhale and pushed back a ginger tress out of her face. Heavenly, she thought as she took the first tentative sip. The taste of the hot, bittersweet liquid was twice as good as the smell and the perfect cure to the frosty morning. She let out a little groan of pleasure. This was the perfect way to spend the morning.

A sudden chill ran down her spine causing goose bumps to rise up her pale skin, starting at her nude legs and following the course of her body up to her purple panties and faded green tee shirt. Her nipples stiffened on her petite breasts, much more tender during the cold winter months. She hugged herself, rubbing one arm while holding the mug in the other. It helped, but she wanted more to heat her up.

Peter walked in just then, bleary eyed, sporting this morning’s stubble.

“G’ mornin’,” he muttered as he gave her a quick sweet peck on the cheek. She could still smell traces of his cologne mixed with his own scent. It went scrumptiously together with the smell of dark roast. He wore a pair of plaid pajama paints, navy blue with red and white stripes, and nothing else. Lara sipped her coffee as she watched the muscles in his back ripple and flex while he fixed his own mug. That mixed with his thick, chestnut brown hair made Peter a sexy man. Not a single thin spot or split end. Bastard, she smirked to herself.

He turned around and gave Lara a long, appraising look. His dark eyes were keen, taking in the contours of her lean legs, fit thighs, and petite body. Lara pointedly pretended not to notice and dropped her arms down to let peter have a look at her nipples poking against her shirt. She loved the kind of attention. It made her become so much more aware of her body and focus on what made her sexy, alluring. Peter’s eyes rested on her breasts for a long moment and then slid back down and stayed on her crotch. The sight of her mons pubis pressed against her panties had always been a big turn on for him, and his member stiffened a bit. Lara continued to make a point of ignoring it, but she flushed a bit when she saw the rise in his pants. This was one of their favorite games; Peter stewing in his lustful thoughts and Lara feigning ignorance. Peter wasn’t much for words at times but he made up for it in actions. She took a long, slow gulp of coffee as a smirk grew on his face. He stepped across the expanse and leaned over her, his body eclipsing hers. She took a dainty sip and purred as he kissed down her neck and across her throat. She flushed more as his lips and tongue caressed her smooth skin. As the heat rose in her body she could feel herself beginning to moisten. He wasn’t much for words, but he could work wonders with his mouth.

He looped his arms around her back and plopped her unceremoniously on top of the table. Lara let out a sharp “Eek!” when her ass hit the frigid tile, eliciting more goose bumps. She quickly forgave him as he knelt between her legs and began stroking and kissing her calves. Lara melted backwards with all the grace of a drunk and clonked her head against the wall.

“You ok?” asked Peter, stopping for a moment.

Lara quickly sat back up, laughing it off. She took another intoxicating sip from her mug and impatiently waved him back to work. Peter flashed her a wolfish grin and resumed. He traced the inside of her thighs slowly, drawing out the sensations, and drawing out approving moans from his lover. He hovered just next to her panty line, kissing the crease of her thigh and pelvis and breathing in the heady, raw smell of her sex. Lara wound her fingers in his hair and forced his mouth against her pussy, tired of the relentless teasing. Peter took the hint with another grin and pulled her panties off her exposing her slick, wanton crotch to the to the crisp, winter air. Lara took another greedy swig as Peter began gliding his tongue over her vulva. She let out a pitiful moan grabbing his hair again and pushing him closer to her. She could die right now a satisfied woman, she thought as his tongue parted her lips.

He languidly lapped at her juices, letting the hot, salty liquid coat his mouth and seep into his stubble. He is enthralled by her taste, loves it. It was the right mixture of sour and sweet, mixed with her too warm flesh. It never failed to make him lose himself while eating her out. His cock bulged painfully against his pajama bottoms as his gentle, sure tongue brought him to her clitoris. She stifled a whimper, biting her lower lip, as he just barely grazed his tongue over the hood. He kept at it for a while, knowing it would drive Lara wild, as her quickened breath demonstrated. She took long, lustful gulps of coffee as she rocked her pelvis uncontrollably in time with Peter’s rhythm. He began to lick faster, more forcefully as a ball of heat and pressure grew inside Lara’s stomach. She fervently dragged her nails through Peter’s hair and scalp as her breathing became more shallow and was quickly replaced by moaning and whimpers. Peter, cocking leaking pre-cum, knew she was close and used his final trick. Lara banged the empty mug down on the table, breaking the handle clean off as Peter began sucking on her clit greedily.

“Ah! Ohgodohshitohgod,” cried Lara, racked with orgasmic spasms. Her body contorted inwards as she crammed Peter’s head against her swollen sex. She let out a few more shuddering breaths as the tension eased from her body, leaving her limbs rubber and useless. Peter finally stood up and leaned over his lover, cock head pressing against her sensitive vulva. She let out a weak but sharp moan at that as he gently pressed his mouth against hers. Her secretions mixed with the taste feel of his lips was every bit as fantastic as her coffee had been. They stayed like that for a long moment, until finally he moved over and whispered into her ear.

“You owe me one,” he breathed teasingly.

“Right after you buy me a new mug,” She replied teasingly.

Peter laughed at that and left the kitchen and his lover Lara to bask in the after glow of a perfect morning.

This is the first erotic piece I have ever written so I would love some feedback Edited out a few errors



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