Refereeing in her pants[M+F]

Although this may not be fiction I wanted to practice my writing a bit and though about this after refereeing a girls hockey game last week.

I had arrived at the hockey arena at 5 o'clock to referee a midget(16-17 year olds) AA game. Being on of the only younger officials it was quite common for me to get a lot of attention during the games from the girls playing. I'd like to consider myself pretty good looking but today was different. Normally its just a glance here or there, but at this game most of the more attractive girls were straight up eye-fucking me. Whenever I was to pick up the puck in the visiting team's end I had noticed the goalie had seemed to take a liking to me. I could practically feel her beautiful green eyes watching me as I went to drop the puck. Even with her mask on, I had never seen someone so beautiful. At the end of the game she had taken her mask off as she came to shake my hand and I finally got a good look at her perfect face. From behind her thin pink lips I heard her quietly whisper that she wanted to talk to me about the game in the lobby later on, to which I agreed.