Refereeing in her pants[M+F]

Although this may not be fiction I wanted to practice my writing a bit and though about this after refereeing a girls hockey game last week.

I had arrived at the hockey arena at 5 o'clock to referee a midget(16-17 year olds) AA game. Being on of the only younger officials it was quite common for me to get a lot of attention during the games from the girls playing. I'd like to consider myself pretty good looking but today was different. Normally its just a glance here or there, but at this game most of the more attractive girls were straight up eye-fucking me. Whenever I was to pick up the puck in the visiting team's end I had noticed the goalie had seemed to take a liking to me. I could practically feel her beautiful green eyes watching me as I went to drop the puck. Even with her mask on, I had never seen someone so beautiful. At the end of the game she had taken her mask off as she came to shake my hand and I finally got a good look at her perfect face. From behind her thin pink lips I heard her quietly whisper that she wanted to talk to me about the game in the lobby later on, to which I agreed.

Being the last game of the night I took my time showering and was one of the last ones to leave the arena, along with her. She was waiting by her equipment, freshly showered and looking as beautiful as before, even without a hint of makeup. Her long blonde hair tied tightly in a ponytail hung over her shoulder as she waited for me to approach. I was so nervous all the I could manage was a simple "Hi". She giggled, noticing how unprepared I was to meet such a beautiful young lady like herself. "I'm Zoey" she said as I was still trying to come back to reality. "I'm Tristan, pleased to meet you" was all I was able to mumble as I put my hand out for a formal greeting. She complied and shook my hand, but while doing that she pulled me close to her and kissed me on the cheek. I pulled back quickly with a huge grin on my face and asked "What was that all about?". She explained to me how in her family they would kiss men they found cute on the cheek when they first me them. Interesting custom, but I'm not one to judge. We talked for what must have been half an hour before I caught track of time and remembered that Game of Thrones was on that evening and I didn't want to miss the first episode of the new season.

We exchanged numbers and as I was walking out the door she yelled "Hey Tristan you dropped your wallet". I turned back to see if I truly had, and to my surprise she was already within a few inches of me as she pulled me in close for a long kiss. I immediately dropped my bag simply out of shock as we continued to kiss for what seemed like a minute. As I pulled away I saw her face light up with a huge grin, showing her satisfaction. I needed no explanation for what had just happened as I leaned in to kiss her again. Once again for what seemed like a minute I kissed her, this time with more intensity, as if I had kissed her a million times before. I held the small of her back with one of my hands as the other reached town to hold her small, but firm butt. She had both of her hands over my shoulders as she pulled me closer to her until there was no space between us.

Although it may have only lasted a minute it felt like an eternity, with her breathing noticeably intensifying as we continued. "This probably isn't the best place to be doing this" I said as we stood in the doorway to the hockey arena. She offered for me to come over to her house, saying that her parents were away for the weekend. I had driven to the arena, but had noticed my car was the only one left in the parking lot. I, being her only option, gave her a ride home and took her hockey equipment as well. About five minutes into the drive she begins rubbing my arm, telling me about how much she enjoyed the kiss we had. At a red light she pulled my face to hers and kissed me again. The light had been green for a while, and I had only noticed when were interrupted by the car behind us honking his horn. As we got loser and closer to her house her hands began to slowly move, from my arm, to my shoulders, and then my chest. Then as I was driving I began to feel her hand move closer and closer to my crotch. I was wearing a very tight pair of jeans, and the closer her hand got, the harder I got. Eventually her hands were on my crotch, and she was slowly rubbing back and forth as I was struggling to drive. By this time I was rock solid, and she knew it.

The moment we got to her house I felt her playing with my belt buckle, struggling to get it open. I laughed and said, "Hold your horses" as I saw the lust build in her eyes. We kissed awkwardly for a few more minutes in her car until we decided to go inside. I wanted to try something new, so I told her to stay in her seat and I walked around to the passenger side door. I grabbed her petite body and pulled her up until she was wrapped around me. Her legs around my back, and arms over my shoulder we kissed intensely. I began to walk to the door of her house with her nibbling at my neck. I pulled her keys out of her back pocket and opened the door, and immediately put her down on the leather couch that was only a few feet away from the door. I went back to close the door, and before I got back her top was already removed. Her perky B sized boobs just waiting for me to unleash them from her bra. I quickly ran to her on the couch and before she could react I was holding her in my arms. I pulled her up again, similarly to the way I took her out of the car and as I walked up the stairs she guided me to her room, while also nibbling on my ear.

As soon as we got to her room she got out of my arms and pushed me onto her bed. As I lie on my back she kissed my neck and slowly moved her hands around my body. I undid her bra with one hand and she allowed it to fall off of her as I was already caressing her breasts. Her breathing became faster and faster, until she stopped kissing me and slowly moved to the foot of the bed and once again tried to open my belt buckle. This time she was successfully able to open my belt and as she undid my tight pants my cock immediately started pushing its way up through my briefs. She looked at me with lust as she bit her lip. She pulled down my pants and briefs just far enough for my cock to stick up in all its glory. I'll admit, I'm not huge, but the look of surprise on her face was enough to make me feel like I was 20" long. She slowly grabbed it by the shaft and began to slide her hand up and down while keeping her eyes on me to see what I liked. Then her mouth moved closer and closer to it and her lips slowly touched the very tip as she gave it a kiss. I gasped as she quickly took all of me in her mouth and to my surprise she was having trouble breathing. What a turn on that was. She came back up and slowly played with the head, with both her lips and her tongue. I could tell this wasn't her first time. She continued to pleasure me for what seemed was forever and as I was about to come, she immediately stopped, my solid cock practically throbbing in her hand.

Once I regained my composure I grabbed her and flipped her onto her back. I pulled her leggings down to reveal her small, tight ass and her lacy boy shorts that were already soaking wet. I pulled those off as well. I didn't start to go down on her immediately, but instead slowly started kissing and nibbling on her leg slightly above the knee. I slowly moved my way up her leg until I got to the edge of her crotch. The closer I got, the more intense her breathing became. I kissed around her wet pussy and slowly moved my tongue to her clit and she quietly gasped. I slowly moved in a counter clockwise motion and she began moaning in pleasure. She was in ecstasy. I slowly slid one finger into her soaking wet pussy and her moans slowly became louder and louder. Then I added another finger into her extremely tight pussy and within seconds she cummed. Her pussy tightened around my fingers and I continued to finger her while still licking her clit. Her moans continued to grow louder and louder until she then cummed again.

By this time her breathing was extremely rapid and I could tell she wanted it. She had told me she was on birth control because her parents wanted her safe in case something like this was to happen. She got on her hands and knees and I slowly rubbed my cock across her pussy until she was begging me to put it in. When I finally did she yelled out in pleasure. She was so tight. I started out slow, pushing in only an inch or two. "Give me all of you, I can take it" she said. So I complied, and pushed my 6.5" all the way in. She couldn't help but scream. Her pussy gripped my cock like a vice and she moaned louder than ever before. I slowly began to thrust and her pussy continued to tighten around my cock. Her hand was on her clit and she was barely able to rub herself as I fucked her. Then she cummed, but I didn't stop. Her legs began to shiver and her back began to arch. She was now yelling so loud that the neighbors could probably hear her.

Eventually I gave her a second to catch her breath and as I turned her over I could see how exhausted she was. She put her feet over my shoulders and I pulled her to the edge of the bed. I put my cock back into her pussy and thrusted harder than before. I gave her everything I had, not worrying about her orgasms but only about my own. She cummed multiple times in such a short period of time and she pulled me towards her. She dug her nails into my back and kissed my intensely as my lips somewhat muted her moans. "I want your cum in my mouth" she yelled as I was about to reach climax. I pulled out and she grabbed my cock and jerked me off. As I began to cum she went down on me. She held her breath, and for 7 seconds I could feel the tip of my cock touch the back of her throat. She swallowed it all, and as she pulled back, she gasped for air. She looked up at me and smiled, the same seductive smile that got me here in the first place. She had trouble getting up from her knees, she was still shaking, so I picked her up once again and sat her on the bed.

She went to the bathroom to clean herself up, and after we took a quick shower together, we snuggled in bed for the rest of the night. The next morning I went home and we continued to text about that wild night for the next week. At least until I reffed her hockey game again.

If you enjoyed that one let me know in the comments and I'll write a continuation of the story. Thanks for reading.
