Myself[33M], My GF[25F], My Cousin[34M] [MFM]. House Sitting.

This was one of the first times my wife had more then one guy. it was around 4 years ago. it was on a Friday afternoon that me an my
GF where relaxing when i got a text message from my cousin asking what i was doing. i told him that me an the lady where just
chilling. he asked me if i would be willing to watch his house for the weekend because his lady an him an another couple where going
out of town. i told hm it’ll be me an my GF. he said okay. he said he was gonna be leaving too. i told him that we’ll be to the house
before the sun goes down. so we got ready an packed a few clothes. we headed over to my cousins house but decide to go get
some drinks. so i got a case of Heineken, 3 six packs of La Cumbre, an a 5th of admiral nelson cherry an i got me a 5th of Jose silver.
my GF likes to drink it because it get her extremely horny an she don’t care what happens.

Myself{36M}, GF{29F}, Her Brother{27M}, The full drunken experiment story[MFM]

So 5yrs ago on a Saturday, I got off work and i txted my GF an asked
she was doing. She mentioned that her brother was at the house an

asked to stay with us for the weekend. Since he was there I asked her if
she wanted to drink and to ask her brother too. They both said yeah.
So I told them I will stop at the store and pick up our usual an what he
likes to drink is Heineken, so I got him a 12pk(our usual is case of Dos
Equis, 5th of tequila, an 5th of fireball). Since my GF brother was there I
got a gallon of fireball instead instead of the 5th.I also got two 4pks of 16oz Heineken.

When I got home, the 3 of us did a shot an shotgun a beer. I jump in
the showered to clean off the work day. When I got out my GF an her

Myself[36M], GF[29F], Her Brother[27M], drunken experimentation [MFM]

This was about 5yrs, I just gotten off of work an was headed home. I texted my GF an asked if she wanted to drink. Of course she said yes. So I stopped at gotten us our usual. She mentioned her brother was there at the house too. So I gotten an additional 12pk of Heineken. (Our usual is 24pkof dos Equis, 5th of tequila, an 5th of fireball) Since her brother was there I got a gallon of fireball instead.

I get home an we start drinking an doing shots. A couple hours go by an it’s a little hot in the house. So my GF goes to change her clothes an comes out in booty shorts an one of my cut off shirts I workout in. I go to the bathroom an come out an I see my GF trying to fix her bra an I noticed her brother kept staring at her. Whe. He heard me he looked away.

myself[35M], my GF[29F], my friend[32M], an his GF[33F]


It was friday evening, i was getting off work. I got a txt from myGF telling me to stop an getting some beer an a bottle. I also stopped
an picked up some yay. I got me and my GF a case of Dos, an 12pk of Heineken. along with a gallon of fireball. She told me that couple
of friends asked us to hang out, and chill. So when i got home, my GF told an i said okay it’ll be fun.

So i showered, an got ready. We got to my friends place an we walked in. We went into their room,because that is where the couch an TV where at along with a coffee table. When we walked into their room me an my
GF where met by my friend GF. Watch she was wearing was very thin an so small it left very little to the imagination. She was a very girl, but all in the rest places.

Myself[35M], my Wife[29F], an my Cousin[30M]

It was a Friday night almost midnight. Me and my GF had been drinking since 6pm that day after I got home from work. I remember getting a case of Heineken for me, a case of Dos for my GF, an a gallon of fireball. We also had a bag full of assorted shots.

We where getting pretty buzzed when my cuz had txted me an asked what we where doing. I told him that we where getting fucked up. So he asked if it was cool that he go over since it was the only two of us. So I asked my GF, n she said it was okay.

Since it was a hot night, she was only wearing booty shorts an a kinda see thru tank top. She asked if what she was wearing g was okay, so did I want her to go put on something else.(I’ve always enjoyed showing off my GF an liked seeing other guys stare at her)

But this was gonna be the first time my cuz wud see her like that. I actually didn’t even think anything would happen or it never crossed my mind. When he got to the house, my GF had handed him the bag of assorted shots.