Bumping into my ex on vacation leads to me fucking her best friend [MF] – Part 3

[Read Part 1 ](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/lcjy5y/bumping_into_my_ex_on_vacation_leads_to_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)

[Read Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ldaegk/bumping_into_my_ex_on_vacation_leads_to_the_best/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)

This is part 3 of the days following me bumping into my ex on vacation. If you’re interested, Parts 1 & 2 are linked above. Anyway, hope y’all enjoy!

If you want to skip straight to the sexy stuff, look for the

I filled Wesley in on everything that happened. What happened with Riley, my encounter with Melanie. Did Riley put Melanie up to it? Did Melanie want to fuck me? I even worried my buddy would mind if I hooked up with Melanie.

“Nahhh man, I don’t roll that way,” Wesley quickly eased my concerns. “When I’m on vacation, I don’t sleep with a girl more than once. I mean just look around,” he points to the gaggle of female tourists passing by. “Why have only one type of candy when you could be Willy fucking Wonka? Don’t overthink it man, just go.”

“What about you?” I asked.

Wesley swiveled his phone over with a grin, giving me a peek at this screen.

*’Nadine — 28′. The difference between me and a mosquito is when you slap me I don’t stop sucking.* read the Tinder profile.

Bumping into my ex on vacation leads to me fucking her best friend [MF] Part 3

[Read Part 1 ](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lchk2u/bumping_into_my_ex_on_vacation_leads_to_a_week/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)

[Read Part 2 ](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ld9i94/bumping_into_my_ex_on_vacation_leads_to_the_best/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)

This is Part 3 of the days following me bumping into my ex on vacation. If you’re interested, Parts 1 & 2 are linked above. Also, I apologise if this wasn’t as good as the last two, been incredibly tired. Anyway, hope y’all enjoy !

If you want to skip straight to the sexy stuff, look for the


I filled Wesley in on everything that happened. What happened with Riley, my encounter with Melanie. Did Riley put Melanie up to it? Did Melanie want to fuck me? I even worried my buddy would mind if I hooked up with Melanie.

“Nahhh man, I don’t roll that way,” Wesley quickly eased my concerns. “When I’m on vacation, I don’t sleep with a girl more than once. I mean just look around,” he points to the gaggle of female tourists passing by. “Why have only one type of candy when you could be Willy fucking Wonka? Don’t overthink it man, just go.”

“What about you?” I asked.

Wesley swiveled his phone over with a grin, giving me a peek at this screen.

Bumping into my ex on vacation leads to the best blowjob I’ve ever had [MF] Part 2

[Read Part 1 here ](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lchk2u/bumping_into_my_ex_on_vacation_leads_to_a_week/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)

This is part 2 of the sexual adventures I got stuck into after bumping into my ex on vacation. Part 1 is linked above for anyone interested.

I was rudely awakened by loud rays of sunlight that snuck through the gaps between the blinds and invaded the room.  Riley was still fast asleep, her body practically glowing as the light painted her with a garish golden hue.

7.30 am — I read off my phone, that and just the one message from Wesley – a wink. The man was a damn poet. I was always a morning person, much to the bane of all my previous girlfriends, Riley included. I only pulled on my shorts, with my boxers no where in sight & began to tip toe out of the room, noticing a large wall-clock in the corner next to Riley’s dresser, unaware of how important it would later become.

With the full extent of my hangover quickly setting in, I headed to the kitchen. “Thank God”, I exclaimed to myself holding a bag of ground coffee.

Bumping into my ex on vacation leads to the sexual adventure of a lifetime [MF] Part 1

If you want to dive straight into sexy time , look for
the —————————-

A familiar Avicii song was blared over the speakers. It was one of those songs that always got a pop form the crowd, but would inevitably be ruined by the DJ with a God-awful drop – one you could only appreciate drunk. We were in one of those famous beach bars in Thailand, *the* beach bar according to Hailey.

“Hey man, where’s Wesley?”, Baxter asked as he coddled a bottle of Jack through the crowd – finally setting it on our table.

I gestured towards the sea of bathing suits and baby oil right behind us. “Somewhere in there”, I chuckled back.

“Anddd why aren’t you with him?”, Hailey continued. If it sounds like I wasn’t having fun, I was merely tired. It was day 3 of our vacation, and we’d been drunk every single night. I was running on fumes.

Bumping into my ex on vacation leads to a week long sexual adventure of a lifetime [MF]

As always, if you’re looking to dive right into the sexy stuff , just scroll down to the—————————————————————-

A familiar Avicii song was blared over the speakers. It was one of those songs that always got a pop form the crowd, but would inevitably be ruined by the DJ with a God-awful drop – one you could only appreciate drunk. We were in one of those famous beach bars in Thailand, *the* beach bar according to Hailey, the one we had to go to.

“Hey man, where’s Wesley?”, Baxter asked as he coddled a bottle of Jack through the crowd – finally setting it on our table.I gestured towards the sea of bathing suits and baby oil right behind us. “Somewhere in there”, I chuckled back.

“Anddd why aren’t you with him?”, Hailey continued. If it sounds like I wasn’t having fun, I was merely tired. It was day 3 of our vacation, and we’d been drunk every single night. I was running on fumes.