An Influencer Brings Out a Dark Side of Me I Never Knew Existed, and I Think I Like It [MF] Part 5

Disclaimer: Everyone in this retelling was above the age of 18

*We’re never the antagonist in our respective stories, are we? The villain is always the crazy ex, the unfaithful partner, the scorned lover. The villain is always someone else because when it’s your story, you can’t possibly be the villain. Can you?*

“Another please,” I call out, gulping the last dredges of my long island iced tea and then pointing at the glass, eyeing the waiter. I needed to drown myself in some form of liquid, and the usual suspects just aren’t stocked at this beach bar. No Jack, no Johnnie. I briefly considered drowning myself in the sea mere feet away, the sky-blue water turning into a shade of capri, then seamlessly flowing into a deep azure. What if I drowned myself in such an immaculate locale? What would they call it?

*A beautiful disaster?*

Fuck, I need a distraction. My mind wanders and settles on her. Dirty blonde hair cascades down one of her shoulders, rolling all the way to her waist. Her smile isn’t inviting. In fact, there’s barely a smile at all. Despite the rest of her body moving between shots, Nicole’s entire face remains still. Her lips stay in a thin line, as if she dares anyone to come up and make conversation.

The IG Influencer Gets Me to Dominate Her in Bed [MF] Part 4

Disclaimer: Everyone in this story is above 18. Reposted because I carelessly forgot to include the ‘Part 4’ in the title earlier. Apologies!

How did I find myself here? Nursing a cold bottle in my hand, my grip growing tighter around the neck until I must be choking it. There’s a Meek Mill song mumbling and thumping in the background, the lights dark, the dance floor packed. Bea’s in front of me, but he’s behind her, the distance between them closing by the second. Tilting the bottle, I take another sip even though there’s still beer in my mouth, because my mind is frazzled, and my body doesn’t know what else to do. But it does nothing to quell the brewing anger rising within me.

*Don’t do it. Just leave. You can leave.*

His hands are around her waist now, and hers wrapped around his neck. It doesn’t last.But not because I did anything, no – because now Bea’s, and around, and he’s facing her back, his hand snaking up her thigh, the hem of her tennis skirt being hoisted bit by bit.

*You can still leave.*

Making the Influencer Cum While She’s on the Phone with her Boyfriend [MF] Part 3

Disclaimer: Everyone in this story is above 18

Bea’s apartment was decidedly more cultured, more inviting. The walls are a pale, subdued shade of cream that immediately takes me back to her IG profile – soothing themes that coated her every picture now paint her walls. While the walls appeased, the furnishing invited you to ask. There are large vases and empty pots with symbols scrawled along their necks. Tribal masks stare back, perched in the corners of the hall. “They’re tokens, memories,” Bea explained once. “From my trips.” But none of my thoughts are on any of that right now. Instead, it, along with my eyes, are centred on Bea. 

Bea stood there under the blinking, yellow fairy lights of her room wearing nothing but a blood-red Victoria’s secret push-up and thong set, and her pair of *fuckme* stilettos, her eyes on mine, taking slow steps, placing one heel in front of the other, like a vixen about to devour her prey. 

The Social Media Influencer Convinces Me to Help Her Cheat & Fuck Her [MF] Part 2

My eyes barely shut for the rest of the night. Even when they did close, I was wide awake, or at least my mind was. Bea went back to sleep after I told her I had picked up her phone by mistake, tucking her phone under her pillow before she dozed off.

While she had her back to me, my eyes stayed glued to the ceiling, unable to shut. My mind raced, and my mouth now tasted dry and bitter. I just lay there with my fingers interlaced, restlessly trying to make sense out of what happened.

*Did Bea just cheat? Was I the other guy?*

Any normal person, any sane person would’ve confronted Bea right then and there, but conflict was my kryptonite. My mouth simply couldn’t mutter the necessary words, oh no. Instead, my mind would take time to let the worry marinate, to the stress soak, to let the nerves jangle. I’d have to rehearse the words that would be used, over and over in my head.

The first streaks of sunlight that peeked through the curtains were the excuse I needed to finally get up, not that I got any sleep. Slowly pushing off the bed, so the mattress wouldn’t dip too much, I got a pot of coffee going.

An Impromptu Date with an Influencer Ends in A Mess, In More Ways Than One [MF] Part 1

“What about that one? Lay or nay?” Alex points toward a table near the far end of the dining room. Seated at the worst table in the restaurant was a redhead with freckles peppered over her cheeks, wearing a pleated dress that hugged her curves and plunged at the neckline. Her hair looked expensive under the flattering yellow lighting, flowing into curls that must’ve taken hours at the salon.Her date, however, was painfully less prepared.

“You mean the guy in the pink polo, right?” I clarify, to which Alex nods. On top of his bold choice to pair a pink polo t-shirt with a reversed baseball cap, Mr. Pink Polo had the indignity of making a last-minute reservation, on Valentine’s Day, at one of the hottest spots in town. This left him and his date seated next to the kitchen door – giving them front-row seats to Chef Duffy’s curse-laden tirades every time the door swung open. “It’s fucking raw”, he’d scream in what was a terrible Gordon Ramsay tribute. He wasn’t that good a cook. He wasn’t even British.

Walk of Shame Ends With Me Cumming On My Ex’s Face [MF]

The sun was out, almost mockingly biting in its heat, melting away the little dignity left in the many souls that joined me in ambling back to our homes. 

Hair meticulously coiffed, straightened and poofed the night before now tangled and wild. Faces that resembled glitzy celebrities after a dozen shots under the dim lights of the party now looking more like their leaked mugshots after being pulled over for a DUI. 

The faces that joined today’s walk of shame were many, some familiar, plenty new — the aftermath of a massive post-finals party. Music so loud you merely nodded after a girl repeated herself for a third time. Floorboards quivering with bass. Guys wearing shirts two sizes two small. Girls exposing a diverse medley of necklines. Kissing with varied degrees of Frenchness. The inevitable multicoloured torrents gushing from mouths at the end of the night. 

I had a strategic place off campus, close enough that classes were minutes away, yet far enough that life wouldn’t be judged by the eyes of campus security the next morning. The girl I had hooked up with however had insisted on going back to her place, a dormitory on campus. 

Walk of shame ends with me cumming all over my ex’s face [MF]

The sun was out, almost mockingly biting in its heat, melting away the little dignity left in the many souls that joined me in ambling back to our homes. 

Hair meticulously coiffed, straightened and poofed the night before now tangled and wild. Faces that resembled glitzy celebrities after a dozen shots under the dim lights of the party now looking more like their leaked mugshots after being pulled over for a DUI. 

The faces that joined today’s walk of shame were many, some familiar, plenty new — the aftermath of a massive post-finals party. Music so loud you merely nodded after a girl repeated herself for a third time. Floorboards quivering with bass. Guys wearing shirts two sizes two small. Girls exposing a diverse medley of necklines. Kissing with varied degrees of Frenchness. The inevitable multicoloured torrents gushing from mouths at the end of the night. 

I had a strategic place off campus, close enough that classes were minutes away, yet far enough that life wouldn’t be judged by the eyes of campus security the next morning. The girl I had hooked up with however had insisted on going back to her place, a dormitory on campus. 

Walk of shame ends with me cumming all over my ex’s face [MF]

The sun was out, almost mockingly biting in its heat, melting away the little dignity left in the many souls that joined me in ambling back to our homes. 

Hair meticulously coiffed, straightened and poofed the night before now tangled and wild. Faces that resembled glitzy celebrities after a dozen shots under the dim lights of the party now looking more like their leaked mugshots after being pulled over for a DUI. 

The faces that joined today’s walk of shame were many, some familiar, plenty new — the aftermath of a massive post-finals party. Music so loud you merely nodded after a girl repeated herself for a third time. Floorboards quivering with bass. Guys wearing shirts two sizes two small. Girls exposing a diverse medley of necklines. Kissing with varied degrees of Frenchness. The inevitable multicoloured torrents gushing from mouths at the end of the night. 

I had a strategic place off campus, close enough that classes were minutes away, yet far enough that life wouldn’t be judged by the eyes of campus security the next morning. The girl I had hooked up with however had insisted on going back to her place, a dormitory on campus. 

Publicly fingering my ex in a bar then fucking her by the pool [MF]

Disclaimer: story takes places a few years back, way before covid. 

This episode takes place during a vacation in Bangkok, just days after I had bumped into an ex of mine (Riley) out of the blue. A lot happened between when we first saw each other and this story, and I’ll link those at the end. I’ve added two indicators below for those who wanna head head to the sexy bits right away, one the bar fingering, and one for the fucking by the pool.

It was a Friday night if memory serves me correct, and both our groups of friends had agreed to meet at dive bar I’d seen in passing the previous day. 

Why a dive bar you ask? There really is no better place to be on a Friday night in Bangkok. What may seem like a hole in the wall to the uninitiated is actually an unpretentious watering hole that promises two things — cheap liquor and a buzzing vibe. This one in particular checked all the boxes. White walls adorned with graffiti, the floor occasional painted with garish hues of blue, red and amber coming from the lights above. The grungy shrieks of Kurt Cobain filled the room as we took our seats along a large rectangular wooden table in the corner. 

Bumping into my ex on vacation leads to her masturbating in front of me followed by angry sex [MF] – Part 4

[Read Part 1](

[Read Part 2](

[Read Part 3 ](

This is the final part of what happened when I bumped into my ex on vacation in Bangkok. You can read parts 1, 2 & 3 linked above. As always, if you wanna dive straight to sexy time , look for the ———————————————————

Riley sat on the lounge chair with her shoulders slumped. The two straps of her denim overalls hung forward at their buckles. Her black tube top cuddled the breasts I had seen only days prior.

I chose to ignore the fact I hadn’t replied her message. “What’s up I ask?” the air visibly dense with smoke. She pouts, pulling a drag off her cigarette as a bright red halo lights in ignition.

I expect her to repeat her question and was left flummoxed as she says, “I could hear you and Melanie”. Not teasingly, not seductively, but with a pained expression.

My mind scrambled in confusion. I should’ve just walked away, but something about the look she wore let guilt overpower me and I could only babble an uhmmm.