Just Watch Us [FM]

Been writing some stories based on a relationship I was in a few years ago, hope you enjoy this one!


Things with Evan had just been getting better and better since our first date a few weeks before. I was pretty sure my roommate, Jesse, was getting sick of hearing me rattle on about him and how thoughtful he was.

“Can you get that?” Jesse called, from the kitchen, after our door buzzer went off.

“Sure thing,” I called back, and walked from my room to the intercom on the wall.

“Delivery for Ms Harris,” came the delivery guy’s voice.

I buzzed him in, and went to the door, to be given a bottle of wine and a card. I thanked the guy, and gave him a tip from the bowl of singles we keep by the door.

The card was addressed to me. I already knew it would be, because I’d clocked that the bottle of wine was the same one Evan and I drank on our first date. I felt butterflies in my stomach as I tore open the envelope excitedly.

First Date (Chapter 1 Part 2)

I dabbed at my lips with my napkin after my last bite of dinner. I felt like we’d done more talking than eating; we loved the same music, the same tv shows, and as it turns out grew up about a fifteen minute drive from one another. I had steak, which was so good that I let out an involuntary *mmmmm* when I tasted the first bite. Catching myself, I looked at Evan; his expression left me with no doubt about what was going on in his mind that moment. I’m pretty sure I turned redder than my dress, though admittedly not just from embarrassment. From that moment onwards, I felt myself loosen up; I made more risqué jokes, reaching over and touching his arm when he made me laugh.

“Do you wanna go grab a drink somewhere?” Evan said.

“I’d love to,” I replied. I *really* wanted to, and before I knew it I was continuing “I’ve got a nice bottle of wine at my place actually.”

“Well that sounds great,” he said with a smile.

We put on our coats, and went to leave the restaurant.

“Um, what about the bill?” I said.

First Date (Chapter 1 Part 1)

The waiter showed me to the table, and I sat down. I felt excited, though more than a little nervous. My legs trembled a bit, tense as if trying to lift me off my seat. I took a deep breath and settled myself, looking around the restaurant and observing some of the other diners and staff to distract myself.

I was always early for things; it was a habit I’d had since school. Great for my professional life, but bad for pretty much every other element of it. All it did was leave me with time to overthink things and make myself anxious. Only twenty-three years into life, I felt like I had the constitution of a sixty-year-old stockbroker.

A few minutes passed, and after doing a slightly too-good job of distracting myself, I looked up to see a pair of blue eyes smiling down at me.

“Evan?” I said as I stood up quickly, wincing slightly as I heard my empty glass on the table topple over.

“Hi Rachel,” he replied with a smile.

“Ugh sorry, I’m so clumsy,” I said, turning red.

“Don’t worry about it,” he said with a reassuring laugh, as he offered his hand to me.