M] New [F]avorite Bartender Part 2

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ud7qah/m_new_favorite_bartender_part_1/)–At some point, we had stopped spooning. I was pretty much holding her prone on the bed, one of my hands pinned underneath the weight of our bodies, trying desperately to find her clit once more. I must have looked like a blind man reading brail. Frankly, if someone were to see us, they’d be calling the cops. It was a sketchy looking scene.

If you entered the bedroom, we would be at your 10 o’clock, flailing atop a thick duvet over a sleek wooden bedframe. You would see my shorts pulled half-way down my ass, white as can be, my cock somewhere buried in the pile. Her shirt would be lifted to ascend just below her handful of breasts, her grey sweatpants around her knees, and my hand drowning in a puddle of sweat and girl cum leaking down her slit.

My free left hand had a fistful of thick blonde hair. I took a firm grasp and pushed myself upwards as her head cocked to the side. Her now flushed cheeks smushed under the force.

“Fuckin hard.” She yelped.

[M] New [F]avorite Bartender Part 1

She brought me a glass of water and said nothing. Just swung to my end of the bar and turned right around. A casual aloofness. It wasn’t disdain, it was a sense of familiarity. Like old friends who are content to enjoy each other’s quiet company.

She’s seen my type before, the frazzled grad student who just needs a fucking drink at 2pm on a Monday so he can finally make some progress on his dissertation.

And if she wanted my attention, she surely got it. She was wearing a pair of black Doc Martins, with white frilly socks juxtaposed against golden skin. Halfway up her trim thighs, a cherry red dress interrupted her natural contours, but just so. It hugged her in all the right places. Revealed a petite frame with a surprising curve at the waist and a satisfying bulge where her ass graced the fabric. An unhealthy distance between her thighs. Probably coke induced. (Is that judgmental?)

[M] New [F]avorite Bartender Part 1

She brought me a glass of water and said nothing. Just swung to my end of the bar and turned right around. A casual aloofness. It wasn’t disdain, it was a sense of familiarity. Like old friends who are content to enjoy each other’s quiet company. She’s seen my type before, the frazzled grad student who just needs a fucking drink at 2pm on a Monday so he can finally make some progress on his dissertation.

And if she wanted my attention, she surely got it. She was wearing a pair of black Doc Martins, with white frilly socks juxtaposed against golden skin. Halfway up her trim thighs, a cherry red dress interrupted her natural contours, but just so. It hugged her in all the right places. Revealed a petite frame with a surprising curve at the waist and a satisfying bulge where her ass graced the fabric. An unhealthy distance between her thighs. Probably coke induced. (Is that judgmental?)

[Pt. 3] [MF] I ruined my shot in high school, but it looks like I’m getting another chance

It can be difficult to decipher intent from a text message. Was she just being flirty? Or, did she really want me to come over. For that matter, i had no idea where she actually was.

Last I had heard, she was still working for some tech startup in Portland. Why would she be back home? It wasn’t the holidays. It was middle of the frigid winter, a terrible time to return.

Honestly, though, who gives a shit? I shouldn’t waste time overthinking. The clock was ticking, it was time to put on the full-court press.

“I’ll be there on one condition…” I sent. This text bought me a couple minutes to think of something sufficiently sexy.

“I dont think ur in a position to make demands lol.” She was right. I flubbed it trying to be cool.

“Fair enough. Where you at? I didn’t know you were in town”

“The Westin. Room 3302. Ill be waitinggggg”
A picture accompanied the message. A mirror shot.

She was deep on her knees, sitting her plump cheeks upon delicate feet. Yoga had paid off for her. She looked like she could stay in that position, happy as a clam, for hours.

[Pt. 2] [MF] I ruined my shot in high school, but it looks like I’m getting another chance

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/triomr/mf_almost_a_decade_later_i_still_remember_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

It was late when she texted me. Well, late for me at least. These days, it takes a lot to keep me up beyond 10pm. But reading her subtle flirtation gave me a quick shot of adrenaline. Everything awakened. I felt like I was in the cart of a rollercoaster slowly climbing before the big drop.

Why would she have texted me this? Randomly at 1015? On a Thursday? She must have had it bad. This is a desperation text, I reasoned to myself. Does this mean she doesn’t have a boyfriend? No way— she’s too hot and too cool. She’s taken, gotta be. I was dying to uncover her motives and see if our teenaged flirtation could be dusted off in young adulthood.

I read the text again, “You remember when you ruined your best chance with me? Lol”

It had been a few minutes. She was casting bait and I was abso*fucking*lutely going to bite.

“Still thinking about that night on the patio, huh?” I said back.

[MF] I ruined my shot in high school, but it looks like I’m getting another chance [Pt. 1]

She was one of those girls I should have dated. She gave me all the signs that she liked me. Of course, the too-hard laughs when I told a joke, the welcome hugs that last a half second more than expected. But her stare, that was something special.

She had straight strawberry blonde hair, a fair complexion peppered with perfect little freckles. Full, rosy lips offered a pleasant contrast. Her almond-shaped blue eyes were intense and inescapable.

I knew she liked me. And I always liked her too. It’s always been my fault that sparks like these don’t ever ignite. A self-saboteur and chronic over thinker, especially back when I was in high school.

It’s not like I was too nerdy. Sure, my best friends were books, but I played sports too, so I was in pretty good shape. I lifted 4 days a week, practiced baseball nearly every day. I think I even had a six pack at some point.

I’m other words, I was a decent looking, perfectly charismatic teen with tanned skin and a lot of muscles. You’d think I was a heartthrob.

[MF] almost a decade later, I still remember the first time I came inside her

Marriage is hard. We both knew that when we spoke our vows. I, certainly, expected to be challenged when I made the solemn promise to devote myself to the one person, forever. And, until the last three or four months, we have made it work exceedingly well. But life moves forward, things get complicated, and sometimes romance ages poorly. We didnt used to be like this, resorting to tired old sexual traditions. The hard part is knowing we have it in us to be wild, but not knowing where it has been hiding.

Its a familiar story. We met in college, we were both in greek life, both a bit promiscuous. But once we found each other, nothing else really mattered. Physically and emotionally, there was nobody else even worth looking at. We had the kind of fast love that sends a tingle to your fingers when you hear the phone buzz in the morning. She liked that my looks and personality were a bit incongruent; 6’3, a body built for work, for athletics. Spanish skin that tans easily in the summertime. A few well-done tattoos adorning my body.