The Daily Grind: Bull Market[MF]

The Daily Grind: Bull Market

    Richard took off his reading glasses and set them in front of him on the desk. He rubbed his eyes and exhaled as he leaned back. It was just after two in the afternoon but he had spent all day so far pouring over reports and fund details. The noise of traffic bustled outside his office providing a soothing background drone that helped dampen the silence. Spinning around in his chair Richard looked through the glass wall out into the city. The view always made him smirk. The idea of Wall St. and the real Wall St. never seemed to quite line up. After walking it everyday and having an office overlook the icon it just starts to look like any other road in DC. A sudden rap of knuckles against wood behind him snapped him out of his reverie.

    “Come in,” he called out without turning to greet the door or the individual thereafter. The nostalgic view was beguiling. The desired to linger in the moment was almost too much, but he took a deep breath and steeled himself.

    “Hello Richard.” It was a females voice punctuated by the click of heel studs against the floor.

The Daily Grind: Dinner and a Show[MF]

    “Honey, I am glad you were able to join me tonight for this special occasion.” He said with a raised voice so she could hear him in the other room. He arranged the last few finishing touches to his arrangement then covered the silver tray with a cloche. “The weather has been utterly terrible of late so I do hope the fire warms you adequately. I know we usually default to a more intimate setting than this, but I figured what could be more intimate…”

    He paused momentarily building suspense. Picking up the platter he then whisked himself into the dining room. “Than to have you over for dinner?”

    She looked across the room at him framed by the doorway. He smirked as he surveyed his work. Flames perched within the fireplace flickered and frolicked highlighting her features. An ethereal sight to behold. Splayed out across the table her naked figured held tight, cuffed to the legs of her alter. Pushing off the door frame he briskly walked to her side, tray in hand. He cooed at her, “They say hunger is the best spice, and you, my dumpling look ravenous.”