After 20 years of marital neglect something happens in a cozy log cabin [MF]

Under the coldest, clearest canopy of crystal starsI paced, waiting.

The glow of headlights over the hill.
Her car rattles and clanks to a stop.

Grinning ear to ear I gather her into my eager arms.

Kisses begin —
like a sigh of relief.

We walk, holding hands and smiling
into the ancient log and stone cabin.

Fire crackling.

More kisses.

Pizza shared. Wine poured.

We sit on the leather sofa synchronizing our attraction,
her favorite album pumping from my phone.

More kisses.

“I’ve missed you!”

She clears her headspace voicing concerns about an evening away from her obligations. We talk about it and her anxiety slowly melts away.

She is present.

“When you smile, your entire face smiles.”

Her lips. Fuck. Her lips.

I remember her memory of our last meeting.

I turn her away from me and move her hair. I surround her in my strong embrace and kiss her neck, cupping her breasts.

I feel her relax.

In the brokenness of my decades of rejection I expect rejection from her —
but instead I receive the sweetest sounds and softest caresses.

First intimate date in 20 years [MF] [Wholesome]

[Note: After 20 years in a deadbedroom marriage where I was never desired (but stayed because of kids), I met someone. This is a story of our third date. She lives about an hour away so I rented a log cabin a few miles from her home. She is mid 30s, 5’6″, nipple-length dark brown hair, her eyes are river-green. Tiny waist with intoxicating hips.]


Under the coldest, clearest canopy of crystal starsI paced, waiting.

The glow of headlights over the hill.
Her car rattles and clanks to a stop.

Grinning ear to ear I gather her into my eager arms.

Kisses begin —
like a sigh of relief.

We walk, holding hands and smiling
into the ancient log and stone cabin.

Fire crackling.

More kisses.

Pizza shared. Wine poured.

We sit on the leather sofa synchronizing our attraction,
her favorite album pumping from my phone.

More kisses.

“I’ve missed you!”

She clears her headspace voicing concerns about an evening away from her obligations. We talk about it and her anxiety slowly melts away.

She is present.

“When you smile, your entire face smiles.”

Intimacy: A Manifesto. [MF]

I want our warm, smiling, eye-to-eye conversation to continue when we are kissing. When we are naked and sitting on the bed. When we are caressing each other. When we are fucking.

The excitement when we are planning a trip + energy when we try a new recipe together + enthusiastically sharing a new idea that has light-bulbed into our heads = what I want when we are alone together, suggesting new things, sharing fantasies, proposing new adventures and taking exciting risks.

When you are hurting or afraid or need to be timid I want to be there for you. To hold you. To rub your shoulders. To cover you with my strength and comfort. And I need to come to you in
my weakness and let you care for me with your heart and your body.

I need to be attentive to you. To listen – at the end of a long day or busy weekend AND when we close the bedroom door. I want to respond in a loving way. Tell me what you want and
need without shame. Tell me how you want to be touched. Tell me how to love your clitoris. Tell me how to love you. And I will do the same – knowing you want to love me too.

[MF] A study of the phenomenon known as the “slow smolder”

I know. I don’t even have to look.
I’ve never seen you in person
but I can tell by the sound of your heels on the marble floor as they click across the lobby.

Your presence has a gravitional pull.

My tides are surging,
engaging every molecule of me
before I even turn around.

I’m afraid to look into the sun.

I’m afraid to look at you — but I do.

A smile illuminates my face before I even know I’m smiling.

I look inward, amazed at the emotions that suddenly saturate me.

You sit across the room at a table.
Pretending this is just another day. Just another drink.
But you cannot maintain that theatre for long.
Soon you look at me with your sweetest honesty
and I know I need to be securely in your space.

I get up to walk towards you.
I’m tempted to stop and flirt with the barfly at the end of the encounter
but this isn’t the moment for teasing.

I sit down and think about saying something.

But then I look up
and your eyes are on me.