I met a random girl with an identical fetish. [FF]

I closed the lid of my laptop, thankful that another day of work is done. While working from home is pretty awesome, the thin line between work and personal life tends to become blurred, making it really hard to relax afterwards.

I filled myself a cold glass of water and walked out to my balcony. It was a late, summer afternoon, so the sun was still up — and there was not a cloud in sight. In the distance, the sea loomed over the horizon, perfectly calm — no wind.

— I should go for a swim. — I thought.

But I wasn’t thinking of an ordinary swim. You see, I have a fetish which is popularly called *wetlook*. In essence, I get turned on when I’m swimming or bathing with my clothes on.

Really, *really* turned on.

The feeling is impossible to describe to someone who has never experienced it — words simply don’t do it justice. It’s incredibly sensual. It defies logic and reason. It feels better than sex.

My roommate puked all over me, and I felt more disgusted by myself rather than her. [F]

Because I liked it.

My roommate had a big promotion at work, so we had a little celebration in our apartment. We’ve been drinking for a couple of hours before everyone had left, and then we had some more.

We ended up on the couch, drunk and exhausted. We watched some Netflix for a while when my roommate shifted awkwardly:

— Hey, I don’t feel so good.

— Let me get you some water, I said.

I went to the kitchen, filled her a glass and came back. Her face was pale, almost white. I handed her the glass and parked myself back onto the couch.

She sipped some water, then suddenly stopped.

— What is it? — I asked.

She turned towards me, her mouth gaping.

— I… Uh… — she struggled.

As she tried to speak, she made a gurgling sound and a stream of vomit came shooting out of her mouth — all over my dress. My brand new dress.

The smell was disgusting. I looked down, only to see streams of sticky fluid flowing down my chest, forming a small, obnoxious lake at the place where my skirt was folded from sitting.

Casual fling with my friend [FF] [wetlook]

See my profile for previous parts.

> As always, I offer a service of writing custom, wetlook-themed stories in exchange for a small payment. Special thanks to the supporters! Without you, this series would not go on much longer. Just a small note: aside from Ethereum, I now also accept Bitcoin!

A few years ago, my friend Ivonne returned from her work abroad for a short vacation. She rang me up and asked if I was up for some hanging out. At this point, it’s been years since we’ve seen each other, so I was really excited to meet.

We met at her parents’ house. Ivonne opened the door and screamed, excited to see me, then we hugged. She squeezed so hard it almost hurt.

— Come on, I wanna show you the place. — she said, taking me by the hand.

I knew Ivonne’s parents were kinda wealthy, but this house was way out of my league — multiple bedrooms and bathrooms, huge garden with a hedge maze, a guest house, and a small indoor pool.

Fingering myself in a public fountain [F] [solo] [wetlook] [short]

You can find links to previous stories on my profile.

>**NOTE 1:** Please don’t downvote if wetlook isn’t your thing. The tag is there for a reason — it allows you to skip content not relevant to you. Downvoting discourages me from posting further content here. :(

>**NOTE 2:** I also write custom, personalized wetlook stories! Pick a person and an outfit, and I’ll make sure they’re completely soaked and drenched by the end! I accept payments in Ethereum (ETH) cryptocurrency. Message me if you’re interested for details.

It’s gotten very hot where I live, so I spent the Sunday afternoon in the shade of the nearby park. There is a large fountain there — deep enough to swim, provided you go far enough.

Naturally, I felt it calling out to me, so I looked at my clothes. I was wearing a slim black T-shirt with white text, along with short leggings and a skirt. My apartment wasn’t far, so I wouldn’t have to walk dripping wet too far. There were already some people in the fountain, splashing around, so I concluded wouldn’t draw too much attention.

A stranger who shared my fetish [FF] [wetlook]

Ivonne was still asleep, but I felt the urge to go for a swim. I tried waking her up, but she just said something in her sleep and then rolled over.

I opened the balcony door of our modest hotel room and stared out at the sea. It was a beautiful morning, and I could hear the already familiar noise of seagulls and the people playing at the beach. I decided to go.

The last time, Ivonne noticed I had a thing for inflated wet clothes, so she lent me one of her T-shirts with puff sleeves to swim in. It was a slim, purple tee, with long sleeves. It had a crew neck and a glittered, white text logo at the front. I also put on a pair of black jeans and running shoes, along with my underwear and an undershirt. After leaving a note for Ivonne, I set out for the beach.

I don’t really like attracting attention, so I set my stuff down farther from the rest of the people on the beach. Once I cooled down a bit, I headed into the sea.

An arousing swim with another one of my friends [FF] [wetlook]

Read the previous part [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/uhl85y/the_pool_party_of_our_lives_ff_wetlook/) (it’s a bit long, but it’s worth it :).

After our incredibly arousing pool party, Anna, Ivonne and I had become much more open to each other. We weren’t gay, per se — at least I think we weren’t — but there was something deeply arousing in the naughtiness of touching and kissing your best friend.

Especially when they’re in soaking wet clothes.

I was surprised at how Anna and Ivonne welcomed wetlook too — Anna seemed to genuinely enjoy it, and while Ivonne originally didn’t find it arousing at all, she decided to keep doing it with us for fun.

Near the end of our stay at the resort, Anna left a few days ahead in order to visit some relatives on the way back. Ivonne and I stayed behind, trying to make the most of our remaining break time.

We decided to go to the beach, so we picked out some clothes to swim in and headed out. I was wearing a black rock band T-shirt, tights and sneakers, and Ivonne was wearing a cute red tee with puff sleeves — she really liked these — slim jeans and running shoes. We were both wearing underwear. Just as we put our things down, she pulled my hand and turned me around.

The pool party of our lives [FF] [wetlook]

Read the [previous part](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ufwqsz/an_unexpected_swim_with_my_best_friend_ff_wetlook/).

>**NOW AVAILABLE:** Custom, personalized wetlook stories! Tell me who or what you want the story about, and leave the rest to me. I accept payments in Ethereum (ETH) cryptocurrency! Message me if you’re interested for details.

In the following days, after Anna and I had kissed during our clothed swim, our every interaction has become awkward.

It almost seemed like both of us were putting in immense effort to avoid talking about what happened, despite the fact that neither of us took it badly. I was confused — I kissed her, and she kissed me back, but after we had returned to the hotel, we never talked about it again. Perhaps it was just too embarrassing for the both of us, causing us to pretend like nothing happened.

At least that’s what I thought.

The following days were too cold for swimming, so we spent them mostly in boredom. Then, Ivonne learned there would be a party at the resort, and we needed no convincing to go. This was far from anything formal, but she really insisted we wear something nice, so I perused my luggage for the only dress I brought – black, slim, with crew neck and sleeves down to my elbows, and a knee-length circle skirt. After putting on my stockings I realized I didn’t bring any heels either, so I just put on my converse sneakers.

An unexpected swim with my best friend [FF] [wetlook]

*If you’re unfamiliar with wetlook, I suggest you read my* [last post](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/udz1f0/my_first_fully_clothed_swim_fsolowetlook/)*.*

It was an unusually cloudy and chilly summer day. My friends and I were in the hotel pool, splashing around — our first summer break after the first year. Among the three of us, I was pretty easy to recognize, because I had been the only one in the pool wearing clothes; a black shortsleeve with a white logo, tucked into blue cutoff shorts, both becoming shiny and tight every time I would emerge from the water.

My friends had no idea this was a fetish for me, and I had no idea how they would react if they found out, which is why I defaulted to my standard excuse when it comes to bathing in clothes — “I feel more comfortable”.

Later in the afternoon, Anna and I went for a walk along the shore. Ivonne stayed in our hotel room because she felt it was too cold. And she was right — we ended up getting back to our room to put on jeans because it was too chilly for shorts.

My first fully clothed swim [F][solo][wetlook]

When people mention ‘wetlook’, one’s first association is often some sort of spandex or leather fetish. However, wetlook is also the name of a fetish which revolves around getting wet in one’s ordinary, everyday clothing – my fetish.

I’ve been obsessed with wet clothes since I can remember, but due to my strict parents, I never really got the chance to fully enjoy it outside the confines of my locked shower. At some point, I hit 18, moved out for college and was about to have my first summer vacation without my parents’ intrusive supervision. It was a small, cute tourist settlement at the coast. Beaches were plenty, and the chance of running into someone familiar was virtually zero.

As soon as I got to the hotel, I felt an overwhelming wave of excitement.

– This is going to be my first time! – I thought to myself, barely containing my glee in front of the receptionist. I received my key, scurried to my room and finished unpacking in record time, then I started picking out my swimming outfit.