Recalibrating (F)(Solo)(Shower)

After a bad night’s sleep – where dreams of falling from bridges only to land, inexplicably, on piles of glistening naked women had me tossing and turning in various ways – I dragged myself out of bed with the crystal clear realization of where I’d gone wrong. What had happened to mess-up my usually keen sense of judgment. I’d been in denial.

I threw off the t-shirt I was using as a nightie and stomped with determination into the bathroom. I started the shower and let the water temperature sort itself out while I went to check on my phone. I had plugged it in the moment I’d got home the night before and waited until it had been resurrected enough to send a text I’d fired off a couple – a few to Uncle Vic and then, after much thought, a wordy apology to Mark. Now, when I poked it awake there were a dozen or more messages waiting.

Halloween Part 5 – Bedroom Sex [FM]

When I get upstairs it’s pretty quiet. Everything is neat and tidy (though we didn’t really make much a mess earlier), Michelle and two of the others are sprawled on the couch and chairs in the living room. Michelle has pj’s on and the other are dressed. When they see me I’m cautioned to be quiet as Michelle’s parents have come home and they, and her younger sister, are all asleep in their rooms upstairs.

The other girls are waiting for their cab to arrive and wonder if I want to go with them. But there is a slight hitch as my dress (which I’d forgotten about downstairs in the changeroom) had apparently fallen off it’s hook and got very wet laying on the floor. Michelle wasn’t sure what to do as she was worried it might fall apart in the dryer (it had ripped here and there over the evening already) and she’d just hung it to dry but it’s still pretty soaked. So there was the offer of lending me clothes or, Michelle suggested with a smile and raised eyebrows, “really you should just sleep over and we’ll figure it out in the morning. Right!??”

Halloween Part 4 – Shower Sex [FM]

So there we are. Michael and I are in the bathroom. Together. Completely naked – as we have been for literally hours and hours now – but it’s only at that point, with all my makeup wiped away that I’m actually *feeling* naked.

He’s had his hands on my face for the last while when he was helping get the makeup off and now that it is all gone he still has one hand gently holding me on the side of my neck and along my jaw. It feels nice having his hand there.And then he says nice things about how I look. And I’d love to say that I had a clever reply but what came out of my mouth was “well…okay then.” (eeech, oh well)

My [F] orgasm marathon. :)

Alex, my last bf, loved porn.

I know that is not, in itself, particularly strange or noteworthy, but… while I might stop short of calling it a full on addiction, it was certainly safe to say he was a very enthusiastic hobbyist. He even had paid memberships to his preferred sites – (which makes him the only person in my – admittedly limited – sphere that I know of who actually pays for pornography). But whatever.

Alex’s tastes ran almost exclusively to female dominated material. Videos of girls masturbating was his clear favourite. This preference – now that I think about it – ran true to character. Alex is very much an outdoorsy nature lover and a bit of a hipster in his love of things being original and authentic. All to say that he enjoyed watching ‘real girls’ have ‘real orgasms’. That said, he also seemed willing to slum it with the more professionally produced offerings so long as they were two or more female actors and a lone male performer (which I imagine he fantasized to be himself) among them. All good, all fine, all ‘normal’ enough, I suppose.

(GoneMild). My [F] night of ‘Chad’ closure and subsequent stealth masturbation fiasco.

So I brought my ‘A-game’ even though I was having doubts about meeting up with ‘Chad’ again.

[The TLDR is that ‘Chad’ (aka Sir Cums Alot) was a (for me very uncharacteristic hookup), and a weird drunken one-night stand kind of thing from a party I was at a few weeks ago. And he and I are of *very* different types, he’s more of the ‘cool party people’ variety and me – not so much, but pool parties have a way of equalizing many things somehow].

And so, we’d texted since then and I agreed to meet for drinks last weekend with him and see what happened from there. And even though I was deeply doubting the wisdom of this beforehand I absolutely put in my maximum preparation effort anyway – I had a thorough shower and scrub, meticulously shaved all the bits, did the hair, filed my nails, polish on my toes, lip gloss/eye liner, expensive underwear option, agonized over clothing options, etc. And, most significantly to what follows later – I had also continued to NOT masturbate as I typically do in the shower. I’d been on a fast since we’d agreed to meet up again so as to be extra hungry, which at this point had been three days and I’m typically an everyday girl that way. So I had a bit of a charge on and (I thought) looked good enough for someone to want to help me deal with it.

That time I [F] had an orgasm while my parents watched. (it’s less creepy than it sounds).

A few years ago and I’m on a family vacation to Greece. It was a big deal for my Mom who for some reason had always been fascinated by the history even though she’s Irish. But anyway, she’d been saving for the trip for years and wanted to do it right so it was a splurge for us that ended with a visit to Santorini (it’s beautiful, you should go if you haven’t!).
So it’s me, and my parents, and my sister. But also…the bf’s.

My sister, who’s two and half years older than me, got to bring her bf as that was the only way she agreed to come along. And I threw a hissie fit until my parents reluctantly agreed that my then first bf – Cameron – could also come as well after his parents agreed (and paid for his part).

I [F] lost a bet (of sorts) with a dude [M] at a party.

This is something of mix between a TIFU and TIL.
But as I doubt either of those forums would welcome it I’ll share my sordid story here.

Before I start though. I know that there is a spectrum of how often/easily girls can cum, but I’m definitely more than most but less than others (based on girl talk with friends and limited porn watching). If I’m in a horny/bored mood I can masturbate well into double digits no problem, and on average during sex I’ll have maybe 4 to 6 typically. Not bragging, just relevant data.

Also relevant to point out that in my admittedly limited experience with guys (3 bfs and 1 one-night stand) I have only been with guys who are in the ‘one and done’ camp. There was one bf who could sometimes cum twice in a session but it was rare for him.

Alright, so that said, last weekend I was invited with a gf over to a house party. She and I had just come back from a week camping and I was looking forward to a night alone to have a long bath and get cleaned up etc. But the house belonged to a stupidly rich friend of hers and it had a huge pool and hot tub and seemed like a fun so we went.