Full disclosure: we lived within a couple of (walking) minutes from each other, but we actually met through Tinder. On our first date, I did not feel compelled to return for a second one, but I was horny and so was he. So I started planting seeds in the dinner conversation.
“So what are you looking for on Tinder?”
“I don’t know, I’d like to find a girlfriend, have a good time. How about yourself?”
“I am only looking for a good time.”
As it happens, none of us could host that night, so he offered to drive me home. I accepted, and it immediately became obvious that driving me home actually meant driving to the marina in our area first. Hmmm. I was no teenager, you know? But I looked down at the bulge in his pants and it was easy to accept the deal. He very visibly had a huge cock.
He parked at a secluded spot and hit me with the small talk. Thankfully, this all happened during a particularly assertive moment in my life, and I was not in the mood for wasting time.
“Unzip your pants.”