[F] I accidentally sent my nudes to half the people at my job.

Before sharing this story there’s a couple important details to discuss.

Number one, I’m a costumer in the film industry. I dress the people who go on camera. There’s a process called fittings where I put the clothes on them, take photos to send to the various departments and then decisions are made so on the day we know exactly who wears what. These photos are almost like casting photos, I take a front view, a side view and a back view.

On this show in particular the director was VERY particular himself, so before sending him photos I would send it to many other departments first to make sure it all worked for everyone (hair, make up, props, ADs, casting, etc). It’s a list of about 60 people on that email chain. Once everyone didn’t have issues I would send the pictures to the director to pick his favorites.

The glamour of movie making.

The second thing to know is I’ve been fooling around with a coworker on this project for a few weeks now and a lot of it has been very fun (minus getting almost caught by two coworkers due to naughty fun and one trip to the emergency room).

I fingered my coworker at her super bowl party while my other coworkers and her boyfriend had no idea…

After I found my coworker naked and blindfolded after work I was feeling pretty good. The sheer insanity of that working out, getting to see my stuck up coworker on all fours, while filling up her ass was a dream come true. And she had no clue who I am thanks to the blindfold.

Except not quite. I forgot in the moment that I responded to her while we were fucking, and she knew my voice.

So when she reached out and invited me to her house for a Super Bowl party I was very suspicious. We weren’t “friends” at work (eg: she’s a bit stuck up). We were about to start another project together, but that didn’t justify the invite. Regardless, I went.

What? I love free drinks.

It was a small party, maybe 10 people, but there was a lot of alcohol and a lot of king cake. I chatted with various coworkers and every interaction with her was completely normal. She was wearing a skirt and sweatshirt, which I had never seen her wear, but she was home so she could wear whatever pajamas she wanted.

[F] My boyfriend found all the naughty things I recorded with my ex…who he also works with.

Let me first say that I didn’t realize I still had this hard drive. It was on an old hard drive that I hadn’t watched in the years since I had broken up with the guy. I also use ex lightly, it was more like we hooked up for a year straight. A fun year, but nothing official.

Me and the boyfriend have been in process of clearing out old storage and moving things into different rooms in the house. It’s been very rewarding and exciting to change up the place and make it feel more like home.

I’ve been in a relationship with my boyfriend for many years. But before him, I was with this ex guy for a year. And it was a wild year. I think I went through that period in my life where I needed a burst of adventure and excitement and a little bit of danger. The ex was incredibly creative in bed, good at all of it and looked so hot. We had a lot of fun.

[F] I accidentally put on a naked show for some coworkers.

My coworker had been texting me all day about what he was going to do to me that night. We were working out in St. Francisville, way outside of the city. That meant we were all staying at a hotel that night, on my company’s dime.

Hotel might be a generous word. We were staying at a motel. One of the ones where you can walk past everyone’s windows and the vending machines are empty.

Back to the present though, my coworker was turning me on with his texting.

As we were about to wrap at work he told me to bring a mask back with me. We have masks featured in the movie we’re working on so there were plenty of back ups. I grabbed two and packed them into my bag.

If I’ve learned anything the last few weeks it’s that when I get too horny, I will literally do anything. It’s like the logic brain turns off and the animal brain turns on. But instead of survival I need sex.

All the extras went home and I quickly drove to the motel, leaving well before most of the crew would be able to leave. They had another full scene to shoot without extras.

[F] While fooling around with my coworker before work I got semen in my eye and had to go to the emergency room.

As some of you know, I’ve been hanging with my coworker for a few weeks now. It’s been a lot of fun but disaster finally struck today.

I was fooling around with said coworker in the parking lot before work this morning and not to get into the details of it, but he was finishing orally and he popped out of my mouth as the act was ending. I think it was half my fault for not committing to accepting the result and half him leaning backwards from feeling pretty good.

That popping out resulted in me getting hit in the right eye, followed by some absolutely searing pain. I fell back, nearly hitting my head on the door to his car, going legs over head. Full on somersault almost. I should have entered the Olympics. Naked girl tumbles in car. Gold medal for participation.

Essentially it looked like I took a shotgun blast to the face at close range, but you know, in an overly dramatic fashion. It didn’t help that I was naked at the time so I think it was all about as opposite as sexy as you could get.

[F] I went to work in see-through clothing…it was pretty risky but so much fun

My male coworker Brad and I have been very frisky at work. We’ve had sex a few times when everyone has gone home and when we were just on the road for a long night I fell asleep in his hotel room.

Now he was adding a new element.

Yesterday, before work, Brad texted me that he was going to pick what I wore to work and there was a box standing by in the extras changing tent. Since I’m one of the first people in early in the morning I went into the tent. I found a box of clothes and a note that said, “put everything you’re wearing in this box. I mean everything. And put the box contents on. Enjoy your work day.”

I pulled out a pair of black leggings, a white tank top, a flannel with no buttons, socks and a small butt plug.

I didn’t even think about it. My clothes came off. I stood there completely naked, holding the plug. I spit into my hand and reached back to lube myself up. I pushed the plug in with some effort. It was tight, but not uncomfortable. I just felt full.

[F] I tried to have naughty solo fun at my place of work (after hours) for the adrenaline rush and almost got caught by a coworker.

(I am now sharing an account with my coworker and we wanted to repost her original post that got her into Reddit):

A little about me. I’m the picture of professional at work. I don’t joke around, I do my job because I love it and I’m good at it. I focus on the goals and do the work. But that creates a lot of stress in a stressful environment (the film industry).

After last night, which was a particularly long, stressful day on set (I got yelled at a lot, it was cold, we were in a swamp filming and I was covered in mud) I desperately needed to blow off steam. Since my boyfriend was already at home I wouldn’t be able to do it when I got back (boyfriend can be needy lol). So I decided to do something adventurous. When we called wrap on our 16 hour shoot date I said good night to everyone on the walkie, turned it off and went to the extras tent to wait.

[MF] I tied up and blindfolded my coworker after work and let another coworker try her out

After the Super Bowl party where my coworker secretly fooled around with me under a blanket with her clueless boyfriend and our coworkers nearby, things had gone back to normal at work.

Except yesterday I was horny. I watched her dressing extras as I ate my breakfast, she looked tiny, her 5’0 frame surrounded by all the tall men. She was wearing a t shirt, leggings and rain boots for the mud.

I was brainstorming how to get her out of those clothes when suddenly she got in a tense verbal fight with one of the extras. He was an obese man. He was fat and had a big bushy beard. He didn’t like the clothes she had picked out for him and was rudely making it known.

My coworker, who admittedly can be stuck up sometimes, was having none of it and was being professionally rude back to him. They argued and he finally stormed into the changing tent to change. She kept working with the other extras.

[FM] I fingered my coworker at her super bowl party while my other coworkers and her boyfriend had no idea

After I found my coworker naked and blindfolded after work I was feeling pretty good. The sheer insanity of that working out, getting to see my stuck up coworker on all fours, while filling up her ass was a dream come true. And she had no clue who I am thanks to the blindfold.

Except not quite. I forgot in the moment that I responded to her while we were fucking, and she knew my voice.

So when she reached out and invited me to her house for a Super Bowl party I was very suspicious. We weren’t “friends” at work (eg: she’s a bit stuck up). We were about to start another project together, but that didn’t justify the invite. Regardless, I went.

What? I love free drinks.

It was a small party, maybe 10 people, but there was a lot of alcohol and a lot of king cake. I chatted with various coworkers and every interaction with her was completely normal. She was wearing a skirt and sweatshirt, which I had never seen her wear, but she was home so she could wear whatever pajamas she wanted.

[MF] I caught my coworker being an exhibitionist at work and fucked her (for those of you who remember unchartedgirl2)

Some of you may remember UnchartedGirl2 as the girl in the film industry who got naked at work and masturbated, almost getting caught twice and writing about it on Reddit. Additionally, her boyfriend has a very small penis, not that this detail is important but I think it explains why she needs the excitement so bad.

I’m not a good writer like she was but I’ll do my best to recap what happened.

I recognized her on Reddit as her pictures got more revealing and I reached out to tell her she had a big fan at work. We chatted and she kept getting more brave. I couldn’t believe I was seeing someone I work with do all that (especially because she’s a little stuck up) but really enjoyed it. I even teased that I would watch her after work the next time.

Then someone else recognized her and tried to exhort her. She deleted her Reddit, the police found the guy exhorting her and she decided to quit the job we were on. I was bummed and had no way to contact her anonymously. Went to work very sad.