Jackson – Better Than Coffee [FM]

Over the past few weeks, there has been a guy working on his laptop. And, over those few weeks, a simple “hi” and a smile has turned into small conversations while waiting for coffee and “have a nice day” when I head out the door. The days he hasn’t been there, made me wonder what he was up to.

Finally, a dinner happened, then a hike and a bite to eat afterwards that ended with a kiss. I wanted more, but I was trying my best to “let things happen” and not be the little slut that I really wanted to be.

We went out again. This time drinks and dinner and walked back to our neighborhood. We stopped in front of my place and I did the cheesy thing and asked if he wanted to come in for a drink and without hesitation, he was game.

I gave him the quick tour before we settled on the couch. I was proud of myself for not just dragging him into the bedroom. We chatted and drank wine while my mind wandered through scenarios, then it happened. He took my glass and leaned in for a kiss. His hand slid up my side and he pulled me closer.

Stood Up In a Hotel Bar, But Not Alone – Part I

*I was asked by a dear friend to write a piece and post it here for him to read*

Mel texted me at work, to see if we were still on for this evening.  Our plan was simple: get dressed up and head to the “swanky new hotel” as the locals call it, for some drinks, apps, and a little attention from the male patrons.  She knew the bartenders, so we weren’t expecting to have to pay a lot and if we gained the attention of any patrons, we surely won’t be paying for anything.

I decided to keep it simple and go with a black cocktail dress, a black seamless thong, and heels.  It has been a while since I got dressed up for anything and I was feeling hot.

Brice – A Master Craftsman – Good With His Hands and Hammer [FM]

I gently stroked it me that I need to mix things up and escape my friend circle. At the time, I agreed, but have not taken action. Saturday night, that changed. I was wrapping up having dinner with some of my co-workers and we were going to head to one of the same bars that we usually end up at.

We left the restaurant and I literally ran in to Leslie and her boyfriend Clint. She was one of the first people I met when I moved here and started working. She leased the chair next to me and we hung out while I was there, and would randomly meet up from time to time. Leslie is a little older than me, but always has some young stud on her arm. Her mantra is “If it ain’t broke, don’t fuck with it” and she is doing just fine.

I told my friends that I would catch with them and Leslie and I began to chat and catch up. One thing led to another and we ended up at a bar at the end of the street with her boyfriend. I had only been to that bar once before. It had an older vibe and more “locals” crowd than the ones I usually go to.

Three Airports, Two Flights, and a Threesome – Part II [MFM]

Part 1 One – https://www.reddit.com/user/tightliptori/comments/uhsms5/three_airports_two_flights_and_a_threesome_part_i/

I was trying to drift off to sleep and was facing Sean when Pat climbed into bed behind me. I heard him exhale and was wondering what was going to happen next. I hadn’t expected them to stay. I was tired, but I would definitely rally if they were up to it. My mind raced with the thoughts of what just happened. It was truly amazing having two men inside of me at the same time.

Pat’s hand drifted on my hip, then to my ass. He began rubbing it as his head moved close to mine and he whispered in my ear that he wanted me all to himself and I should join him in the bathroom. The thought of him fucking me in that small dingy bathroom ran through my head and did not appeal to me. His hand slid between my ass cheeks and I gave him access to my pussy in hopes that we would not push going to the bathroom. He was gentler than before and I gave him a slight moan of approval as his finger waggled it’s way into my pussy.

The Morning After 3 Dicks in 3 Days – Ryan [FM]

The thing about sleeping in someone else’s bed is that I usually don’t get a good night sleep. I woke up around 5am and peed and thought about heading home, but I was tired and lazy, so climbed back into bed with Ryan. He woke a while later to use the bathroom and I watched as he crossed his room and acted like I was sleeping when he returned. I usually sleep on my side, but I was faking being asleep, so I was on my back as he climbed back into bed.

His hand started at my stomach and drift up to my breasts. I acted like he had woken me up with a purr, a smile, and opened my eyes. He rolled my nipple between his thumb and forefinger and and leaned in for a kiss. He had used mouthwash, so I figured this was more than a good morning kiss. His hand continued pulling at my nipples and my purr escalated to a moan. He climbed on top of me and his shaft pressed into me. I adjusted ever so slightly and he slowing grinded himself into me as we kissed some more. I was waiting for him to draw his hips back and enter me, but instead he kissed my neck and began work down to my breasts. He made a brief stop at my breasts and kissed them and bit and tugged each nipple before venturing further south. I watched the sheets and comforter fall of the edge of the bed as he positioned himself between my legs. I spread my legs wider and he kissed the inside of my thighs and worked his way up to my wet slit.

3 Dicks in 3 Days – Day Three – Ryan [FM]

My friends at work consider the awards season as their Super Bowl and Final Four, so they were having a Grammy’s party.  It’s an all day event starting with the pre-runway shows and finishing up late in the commentary and after party show with a bunch of great food and a dance party in their basement.

I met Ryan a few months ago through my friends at work. He had just taken a contracted job in town and was set up in a nice one bedroom apartment in a newer building downtown. At the time, he was doing the long distance relationship thing, which blew up in his face almost immediately after he moved to town. During my friends Bitch Slap Oscar Party, the flirting started and as soon as we got together at the Grammy’s party, we picked up where we left off. As the evening went on, the flirting led to some touching, and the touching led to some kissing followed by some inappropriate touching and we finally decided to leave.

3 Dicks in 3 Days – Day Two – Kent [FM]

It was Saturday and I had promised my friend I’d stop by her boyfriends house a few blocks away from my place for a Final Four watch party. I ran home and showered and changed into my Adidas semi tights and zip hoodie. I had no plans of extending the evening past the basketball games because I was tired and wanted a good night sleep.

The party was bigger than I had expected and a little bit after I arrived, Kent texted me to see what I was up to for the evening. He had been skiing for the past few days and was laying low for the evening. I grabbed some food and found a space to watch the Duke-UNC game with intermittent texting to Kent. He was trying to convince me to come over and “hang”. I was trying to be a good friend and hangout, plus the game was fucking fun to watch.

3 Dicks in 3 Days – Day One – Matt [FM]

Friday night and I had just finished a long day at work. My dogs barking, and I decided to head home after dinner. I didn’t have it in me to go out with the crew. I was looking forward to a quiet evening and possibly an early bedtime when Matt texted me. After a little back and forth, I invited him over if he was interested in a “quiet evening”. He told me that he’d stop and get some wine and make his way over.

There is one thing Matt is not, intimidated by a woman’s toys. In fact, he is probably too comfortable with toys and I have just begun to find out.

He came over and I greeted him at the door with a friendly kiss. I wanted to have some conversation before we got naked, so I offered him a drink and he settled on a glass of wine, since the bottle was already open. I was nice. We hung out, had a little smoke and talked about random shit. As the weed kicked in, he changed the subject to the events that happened the night before.

Matt – Banana Bread and Double Penetration [FM]

Matt was one of the first people I met when I moved here a few years ago. He was in the runners club that I joined in order to meet people and stay in shape. After about a year, my job became more demanding and my participation in the club dwindled. I occasionally would run into Matt (small town) and his crabby ass girlfriend (now ex). I ran into him on St Paddy’s Day at my local watering hole when he was three sheets and loquacious which led to him taking me out for a burger a few days later. After the burger, we agreed to meet up and run together. It’s been two weeks, and we haven’t gone for a run, but we have fucked.

Wednesday was a long day at work and I was going to lay low and hang out at my place. Aside from not running, I haven’t been eating a banana a day, so I decided to spend my evening hanging out and making banana bread with all of the brown bananas. While I was making the batter, Matt was started to text me. I finally told him to come over and hang out. As soon as he confirmed that he was going to come over, I knew I had about 15 minutes to shower and straighten up.

Kent – Midnight Marauder [FM]

Continued from:


On the way home, I was doubting that Kent would show up. I got home and poured myself a glass of wine, put on some music, and had a little smoke. I did some things around my place, showered and climbed into bed. I texted Kent that the door was unlocked and he was more than welcome to stop on by and “visit”. Eight minutes later, he sent a text of a few empty shot glasses and I “liked” it and put my phone down and drifted off to sleep.

I had been asleep for almost two hours, when I woke up to a creak in my floor. Before I could process what was going on, a hand covered my mouth and the covers were pulled off of me and I attempted to scream. He forced his hand between my legs and smacked my thigh to spread them. I complied and his fingers penetrated me. My startled moans ceased as I made out the shadowy figure that towered above me. The familiarity of his fingers rotating on my clit and intermittently running the length of my pussy made me comfortable under his hand.