I [27F]went down on an elderly lady [70F?]that I grew up going to church with.

So yes, the story is as crazy as the title sounds. This is how it happened. Like any good town, mine has a lesbian bar. I often hit it up. Probably at least 3 times a week. I meet lots of great gals and get lots of good dates and sexy out of it. Never have really seen anyone there that has surprised me – until the other day. I walked it and was scanning the room until my eyes saw an elderly lady I thought I knew as a kid. I stared for a minute and took out my phone to look to see if I was right. I went to her Facebook and sure enough that was definitely her.

She was sitting all alone and looked a little bit uncomfortable. Growing up I knew she was definitely not gay. She was very conservative and had a husband then. I finished the rest of my drink and decided it was time to go say hey to make her feel welcome. I made my way over and said “hi Ms. Louise!” She look startled and then saw it was me. She smiled and hugged me and told me I looked very different. We caught up on life and she ended up telling me that she was a very late bloomer and that’s why she divorced. I told her I was proud of her and excited for her. She said she was surprised I turned out this way as well. I told her I couldn’t be more glad that I did.

I [25F] let one of my best friends give me a facial when we hung out. [fm]

I’ve had this guy friend that I’ve known for several years now. I met him in college. We had the same major do we were in a lot of classes together. We chatted in those classes and realized that we were pretty similar so we ended up becoming pretty close friends. He was so fun to hang out with. I never really thought about dating him. Mainly because he had a girlfriend at the time since I first met him. They’re still not married yet but are engaged. Sometimes he brings her to hang out and other times he doesn’t. I honestly prefer when she’s not there because we don’t really get along very well.

Normally when we hang out we drink, smoke, watch movies, play games, hike, or just eat lots of food. He enjoys having with me because I’m pretty much just like another guy. I don’t feel that he has every been sexually attracted to me. Well this time we had ordered lots of food and bought lots of beer. It was a fun time. We tell each other everything and are always there to listen to one another. We talk about personal stuff and sex stuff that we wouldn’t normally tell others.

I [F] played football in school on the boys team. Lots of stories to tell about this.

Yes, I’m the same gal that recently wrote about my experiences with the all women football team. I didn’t know that people would like hearing about these experiences until I saw the warm and awesome reception that I received from that one. I wanted to also share some of my experiences I had while playing football in school. This also takes place before i realized that I liked women.

I loved football since I was really young. Always watched it growing up. I always wanted to join a team but didn’t think I’d be able to since I’m a girl. I grew up in a really small town with a small high school, so our football team wasn’t very big. I went to watch games and noticed that they didn’t have a kicker. I played soccer so I knew I could kick a little at least. I ended up practicing some on my own and felt that I was good enough to join the team. I went to try outs one day and they all looked confused for me to be out there. I told them I wanted to kick and they asked to watch. It went well and they said sure, why not.

I [F] am on an all female football team. I’d like to share some of our crazy/sexy stories.

So as the title says, I am on a football team of all women. And by football I do mean American football. The other year I had found out that there was an all women’s team near me. I didn’t know there was such a thing so I knew that I had to try out for it. I learned that the team was in a league that has 3 other teams all in a select few in my state. I grew up loving football so I knew that I had to try to join. I went to try out one day. When I got there the coach asked me what position I want to play. I told her and she said that I was on the team. I was surprise that I didn’t have to do anything.

I [F] am a lesbian and sucked off three guys in one day just for the fun of it.

It has always been a bucket list item to me to have more than one guy (or gal) in a day. I call myself lesbian in the title, but I may be more so bisexual. My sexuality definitely seems to be fluid. I prefer women, I would rather date women, and I’d rather have sex with women. However I do still get a craving for cock every now and then. Not so much the guy attached to it, and not always even penetration. Just playing with a cock – preferably a large one – and making it cum.

It had been a while since I had been able to play with a dick and I was craving one really bad. I’m on tinder a lot so I decided to start to match with almost every guy I came across. I matched with a lot and started speaking with them. I was to the point and told them that I was looking to just suck some cock, nothing more. Most of them sent me pictures. Some were okay, but there were a few that really stood out. They were all over 7 inches. They were all for it so I set up my dick appointments for the day with them. I told them that it was to only be me playing with them. They could not touch me and they could only cum on my face.

My (24F) friend (33F) and I helped each other out along our Appalachian Trail adventure [FF].

So I’m a pretty avid hiker. I think most people who have an obsession with hiking want to try to hike the Appalachian trail once in their life. When I go on hikes I usually go alone or with some friends. My friend won’t usually go on the more difficult ones so I have to venture those by myself. During one of those hikes I met another girl who seemed to be hiking alone. We struck up a conversation. She seemed to be really cool and fun to talk to. We were obviously both very into hiking. She was alone for the same reason as me, in that no one can do the more difficult hikes that she knows. We finished the rest of that hike together. High fives each other when it was over and chatted some more before leaving. It seemed like it could be the beginning of a nice friendship. She gave me her number and told me to hit her up so we could hang out again and go on more hikes together.