My first experience with any girl other than my wife [MFF] [College] [Threesome]

At the beginning of our senior year of college, my girlfriend of 4 years, Lily, and I were invited by a mutual friend to go to the biggest frat party for a particular house of the fall, together as a couple. Lily is a bit shorter than me at 5’8”, but she’s very cute. She has dirty blonde hair and she has a kind of an hourglass figure that slopes down to a great butt. She’s so hot, guys. Obviously, most people going to the party were looking for someone to go home with, but we thought that as a relatively older couple, we would just have some fun. We were joined at the hip for the first part of the night but gradually lost each other to the flashing lights and pounding music. It wasn’t until I left a long conversation that I felt a buzz in my pocket.

“Upstairs bathroom, now,” it read.

I ventured up the staircase, filled with people, and finally made it to the first door on the left of the second floor hallway. I knocked and was greeted by an outstretched hand pulling me in. Lily grabbed my collar and kissed me deeply. I could taste the cocktail she had brought on her lips. She broke the kiss.

[MF] Finally going on a date with my [18M] best friend [18F] and former high school crush

She came downstairs wearing a loose leather jacket, a short skirt and she had an intoxicating red on her pillowy lips. it had only been a few weeks since I first kissed her. She had been one of my best true friends in high school. I had feelings for her for a long time but never expressed them until I did. It was awkward after that. I didn’t feel all too comfortable getting between and her new relationship, so I backed off.

It was a while before things went back to normal. She invited me to the new Star Wars movie, we reconnected, and after a few awkward hangouts following her breakup, she kissed me. I felt emotions I had never felt before, I knew that I wanted to be with this girl. She was so amazing. Passionate, caring, everything I ever dreamed for in a friend and a partner. We constantly stayed uo for late night phone calls and I spent all the time in the world learning whatever I could about her. It was the most fun I had ever had.