Last night’s birthday sex

My boyfriend (23) and I (24/F) work together. Yesterday was my birthday. Naturally, he spent the whole day working me up. Whispering things in my ear like: "I'm going to fuck the shit out of you tonight." Or… "I'm going to eat that little pussy of yours clean."

He knows it takes very little to get me worked up… When no one's around, he'll come up behind me and start fondling my tits and kissing my neck. I thrust my head back in pleasure. And just like that.. He's gone, and I'm left breathless. Or I'll be standing at one station by my lonesome, and he'll come up next to me, bend down to get something from under the table, and then give my supple ass a nice firm grip. Oh, he knows how much I love when my ass is touched. He had me craving him so badly by the end of my shift.

The end of his shift rolls around. And I find myself patiently waiting for what was promised. I'll skip over the boring parts where we greet at his house and flirt a bit before he jumps in the shower.