Last night’s birthday sex

My boyfriend (23) and I (24/F) work together. Yesterday was my birthday. Naturally, he spent the whole day working me up. Whispering things in my ear like: "I'm going to fuck the shit out of you tonight." Or… "I'm going to eat that little pussy of yours clean."

He knows it takes very little to get me worked up… When no one's around, he'll come up behind me and start fondling my tits and kissing my neck. I thrust my head back in pleasure. And just like that.. He's gone, and I'm left breathless. Or I'll be standing at one station by my lonesome, and he'll come up next to me, bend down to get something from under the table, and then give my supple ass a nice firm grip. Oh, he knows how much I love when my ass is touched. He had me craving him so badly by the end of my shift.

The end of his shift rolls around. And I find myself patiently waiting for what was promised. I'll skip over the boring parts where we greet at his house and flirt a bit before he jumps in the shower.

He comes into his room in nothing but a towel around his waist. Fuck, he's sexy. Like, 10-pack, bulging muscles kind of sexy. The kind of sexy that will make me drop my panties in an instant. I'm so submissive, I would do just that.

I'm sitting in his chair as he walks toward me, so sultry-like. I already know. He stands right in front of me, with a smirk on his face. My eyes taking in his body. All I see are muscles. He looks down at me with that look he gives me… He runs his hands through his hair. Gulp.

Next thing I know he is straddling me, with his towel still on. Wait, isn't it supposed to be the other way around? Whatever, fuck it. Better for me to grab and feel his hip bones, which I do love doing.

We start kissing, gently. I feel like I'm already holding onto him for dear life. The pace picks up, breathing getting heavier. I feel him place his hand on the small of my back, as I run my hands up and down his thighs, teasing him. I get so close to touching his cock, but back away. Payback, right? I feel him hardening against me, though, and I can't fight it.

Our tongues are dancing and my hands start to wander over to his now completely hard dick. He stands up suddenly and takes his towel off completely exposing himself to me. Just being ripped back to reality for a moment, I try to catch my breath. I can't fucking wait for this.

I'm still completely clothed, but not for long. I grab his cock in my hand and start stroking him slowly, I want to take him in my mouth, but apparently there is no time to waste. He turns around and starts shoving his coffee table away from us. Oh, yay.

There is finally enough space for him to kneel down before me. He does so, and starts taking my pants and soaked panties off. I am so excited, I cannot catch my breath. He immediately shoves two fingers into me, stretching me open completely. Fuck. Moans instantly escape my mouth, as my head thrusts back in pleasure.

He grabs my legs and with one swift motion pulls my ass to the edge of the seat. Next, I feel his tongue lapping at my clit, ever so slowly. It is absolute ecstacy, and then he shoves his fingers back into me again.. Sending me into complete oblivion. I am already cumming on him and I don't stop. His tongue feels so good on me. He bites my clit gently and then pulls back to watch what he does. He spreads my pussy apart and takes my clit in between his fore and middle finger. I start shaking in orgasms, because I can feel him playing with my g-spot, also.. And it just completely sends me over the edge.

I look down at him and we lock eyes. I see the pure lust on his face and I fucking love it. I am so ready to have him. I think he's ready, too, because he stops abrubtly. Now, he is on top of me, guiding his cock into me. I instantly start cumming again. He is ramming himself into me and I love every second of it. That is his pussy, and he can do whatever the fuck he wants with it. Yes, please.

He looks down at me and takes my glasses off. Not realizing what he is about to do… He places his hand around my neck. I feel another orgasm building up, my eyes rolling. SLAP, right across the cheek… I am cumming all over his dick. SLAP, again.. Fuck!! SLAP, third time. I can feel how easily his cock is going in and out of me because of how fucking wet I am from cumming so much.

He stands up, enough of that position. I'm basking in my orgasms and cannot move. He pulls me up and I feel the blood rushing to my head. He turns me around and shoves me onto the bed. "No," he says, "stand up, but lean over… Spread your legs as far apart as you can. Did you bring any toys?"

My head is right where my bag is. "Yes, just my butt plug." I take it out as I feel him enter me from behind, this time with vibration. Cock ring, sweet! I gasp not expecting it. I hand the plug to him and he he lubes it up nice. I tell him to be really slow putting it in. He tries and fails, so I take the reign.

He is plowing into me and I am slowly inching my cute pink butt plug into my tight asshole. "Fuuuuuuuck." I feel my asshole suck the rest of it in… It feels so tight, it hurts a little, but it feels so fucking good. That with his cock going in and out of me, and the cock ring. Yeah, I'm good. I'm sent over the edge right away. I cannot shut up. I keep saying, "fuck my tight pussy," in between me yelping. "Your cock feels soo fucking good." I hear my own voice quiver with pleasure. I heard him chuckle at that one.

I reach both of my arms around to spread my ass open for him some more. I know he loves that, because as soon as I do, I hear deep moans come from him. Mmm. He puts his hands where mine are and spreads me open even more.

The pleasure is too much to handle, I'm screaming. Orgasm after orgasm. I feel my pussy pulsing around his dick… And I know he won't be able to hold it in much longer. I can tell because his thrusts get faster and harder… I hear him moaning and it's so sexy, I can't deal.

I tell him to take my pussy as he explodes into me. Deep thrusts, filling me up. Filling me up with his hot load of cum makes me cum even more. Finally, it's over and he takes himself out of me, panting. I lay there on my stomach, unable to move for a couple of minutes. When I finally can stand up, the room spins.

The oxytocin and serotonin rush is crazy. Yeah, happy birthday to me! :)

Anyway, that's my story. I keep getting so turned on thinking about it… I gotta play with myself. Au revoir.



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