[MM] I, a straight guy, got propositioned by my friend, also a straight guy. Pt. 2!

Part 1 is here!

So, let me set the scene, again. It was dark out, again, around basically the same time, maybe an hour later, when my friend showed up at my house, on time, like he always is. I heard the knock, knew it was him, and answered, naturally. This time, though, our greeting was a little different. When I opened the door, we had the, “Hey man, what’s up?” “Nothing much, bro, same old, same old.” exchange, but when he came in, we bro hugged, like normal, but then, he initiated a kiss, afterward.

It was a little strange, and definitely different, but, I liked it. After some bullshit banter and our usual conversation, we sat down on the same couch and started talking about what had happened two days ago. “So, how you feeling about the whole thing, dude?” he asked, very casually. I responded, “Honestly, man, I loved it. It was probably the most intense bust I’ve ever had, definitely the best head I’ve ever received.” I chuckled. “Awesome!” my friend, exclaimed. “I knew if you let me suck your cock you’d like it, but fuck me, I didn’t realize how much I liked it. It’s been all I can think about, bro. Sucking your cock is like an addiction for me, man.” he explained.

[MM] I, a straight guy, got propositioned by my friend, also a ‘straight’ guy. (Real)

I’m a straight male, who has never had any sexual feelings for men, urges, or experiences with another guy. Anything, I mean, even been hit on, until recently. My friend, of about a year now, was hanging out at my house. It was just the two of us nothing weird at all, just a totally normal day that we would hang out on. Playing 2K and Madden, typical stuff we do, when, seemingly out of left field he drops a bombshell question on me. Let me say too, that, he identifies as straight as well. He asks, as straight up as it can get, “Hey, man, listen, I know we’re both straight, but, I really like you, and, I really think you’re a good looking guy, so, I just wanna ask, would it be cool with you if I sucked your cock? You don’t have to reciprocate or anything, just, something about you, man, you really turn me on…” I’m genuinely shocked. Like, this is out of nowhere from him. If he’s been dropping hints, I haven’t noticed them and, to reiterate, I am completely blown away by his question. So, naturally, I try to answer as casually and relaxed as possible and very politely and respectfully decline his offer and tell him no, citing the fact that I am straight and that we’re good friends, I don’t wanna make anything weird, or anything. Also noting that I’m very flattered by this and can’t thank him enough for his kind words. He understood completely and asks if I’ll drop this and never mention it again, and also asks if I’ll never tell anyone about this. I, of course tell him he has nothing to worry about, I would never betray his confidence and that this will never leave this room.