My Favorite Realtor part 6 [M33/F30]

It had been a few weeks since I had since with Jennifer, followed by an intense meet up with Kayli where she had me describe to her what I did to Jennifer. The real estate agents had been incredibly busy and stressed out. They were both telling me on a regular basis that they wanted to meet up for some stress relief, we were just unable to find the time. I kept telling them I would gladly service them both in the same day, even at the same time, if we could just make the time to get together.

With the heat of summer fast approaching, and it being the first summer in our new house, I had been contemplating taking a day off work, sending the kids to daycare, and getting a bunch of yard work done. And maybe have some other fun, as well. I told Kayli and Jennifer my plan and the day I was hoping to take off, telling them to keep their schedule clear. I sent them a group text about it and waited for their response.

Kayli: “I’m down! What kind of time frame are we looking at?”

My Favorite Realtor part 5 [M33/F28/F30]

“So, what did Tara say to you after I came walking out of the bathroom?” It was the day after Kayli and I had sex in the shower stall at her client appreciation pool party. She had her two co-workers, Tara and Jennifer guard the doors for us. Jennifer was in on it, but this was the first time Tara found out about Kayli’s personal stress reliefer. Kayli was in the middle of two showings and I had just gotten off work. As we did whenever we could, we had met up in a random parking lot to say hi to each other.

“She couldn’t believe it. I made her promise not to tell your wife and that we would share you with her if she wanted to. I think she’s still in shock tho. Especially after Jennifer told her how good you are,” the beautiful real estate agent told me. As we talked my phone went off and I glanced at the text. “Jennifer just texted me. Said she’s stressed and wants to know when we can meet,” I said. “Is that the first time she’s texted you?” Kayli asked me.

Full Blowjob Experience from Wife’s Best Friend (M34/F31)

My wife has two best friends from high school, Amber and Jaime. Jaime went through a divorce last year, reconnected with a high school boyfriend, and married him a few months ago. They waited a few months to have their reception and it finally happened last night. My wife was nice enough to go over to Jaime’s Dads house to help set up the reception and then she stayed late to help tear everything down. I left around 9PM to get the kids home and in bed.

I was laying in bed around 11 PM when I heard my wife and Amber talking outside the house. I thought about joining them, but stayed in bed instead. I heard the door open and my wife called out to me.

“Throwaway, you still awake?” She called softly down the hallway. “Yea, I am,” I replied back, “kids are all asleep, though.”

“That’s good, will you come out here?” She asked me. Wondering why, I got up out of bed and walked down the hallway, greeting her with a quick hug. “What’s up?” I asked.

“I’m just going to come right out and ask you this. Amber wants to know if she can come inside and give you a blowjob.”

[M]y [F]avorite Realtor part 4

Note: Just saw the new rule about ages. Can’t edit the title, but ages would be M33/F28/F30.

With Kayli’s partner Jennifer quickly walking to the door, Kayli grabbed my clothes and shoved me in the bathroom. As I turned to shut the door, I saw her throwing her dress on over the top of her head, trying to straighten it out as Jennifer reached the door. She gave a quick knock before opening the door.

“Hello? Kayli? You in here?” I heard Jennifer call out as I put my clothes on. “Oh, hey, Jennifer, what are you doing here?” Kayli responded.

“I was just driving pass from my showing, saw your car here and thought I would stop to see how things were going. Where’s your client at? Did he buy a new car? Cause he didn’t drive the one that is out there now last time I saw him.” Jennifer asked Kayli.

I was wondering how Kayli was going to talk her way out of being caught and wondering what I should do when I heard Kayli tell Jennifer that the first client had already left, and she was having a meeting with another potential client and I was currently in the bathroom. Perfect, I thought to myself. I’ll just pretend to be a new client. I went to walk out the door but paused when I heard Jennifer speak again.

[M]y [F]avorite Realtor part 3

We officially moved into our new house the first week of October 2020. The house was a fixer-upper, so we spent the first week painting, doing new flooring, getting rid of the 22 mice living in the walls, and disposing of the trash the previous owners left us. Luckily, our favorite realtor, Kayli, was there every step of the way, even after we had signed the paperwork and received the keys. Hell, at one point she came to check on my wife, and ended up picking up and throwing out a trap full of mice because my wife didn’t want to and I was stuck at work. Best. Realtor. Ever.

We were texting each other almost every day, either about the house, or just things we wanted to do to each other. She had returned to sending me personal Snapchats, showing more skin, but never anything nude, just enough to tease me.

A few weeks after moving in, I was at the house by myself on a Saturday, doing some small projects when I received a text from Kayli.

K: “Hey, just texted your wife about dropping some stuff off that she wanted and she told me that she’s gone but that you’re home. You too busy for me to stop by?”

[M] [F]avorite realtor(s?) part 2

Like many others during the summer of 2020, my family and I were trapped a majority of the time in our house. While both my wife and I were considered essential and still going to work every day, it was hard for our two young children. After dealing with it the first few months of the pandemic, we decided a change was needed, mainly a bigger house and a house with a yard for the kids to play in. After thinking about the pros and cons and praying about it, we decided to call our favorite realtor, Kayli, and get things moving.

Since our last attempt at house buying three years ago, Kayli had continued her highly successful career as a real estate agent. When her husband returned from overseas, she had stopped sending me pictures of her, but I understood why. They had started a family together and after giving birth, Kayli had hired a personal trainer and she looked even better then ever. I knew nothing would happen between us again, but was still happy to be working with her and her team again.

[M]y [F]avorite Realtor part one

After taking a job where I was mainly sitting on my butt for long stretches at a time, I was tired of sitting on my wallet. I decided to ditch the wallet, and get a wallet case for my phone. I didn’t like the thought of having a cover over the front screen of my phone, but quickly realized that the best wallet phone cases had them. I eventually purchased one such case and I’m still using the same type four years later.

The phone case only had one issue. If I shut the front cover, and then locked my phone, the position of the strap that held it down, combined with me pushing the lock button, caused the phone to take a svreenshot. Couldn’t tell you the number of times my wife would ask why I had a screenshot of my lock screen or a random Facebook post. Took me a while, but I learned to lock my phone, then close the case.

At her Dad’s house [MF]

Note: hi all, quick story about my first girlfriend. Other stories involving her can be found on my profile.

I’m sure most of us have been there. Dating a girl (or a guy) and having one of their parents hate you. That’s how my first girlfriend, Britney, was. Her dad could not stand me. Britney lived with her grandma, but would stay with her dad a lot. Her dad lived closer to me then her grandma did, so I was over at his house often. There was more then one occasion where Britney would text me, telling me that her dad and his brothers were sitting around and talking about coming to beat me up and leave me for dead somewhere. I eventually stopped going over to his house when he was home, for obvious reasons.

When Britney and I started having sex together (if you haven’t read my previous stories about her, we were both around 18 when we started to date], it was hard to find time and space to do it, with both of us living with our parents. We usually had to plan it out so that we had the house to ourselves. No spontaneous sex, that’s for sure.

The threesome [MFF]

Note: this story involves people from my series titled “My brother-in-law’s ex-wife.” It can be found on my profile. The story itself is fiction, purely a fantasy I wish would happen. The people involved are real, the descriptions of them are accurate, but their names have been changed. Hope you enjoy it!

It had been a few months since I had hooked up with my brother-in-law’s ex-wife, Jessica, which lead into me hooking up with my sister-in-law, Kourtney. Jessica knew about me and Kourtney, but wanted to keep her distance. We would text each other a few times a week, mainly just keeping in touch. Kourtney’s husband had started to break out of his depression funk, and they started to have sex again, so I guess Kourtney no longer needed me.

I was laying in bed one night, thinking about my times with them, slowly rubbing one out, when Jessica texted me, saying she had a question for me. After I asked what it was, I found out that she wanted to know if I had ever thought about her while having sex with either my wife or Kourtney. After thinking about it for a minute, I told her that I had. She just replied back “Oh,” and then I didn’t hear from her the rest of the night.

One Afternoon Stand [MF]

Note: Some people probably won’t like the start of this story, or that it contains cheating. As I said when I first started writing these stories, I know I shouldn’t have cheated, I know how wrong it was, and I’ve forgiven myself. I’m still writing these true stories out and some fantasies as well, because I feel like it’s almost like therapy to me. For those that just want the sexy stuff, it’s marked with a *. Feel free to jump to it.

As mentioned in one of my previous stories, after transferring to a different location for the grocery store I worked at, I became friends with a girl named Kara. I’m pretty sure that if we had met at a different point in my life, it’s very possible that we would have dated. But, I had just gotten married shortly after meeting her and nothing was going to change that. Over the course of the next year, Kara and I became pretty good friends, sharing lots of secrets with each other, and I was a guy that she could complain to about how other guys were and get advice from.