A Cold Pool Encounter Leads to a Surprise Later Down The Line [m21f+21][group]

A cold pool encounter leads to a surprise later down the line

Originally posted to r/truebigdickstories and written more for that crowd. If you like that kind of stuff, check it out

Very lengthy story, blah blah blah mobile formatting blah blah.

This is my second story on this account. Which doesn’t really seem to jive with the throwaway name. But whatever, I have a big dick and therefore I can do what I want, right? /s

Shameless plug to go read my other story complete.

Starts off pretty slow but picks up toward the end.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with having a small dick. But if you’re an asshole and also happen to be self conscious about having a small dick, don’t be surprised when a scorned ex uses that against you.

********Story Begins Here***********

When I was a kid, I spent a lot of time in the pool. I was a competitive swimmer, and in the summers I was a  neighborhood pool lifeguard.

The first bit of this happened when I was 18.

A story about a girl I met on Tinder who I then had sex with [FM]

Originally posted to r/truebigdickstories which is a delightful sub where people share stories about big dicks they have or have seen. Check it out if that’s your bag.

a story about a girl I met on Tinder who I then had sex with.

Throw away because people I know know my reddit.

Obligatory “I’m on mobile, pardon the formatting”

I’ll preface this story by saying that I still talk to this girl, and she knows I’m posting the story, and is fine with it. All the same, I’m going to omit a lot of details regarding both of us. The internet is forever, and while nothing bad happens in this story, I’m kind of a private person. The anonymity is what makes me comfortable sharing.

Long time lurker, first time poster


A little bit about me. I [23m at the time], like many of you here, have a big dick. It’s not huge, but it’s definitely big (7.5 X 5.5). I had moved to a new city after college, and spent the first year or so as a bit of a loner.