[MF] Two friends meetup

Tony is online…

Mia: Hey there!, how’s life?
Tony: Not too bad, work is pretty busy, but what else can you do :)
Mia: Fair enough, hows the misses?
Tony: She’s great, just resting at the moment. And how’s your man?
Mia: He is good, just making dinner at the moment, we’re having BBQ ribs
Tony: Jealous :P
Mia: Well, if you lived closer, you could have had some
Tony: Very true, though I’ll be close next week, work has me travelling not too far from you, maybe a meetup? Be nice to see you.
Mia: Oh! That would be great!

The details on the trip was discussed and the meetup was arrange, both were happy to finally meet up after a long while. However Tony did get a little nervous, as their friendship wasn’t simple. What was seen on the surface, was a caring friendship, however behind closed doors, was two friends who flirted and teased each other, giving each other a thrill. They always had a line and knew when to stop, but lately the thrills have got a little too fun.

[M4F] Tech Support – Friendly Payment

This story involves a stunning woman, lets call her Mia; She is a young and beautiful woman, has a body that most women would die for and most men would beg for. Mia is also an up and coming YouTube star, she has a very special niche which she helps others via tutorials and general chats.

One day however, her laptop is on the fritz, refusing to boot and keeps displaying “Operating System Not Found”. This causes Mia to panic, as her latest project is on the laptop and she wanted to get it posted by the next evening. Thankfully, Mia knows someone who is very good with fixing computers and calls him up.

“Hey Tony, it’s Mia, look my laptop has just crashed on me and I know it’s silly but think you can come over this evening to look at it? My latest YouTube video is on there and I really want to get it posted… Yeah? You will? Awesome! I’ll see you in 15 minutes then”
After the brief call, confirming Tony is able to pop over, Mia is smiling again, not only will she likely get her project back, but she gets to see Tony at the same time.

[MF] The New Starter: Part 3 – The Dream

Kelly spent the evening doing her best to resist playing with herself and her toys while thinking about Tony, the new starter, she seemed tense through the night. During her shower, it got close, as she began washing herself and found that her fingers glided along her body, brushing against her sensitive nipples, causing a shockwave of pleasure through her body… but she resisted and shortly got out and went to bed, dreading what’ll happen the next day.

Soon, Kelly drifted off into a slumber and peacefully slept, till her subconcious decided to torment her further.

What started out as a average dream, soon turned into an onslaught of sexual torment.

Kelly worked out she was in the office, even in her sleep, she knows work is on her mind. She decided to head to her desk, but her PC wouldn’t switch on, further investigation shows that the power cables were unplugged, so she got on her knees to fix this, that’s when she felt something grab her ass.

[MF][Part 2] The new Starter

Kelly woke up from her slumber, to the sound of her alarm, slowly realising the passed out soon after the felt her intense orgasm. Laying there with her vibrator within arms reach, she goes to grab it, wanting another round… however she’s interrupted by her phone ringing. Kelly picks up the phone… “He-Hello?”… “Kelly! It’s Paul, your manager, look I need you to come in early today, need you to do something… think you can make it?”… “Sure… I’ll be in” Kelly says, frustrated… she hangs up the call, looks down and questions if she has enough time to start the day off well, sadly she decides not to and begins to get ready for work.

Kelly arrived at the office by 8am, ready to deal with what ever her manager had for her today. Heading into his office, she greets him, “Good morning Paul, what did you need me to do?” she asked, observing him packing up a few documents and his laptop into a bag. “I need you to train the new guy today, I would but, the big guys want too see me today, can I trust you to take care of him?”. Kelly was a little distraught at the idea, she really didn’t want a repeat of yesterday, however it’s her manager telling, so she has no choice. “Sure, whatever, I’ll make sure his is trained up”. Paul smiles, thanking Kelly before heading out the building, “He got me in early for this?…great…”

[MF][Part 1] The new Starter

It’s been a long week in the office for Kelly, babysitting those who are above her feel like she could run rings around her peers… to make matters worse, there’s been a heat wave, Kelly, pushing the dress code to the limit, today shes’ dress in a black pencil skirt, fitted sleeveless shirt and her hair tied up in a messy bun, difficult to stay professional when you’re fighting off the sweat.

“Kelly!” echos across the office, “Can you come over here?”… it was her manager, she begrudgingly obeys and heads over. She notices he is standing next to someone, someone new, someone you don’t recognise, the manager pipes up – “This is the new starter, Tony, he’ll be under you for the time being, can you give him a quick go around? I have a meeting in 5…” before she even engage a response, your manager has walked off..faintly saying his thanks.

[MF] Last nights dream: Giving a friend a lift

So this was a fun dream I had last night, I tend to have a lot of fun, vivid dreams and I’ve decided recently to try to jot them down for a bit of extra fun, plus to see what you think, not I have to say that as this was a dream, logic isn’t always on point.

This dream involved a close friend of mine who’ll be called Kelly for the purpose of the story. Kelly is a cute red-head lass, stylish glasses and a celtic accent, this is not the first time she got involved in a dream, not the last time either… anyway…

The dream started out innocent enough, I was in my car, driving along when I pulled over after seeing Kelly walking up the road, she got in the passenger side seat and we started talking, about what I do not know, but I could tell you that she dressed in a cute dress, it was light red with white spots on it, low-cut and draped just below her knees. She seemed okay for a little while then she got angry, explaining how she got into a fight with her boyfriend for some reason, I was trying to give her my attention but also pay attention to the road, however it was at this point my dream switched my car into an automated car as it started to drive itself.

Dreaming of a friendly doctor [MF]

So, I had this vivid dream a while ago and a few times since, so I thought I’d share it out as it involves a very close friend of mine, lets call her Mia, now Mia has shown no interest in becoming a Doctor, however we do flirt a lot, which is why dreaming of her has gone from casual to sexual.

Maybe I watched too much porn, but the dream started out with my in a doctors office, I was sitting on the table just in my boxers, when the Dr walks in. Average height, long blonde hair, big tits and tiny ass… but I recognised the Dr, it was Mia!.

She recognised me as well and smiled as we said our hello’s, however I was sitting there in my underwear. When she pulled my file up to see why I was there, apparently I elected for a cock surgery to get bigger.

Mia giggled and asked to inspect it, saying “Well I need to see what you’re working with in order to advise if this surgery will work”

So I took my cock out, wasn’t hard or anything, which she said “That won’t do, I need to see what it looks like fully erect”