Looking to start a digital erotic story magazine!

I had to repost this to spell things out better for the more “sensitive” readers. I want to make a writing magazine only for erotic stories.

Payment: no need. I won’t be charging, so I won’t be making money, which means you won’t be making money. I want this to be something for amateurs to share and get better at what they do. If you’re looking to get paid this isn’t the place for you.

Submitting work: Send me your work. If I don’t post your story because it needs more work, I’d be happy to help any way I can. But honestly, the requirements aren’t going to be strict.

Length: I don’t care. This is a digital magazine. It won’t be, but it could be 100 pages long. I don’t have to print it on paper, so it doesn’t matter. If your story is a book, of course it’s not getting published. If people need more definition when it comes to length and word count then I’ll give one then.

This is for fun, for sharing, and for growing. Don’t make it about your drama please.

Want to create a digital erotic story magazine!

What would you guys think about stories being edited and formatted for a book format. Then put in a collection of erotic stories. Maybe even go as far as making different magazines for certain kinds of stories. Like all BDSM, all lesbian, etc. So if you have a certain taste, you can go straight to the magazine that has your interest.

Supermarket Excursion By: Bishop [MF] [Public] [Rough]

Have you ever been out, at work or at the gym or in a supermarket, and you see something. It could be something small. Something tiny that only you saw. But as minuet as it might be, it gets your mind wondering. You start picturing it in your mind, experiencing it again. Then that grows to a scenario that grows and develops in your mind. Now you’re in that mood. You know what you need, it’s all you can’t think about. That animalistic need that takes over. That’s what happened to our old friend Bishop, as he walked through the isles of the supermarket. He was in that bad mood. It was beginning to take over. He’d been going through a dry spell recently. His last book sold so well, the publisher promised a huge advance if he could get a second book out as soon as possible. So for almost a year, he’d been in his officer, working on the second book. But that didn’t leave him much time for socializing. That also made him extremely horny.