Jane and Guy 4

It goes without saying that the new dynamic between Jane and Guy changed a fair bit of what they did together.  The sex, while phenomenal, was definitely the biggest change.  Though while some things did change, others stayed the same.  One thing that didn’t change, something they did before they even lived together, was that that Jane and Guy would occasionally go to brunch.

This particular tradition started by sheer happenstance. They had both been at the restaurant alone, having brunch, when they had recognized each other.  Deciding that  being at brunch alone was far sadder than they wanted to admit, they combined their tables and enjoyed the meal.  So once every couple months, regardless of whether or not they were both in relationships, they would meet up for a delightful brunch.  This mid-morning was the first time they had had brunch since the shift.

Jane and Guy 3

And it kept going like that: unprecedented, undefined, but ultimately what both of them needed.  Nothing was really planned, it just happened in the moment.  Guy wanted to change that; and he had an idea how.  

Guy knew Jane pretty well, especially how much she loved to read.  Most of what she owned in their apartment were shelves packed with well loved books.  A particular favorite of hers were the works of JRR Tolkien, much to the chagrin of Guy.  It’s not that he didn’t like to read, but fantasy was pretty heavy.  But seeing Jane rant and rave about the deep intricacies of the world was awe inspiring.  And seeing some of the books that were passed around in her family gave him what needed to put his plan in motion.  One of the long standing traditions in Jane’s family was to write running commentaries in the margins of the books they would all read.  It was quite a sight to see the different generations thoughts and feelings about what they read all collected together.  Knowing that Jane would be at work all night, Guy stopped at Barnes and Noble, picked up a copy of The Hobbit, and planned to spend the night reading and annotate it for her to find in the morning.  Guy climbed the stairs and unlocked the door to their apartment, opening it to find something that made his jaw drop.

Jane and Guy 2


Jane snapped awake, but was a little confused.  She definitely recognized the room, she’d been in it several times, but never like this or at this time of day.  It was Guy’s room, at the ungodly hour of 7, and she was naked.  She wasn’t overly surprised; she did remember the events of the night before, and she thought it honestly might have happened sooner.  She decided to lean into it, and was very satisfied with the result.  So much so that just thinking about what happened between her and Guy made her wet.  Very pleasant thoughts of riding him and being thrusted into roughly filled her head as her hand snaked downward.

“Oh, come on…”

Jane heard Guy’s voice again, just like before.  Curiosity got the better of her and she decided to investigate.  She got up, pulled on the crop top and sweatpants that were strewn about the room, and sought out where Guy was.  When she found him, she couldn’t help but smile.  But that requires backing up a tad.

Jane and Guy

I’m a little long winded, but I hope you’ll find it worth it.

The story of how Guy and Jane came to live together is an interesting one, but one for a different day.  The bare bones of it are that they live together, and it worked.  Guy, a 6’2” not overly out of nor in shape man, worked a lot of days, and Jane, a 5’nothing girl with the perfect amount of curves, worked mainly nights.  Sometimes though, Guy had to work a night and Jane would have a day off.  This was one such night.

Guy worked at a video store 40 hours a week, most of those being during the day.  On monday nights after the midnight closing time however, the new releases have to go out; a task which most usually fell to Guy.  This was one of those nights.  It wasn’t a hard job to do, but putting them out after working an 8 hour shift is just the thing to make him thoroughly ready for the end of the day.  After he put the last new movie on the shelf, he locked up the store and headed home.  When he got there, he encountered a familiar sight; Jane asleep on the couch, with the tv still playing Bones.  Guy smiled, pulled a blanket over her, straightened up the table a bit, and headed into his room.  He got ready for bed, changing out of his work clothes and into the pair of athletic shorts he slept in and laid down to bed.  After a short time, his door creaked open.  But that’s getting a bit far ahead.