The Haunted House, Part 2 [Incest]

Despite my best efforts, still ended up with wall of text. Will try and do better this time.

Finally her whole body relaxed and I pulled my head back to gulp some air. We were both panting and covered in sweat. Good god that was intense. After a brief rest I stood up and picked her up by the hips until her knees were on the bed. My cock was crying to get in the game and it was time. I moved up and slid it along her lips, wetting the tip and most of the shaft. She greedily pushed back and I was in her before I knew it. I had to stay still for a minute, soaking in the heat. It felt so good it almost hurt. She waited for me, then responded in kind. I’d make a short stroke, then she would do a short thrust. Then I would go a little deeper and as I pulled back she would push back as if to say “don’t leave”.

The Haunted House, Part 1 [Incest]

Lord, I hate Monday mornings. This morning I made the mistake of “just checking” my reddit account, and then next thing I know I was going to be an hour late. Screw it, l called in and took the day off. After burning another half hour I decided to peruse craigslist for a bit. I’d never looked at casual encounters in the morning, and figured I’d see what scams I could identify. As the list loaded on my screen, the very first ad caught my eye. “BORED HOUSEWIFE” in big blue letters. Sucked in on the very first one, I clicked. Hmmmm No picture, no description, just text. “Real NSA. I don’t want to know your name or anything about you. We meet, we fuck, we go on our merry separate ways.” I check the posting time. 8 Minutes ago. Odd, never seen one that quick. I think for a minute about how one could accomplish a completely anonymous coupling.

Then it hit’s me and I click to reply. “I know a place, dark and private. You’ll never even see my face, nor I yours. And no one will pay attention to your screams. Interested? E-mail me at”. I quickly hit send, half resigned to getting another “I’m a nurse with Doctors without Borders in Nigeria” or “click on this to verify you’re not a rapist” and desperately hoping this is real.