The Haunted House, Part 2 [Incest]

Despite my best efforts, still ended up with wall of text. Will try and do better this time.

Finally her whole body relaxed and I pulled my head back to gulp some air. We were both panting and covered in sweat. Good god that was intense. After a brief rest I stood up and picked her up by the hips until her knees were on the bed. My cock was crying to get in the game and it was time. I moved up and slid it along her lips, wetting the tip and most of the shaft. She greedily pushed back and I was in her before I knew it. I had to stay still for a minute, soaking in the heat. It felt so good it almost hurt. She waited for me, then responded in kind. I’d make a short stroke, then she would do a short thrust. Then I would go a little deeper and as I pulled back she would push back as if to say “don’t leave”.

I wanted it to last a while but before I knew it I was driving my full length into her and she was slamming her ass against me. Now when I stopped to try and last a bit longer she would slow down for a moment and the rapidly escalate back to full pounding. This time I had no warning. When her first spasm hit her muscles clamped down on me so hard it was like she had a hand inside of her that grabbed me and I had no choice but to hold on for the ride. I don’t know how she got hotter and wetter, but she did. She was perfectly still but the tremors continued to stroke me. It was like her pussy was determined to suck every drop of cum out of my balls.

I couldn’t hold back any more. Now it was my turn to tremble with pleasure. Waves of pleasure as I poured myself deep inside her. I don’t remember ever having an orgasm that long, like it wouldn’t stop. If the lights were on you wouldn’t see either one of us moving, but internally we were feeding off one another. It seemed to go on for hours, I was getting light headed. Her muscles finally relaxed and I collapsed alongside her on the mattress. Through her panting she finally spoke. “Oh god. I needed that”. Without even realizing I recognized her voice I blurted out “I love you Jessica”. She got stiff for a moment and then relaxed again. “I love you too daddy”.

We laid together, chest to back in silence as I struggled with what just happened. How could something I had been taught is wrong feel so completely right? Even now, each point of contact with her body was radiating warmth. I’m supposed to be the adult here. But she sure as hell isn’t a little girl anymore, she proved that today. Each minute her heat was penetrating deeper in to me. “Daddy?” she asked in that little girl questioning voice. And that was all it took for my heart to melt. “Yes Jessy P” I responded using her special nickname (the P for Princess), to remove all doubt. She flipped over and kissed me, and it certainly wasn’t the kiss of a little girl. I took a deep breath and kissed her back.

Her tongue entered my mouth, and mine parried. She sucked in, pulling me into her mouth, teasing me. And then she put her hands on my shoulders and pushed me back, rolling on top of me. “My turn” she whispered as she started kissing my jawline. I couldn’t think of anything except the sensation of her fingers roaming across my skin, her lips working their way further and further from my mouth.

Her tongue tracing circles around my nipples as she squeezed my breasts. Men weren’t supposed to feel that, but something about her touch made every part of my body an erogenous zone. My nipples actually got hard, even as the majority of my blood supply as anticipating her southward progress. She slid down a bit to my navel and the last bit of flaccidity disappeared between her breasts. She must have brought her arms against her sides, I swear her breasts were gripping my cock like nothing I had ever felt before. Smooth soft skin swallowed me and I moaned. Where in the heck did she learn such things? Not her mother, that’s for damn sure.

Still on top of me she raised up a little and reached out with her tongue to tease my tip. She slid down an inch, then another, swirling her tongue around the tip a little more. I could feel her hard nipples brushing across my balls as she moved more. I was pointed straight up, and then a bit towards my toes, her tongue continuing to manipulate me. Suddenly she drove forward, encasing my entire length in her mouth and then down her throat. The ghosts in the next room moaned as I cried out. She pulled back to take a breath and then plunged me in again, pausing at the bottom until I cried out again. She had slowly moved her hands down my legs, under my knees. As she pulled her mouth completely away she lifted my knees to my chest and then moved forward to take my balls in.

Her tongue was like a demon possessed, curling, darting, cuddling, poking as my balls seem to grow as they filled. Holding my legs up she then went further, teasing around the outside of my asshole. I’d never trusted any woman to do that, but she seemed to understand. After a moment she took my shaft in her warm mouth and the demon turned its attention to it. One hand on the shaft, her other hand massaging my balls. I barely noticed her little finger resting on the center of my anus. She began stroking me with her mouth in earnest, and I knew I wasn’t going to last long.

It seemed like only minutes before I whispered ”I’m gonna cum” but it had no effect on her other than an increasing pressure on my ass. I couldn’t hold back. As my back arched up her mouth met me forcing me down, at the same time plunging that little finger inside me. And I came. Hard. Trying to get away from the wiggling finger as her lips pushed against my groin shoving it deeper. I came again. Harder. And again. I lost count, so wrapped up in the pleasure that an individual jet lost meaning. I think I passed out, so intense was what she did to me.

Next thing I know she is alongside me, caressing my forehead. “Daddy?” No innocent questioning this time, instead full of concern and worry. “Holy crap Jessica, where did you learn that? No wait, I don’t want to know.” I replied. “Did you like it?” she queried, a little mischievous giggle in the undertone. “Hands down, the most intense sexual experience I’ve ever had in my life.” “Now you know how I felt when you fucked me earlier” she came back. I leaned in and kissed her, putting my hand on her hip. “Want to feel that again?”
