I find my student on Tinder, after we initially hooked up when I was her TA [MF]

I talked about Nadine once before on here. When I was a TA in grad school, i had taken an eye to her as we both had the same persona: the midwest lower-middle class once middle school emos now young adults. We both put mascara on to My Chemical Romance in high school, went to the nearest concert in some college town like Ames, and felt like we lost a family member when the former broke up. Now, in college, we matured a bit from the black nails but not too far to get away from the t-shirts. I was in my first year of grad and her undergrad [when we fucked after class due to her commencing](https://www.reddit.com/r/sexstories/comments/vg18th/my_student_unknowingly_fulfills_my_fantasy/).

However, we never really did connect on anything more until a year or two later when I was on break from Uni. I had a very shitty apartment that only a $1500/month stipend could afford (yay american academia) when I came across someone on Tinder. Welp, if there was anyone to use a SuperLike on, it was her. And of course, she took the bait. Things went as they did and I invited her over to my shitty basement apartment.

Fucking on wedding day isn’t reserved solely for the bride and groom [MF]

When I first saw Nora, the bridesmaid I was partnered with, she was in this beautiful lilac dress that emphasized the curvature of her legs, a split in the dress revealed just enough skin to make you want to unwrap more. As she walked up to me in my tux, I put out my arm in the position of a 90-degree angle.

“Well aren’t you the beautiful one!,” I said half in jest. She smiled with that jovial twinkle in her eye.

“Oh. So you’re going to flirt with me already?”, she puts her arm within mine, as we walk into the ceremony.

Nora and I were acquaintances at most. I was old friends with the groom, as she was with the bride. Our only contact with each other would be through them. But every time we did see each other at the couples’ pool parties, I could not stop side-eying looks at her. She had this firm torso that looked like it could withstand a jackhammer. On top of that, her ass would swallow any bikini bottom she wore. When she would jump out of the pool using the side as leverage, you would nearly cum just watching the water dripping off of the curves. Little did I know though, the pre-ceremony shots the wedding party took would turnout well for me.

My Sister Ditches her Friend For a Boy But She Makes the Most Out of It

I saw the door open just out of the corner of my eye in the blue hue that lit up the room.

“What are ya doin?!?”, I hear Natalie, my sister’s friend loudly whisper as she barged in. Luckily, I hadn’t gotten too far in my late night activities so it was easy to hit a random subreddit so Natalie couldn’t see the tits that were thumbnailed on my screen.

“What the fuck Natalie?”

As I swiveled around in my chair, Natalie had launched her 5′ 2″ frame onto my undermade bed while shoving the door shut in the process.

“You know, Natalie, you are my sister’s friend. Not mine.” ending in a chuckle.

I had known Natalie since we moved to Ohio the summer after my junior year. She was on the same freshman softball team as my sister and they both were (lovable) weirdos, so obviously they became best friends and remained so. The former girl who needed my help getting down from a four foot tree branch while bawling had really grown up. No longer was she the chubby redhead sidekick to my sister. Her raggedy Anne-like hair had transformed into mid-back length scarlet curls as she was going to uni.

“It is leg day!” [MF]

Dani was my ex from eight grade. She was my first experience of a relationship, a full three months. We never really did talk except the surface-level interactions that going to the same school brings. Ironically, however, that changed my sophomore year of college.

Both of us went to a relatively small school that consolidated the districts of two intercounty towns. In total, it would be difficult to conclude that the student body ever approached 300 so the courting opportunities were severely limited. I had graduated the year prior and attended the local university. After getting my first year under my belt, I moved into an on-campus apartment with three others. The Saturday before classes begin is usually one of the craziest as everyone catches up from the summer and blows their loads into condoms encased in pussy.

I had been on campus all day as I had moved in the day before. Just feeling the collective sexual tension on-campus was enough to put a tickle in everyone’s genitalia. I was walking back to campus when I had a FB message from Dani. We hadn’t spoken for about a year and we were just not in the same social circles, so I was kind of confused as to why she was dropping in my DMs.

My (M25) Student (F19) Unknowingly Fulfills My Fantasy [MF]

Class was ending. It was nearing the end of the semester and I was ready to abandon campus in the form of a two week nap. It was the final Thursday recitation for freshmen (and rather, those avoiding to take Intro to Psych). I, a second year graduate student, would finally be teaching his own classes when the year renews. First, I had to get through finals week. And since most of my work was done, that meant spending my non-grading hours playing with the average-sized cock (approaches 7 inches but big enough not to be noticeable as “big”) that resides between my thighs.

Now, I’m not a deviant that would embarrass my mother. I’m earning my PhD in cognitive psych as well as dealing with an ocean that is anxiety. At that time, the kinkiest thing I did was slam an ex down on my cock in cowgirl while we were dating. Feeling and seeing a female take her hand and personally stroke the length my cock was a remote fantasy, let alone a routine friends with benefits. My fight-or-flight would kick in before my hormones even had a chance to know there was beautiful females who thought my brown, curly hair was cute.