Sunday Morning Orgasms

They woke up together in on a sunny Sunday morning. Snuggling together as they woke up slowly, just enjoying each others' warmth and scents. They fit together perfectly. She smiles up at him and wiggles her hips and butt slightly and he smiles back happily because he knows exactly what that means.

His hand slowly slides down her back and under her panties to cup a butt cheek, then he slides his fingers up and down the crease until he slowly settles on her tight little asshole. She murmurs quietly and grinds her hips into him as he massages her hole, adding pressure and teasing until she groans into his neck and sighs deeply in pleasure. “Baby that feels so gooood,” she coos as she spreads her legs wider to give him more access. He probes her sweet asshole more, teasing her until she's breathing more heavily and moaning loudly in arousal. “Please… I need to come!”