Take of Two Friends: Part13 [ff] [college] [ffm] [femdom] [feminization] [sissy]

The end of our sophomore year was approaching we were all focused on our studies and had slowed down how often we all fucked. It was becoming clear that emotionally Kate and Emma were dating and Sarah and I were dating. On top of that the four us still fucked and still had some level of emotional relationship between the four of us but we were all now in a comfortable rhythm. Part of that rhythm was the continued dominance of Jon. Sarah had handed off her key to Emma and now Emma and I enjoyed brutally dominating him together.

Over the months our domination of him had become complete and he spent large amounts of time in our suite simply being near us. All four of us would tease him and we enjoyed making him wear thongs over his cage. Our most recent step has been to make him our maid. Now this was a total maid thing but he had expressed his interest in cross dressing and as a result when we did a big clean of our apartment we had surprised him with a maid outfit which he happily wore while he helped us clean.

Tale of Two Friends: Part 12 [ff] [college] [spring break] [public] [ffff] [orgy]

We had reached our spring break of sophomore year. Kate, Emma, Sarah, and I (Olivia) had rented a two bed room in a hotel down by a beach and were looking forward to a week of sex and sun. When our flight landed we check in and immediately all stripped to put on our bikinis. I went and looked out the balcony down at the beach. It was already crowded which excited me. As I looked down I felt Sarah pull down my bottoms and begin to dance her tongue around my holes. I let her confident that no body on the beach would be able to tell what was happening and if they could so what, it felt amazing. As I lost myself in the pleasure I turned and saw another girl roughly our age on a balcony one above ours to the right. She was looking down and had a full view of Sarah with her face between my legs. I held eye contact with her for a moment and she bit her lip. I watched through the glass railing as he put her hand down her pants. After another moment I felt Sarah push a plug in my ass and then pull me into our room.

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Tale of Two Friends: Part 11 [ff] [college] [ffffm] [femdom] [cbt] [anal] [harem]

The second semester of our sophomore year started to fly by in the same way our freshman year had once Sarah and I started sleeping together. This time it felt even faster with all four of us fucked constantly and without regrade for what what going on. A pair of us would be fucking while another cooked or cleaned or whatever constantly. I don’t think a day went by in the suite without an orgasm occurring within it for at least a month. Beyond that a more emotional relationship has developed between all of us. Not a fully blown I love you relationship for everyone but for the most part we all considered ourselves to be dating one another. Emma was the only one who consistently hooked up with guys outside of Sarah and I’s plaything Jon.

Tale of Two Friends: Part 10 [ff] [college] [ffff] [first time]

Our first semester of sophomore year had ended and winter break seemed to fly by. Emma and enjoyed teasing and flirting with us when Kate wasn’t home in the few weeks since. Kate had gone for a few more dates with the same girl but they ended it before winter break. When we asked why she expressed that she was nervous to have sex with another woman but also really wanted to. We all arrived back at the suite a few days before classes began and all agreed to have a spa day in the living room with some cheesy movies.

Emma took the first shower. When she came out she dropped her towel and pulled on a thong. She sat down and while Kate hopped in the shower help Emma put on a face mask. Sarah set up our foot bath and finished making snacks. Kate emerged naked and also pulled on a thong. While they finished things up Sarah and I took a shower together. We both came out naked and teasingly kissed in front of the others before pulling on our own thongs. They both helped us with our face masks and together we watched the first romcom. We helped with each others hair and each got our turn with the foot bath. We then went about giving each other mani pedis. Our next tax was helping each other with some at home waxing. We all thought it’d be fun to do together despite believe professionally done was better.

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Tale of Two Friends: Part 9 [ff] [college] [caught] [fff]

The first semester of our sophomore year was getting close to ending. More than once since we’d had talked Sarah, Emma, Kate, and I had gone to a lesbian bar that let minors in once a month to let Kate feel safe while she experimented. To our surprise Emma had also decided to experiment and flirted back with some of the girls that hit on us. While Sarah and I were okay bring a third woman into our open relationship neither of us had done so. This was probably because we both were satisfied by each other and our plaything Jon.

Kate had gone on her first date with a girl. They didn’t have a second but she was starting to flirt more with other woman. As part of Emma’s experimenting she had had two one night stands with two different girls she’d met. Emma was never really a emotion relationship person but she did enjoy sex so this didn’t come as that much of a surprise. Emma expressed that certain parts of sex with women was better but dildos couldnt replace a real dick. This made Kate much more comfortable with her side of experimenting and now she had a second date scheduled with a different girl and we had all supported her.

Tale of Two Friends: Part 8 [college] [femdom] [fm] [ffm] [anal] [creampie]

Our sophomore year was progressing well and about a month had passed since Kate and I had our midnight conversation. During these weeks Sarah or I had been fooling around with Jon at least once a week to take off his cage and let him cum. During this time he’d also progressed somewhat. We had taken him to get a Brazilian wax with us once and then, while still caged, helped him to explore anal more. Beyond that Sarah and I had recently both chosen to start taking the pill.

This week was my turn to unlock him and I was excited to try something new. I was enjoying being submissive to Sarah but dominate over Jon and I had found that when I was the one to unlock Jon I truly enjoyed making him squirm. We started as I usually did by feasting him and stripping us both leaving only his cage and my necklace from which the key hung. As he ate me out I watch his duck struggle against the cage I leaned down and happily discovered the plug in his ass. “Good boy,” I moaned, “are you excited for goddess to let you cum today?” “Yes goddess,” he spoke muffled by my wet pussy on his face. Once I had cum myself I moved him to his hands and knees. I removed his plug and began to eat his ass. She moaned and teased his balls. I had gone out and bought a dildo just for him. It was glass and had a few ridges but most importantly it was curved to reach his prostate. I showed it to him and his eyes lid up and he nodded, “Please goddess.”

Tale of Two Friends: Part 7 [ff] [college]

Our Sophomore year was a few days away when Kate and Emma arrived at the four person suite that they were sharing with Sarah and I (Olivia). When they arrived they found that we had moved a bulk of our furniture into the living room for us to share. We had also claimed the two rooms on the right side of the suite. They looked confused at the queen bed in one room and the other with two desks. It was now they we decided to come out to them. We explained our situation to them about how we’d been dating for several months and even how we had an open relationship when I came to wanting to fool around with guys. We didn’t disclose how we’d frequently share guys nor how we were now keyholders for our downstairs neighbor Jon.

Tale of Two Friends: Part 6 [ff] [college] [gentle femdom] [ffm]

The summer has ended and Sarah and I (Olivia) returned to our campus. For our sophomore year we had moved into a coed dorm and specifically a four person suite with our friends Kate and Emma. Sarah and I had decided to move in early and arrived a full week before classes started. Over the last couple of months our freshmen year and through the whole summer our old “playmate” Jon had continued to message us three dots whenever he masturbated thinking of us. We also occasionally sent him photos ranging for a tease to explicit. He also would send us occasional messages and a day or two after we moved in he sent us one stating that he was back on campus.

Tale of Two Friends: Part 5 [ff] [college] [work] [ffm] [anal] [creampie]

Sarah and I (Olivia) showed up to our first day of work training excited. We looked into it and discovered that the owner of the concession stand, Mr. Wickson, rarely worked anymore but that instead his two sons Josh and Tim worked as the managers. We’d been in the same grade as Tim and while we didn’t really know him Sarah had had a class with him so was at least friendly with him.

So we showed up to training on a Monday, when the stand is usually closed, and were greeted by both Tim and Josh. Tim had changed from a skinny and average teen to look quiet a bit like his older brother. As the day came to a close they said we could come in for opening day of the season on Wednesday as scheduled or if we were available we could come in for a half day the next day, Tuesday, and Tim would run a mock opening for us; Sarah and I agreed.

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Tale of Two Friends: Part 4 [ff] [college] [changing room] [strap on]

Our freshman year came to a close and Sarah and I (Olivia) went home for the summer. Being from the same town what it actually meant is that we got to fuck each other senseless for a few months without the regular school stress. We got home and spent some time with our families before we decided to meet up for a movie night. We had done these ever since Sarah had moved across the street from me. It would be in one of our rooms, we’d put on cheesy movies, usually rom coms, and then just be able to be ourselves. We’d lounge around in cozy outfits, do each others nails, try out new hair and make up styles, and gossip. This time however along with the usual we of course fooled around and enjoyed the excitement of having to be quiet in a house full of family.