Tale of Two Friends: Part 5 [ff] [college] [work] [ffm] [anal] [creampie]

Sarah and I (Olivia) showed up to our first day of work training excited. We looked into it and discovered that the owner of the concession stand, Mr. Wickson, rarely worked anymore but that instead his two sons Josh and Tim worked as the managers. We’d been in the same grade as Tim and while we didn’t really know him Sarah had had a class with him so was at least friendly with him.

So we showed up to training on a Monday, when the stand is usually closed, and were greeted by both Tim and Josh. Tim had changed from a skinny and average teen to look quiet a bit like his older brother. As the day came to a close they said we could come in for opening day of the season on Wednesday as scheduled or if we were available we could come in for a half day the next day, Tuesday, and Tim would run a mock opening for us; Sarah and I agreed.

The following day turned out to be very useful and we got to test out our work uniforms. Which consisted only of an apron and hat. Famously the stand was run by pretty college girls who wore bikinis. We went through the mock opening and ended at noon. Sarah and I decided to sunbathe for a few hours after this and caught up on what we had learned that day. Sarah and I were laying on our towels going over some of the steps to open the stand when she added.

“Plus another thing,” she smiled evilly, “Tim could not keep his eyes off your ass today.”

“I know,” I giggled, “not off yours either. At one point you bent over in front of both of us to get something and I wanted to fuck you so I can’t image how hard he must have been under that apron.”

We both giggled and Sarah spoke, “I bet he busts a huge nut to us tonight.”

I rolled over and laughed out loud, “Oh for sure.”

“Do you think Tim if hot?” She asked.

“I mean yeah, why?”

“Cause I kind of want to fuck him.”

“Then go for it? You know we can hook up with guys and still date.”

“No I don’t mean blow him, or tease, I mean I want his dick in me. I don’t know why, I just looked at him today, especially when he was checking you out, and wanted to fuck him.”

“Oh, well if you really want to go for it I guess. But is it really a good idea to fuck our boss?”

She slowly shook her head and for the next few weeks it’s all we talked about. The more we did the more I wanted to fuck him too. By the end of our first month we had agreed that we would fuck him together once summer got closer to being over. So we spent our time working and flirting with Tim. As the summer came to a close we found ourselves in the final week that the stand was open. As part of flirting with Tim we had often come in on Tuesdays to help him prep and took those days to wear some of our smaller bikinis. On the last Friday Tim asked us if we’d be willing to come in the following Monday and help him clean up and shut down for the year. Sarah and I realized it was our chance and agreed.

We showed up that Monday in our smallest bikinis yet, which barely covered our tits properly and were essentially gstring bottoms. On top of this we also agreed to both wear our matching butt plugs, which were visible when bending over. So we helped Tim shut down the stand for the year and flirted with him heavily.

“Well that’s it for the year girls, I’m sure if you want to next year that the job is yours,” he said.

“There is one more thing,” Sarah said with a grin.

“Yeah, we’ve noticed you looking at us all summer,” he blushed and I stepped closer, “so we wanted to thank you for being so professional.”

Sarah and I got to our knees together and untied his apron. We untied his swim trunks and pulled them off of him. His dick was quickly growing so Sarah and I took the chance to take off our own hats and aprons. It stood fully erect and Tim just stared blankly. Sarah leaned forward and took him into her mouth. I undid my top and let my tits bounce free before undoing Sarah’s top too. I stood and Tim snapped out of it. He quickly took his tank top off and I leaned in to kiss him. He placed one hand on Sarah’s head as she bobbed up and down on his cock. His other hand found it’s way between my legs and rubbed slow circles around my clit through my bikini. I once again got low and Sarah moved to sucking his balls allowing me to take his shaft into my mouth. We did this for a few moments before pulling away together. We bent over together as we took off our bottoms revealing our butt plugs. We stood and produced a handful of condoms and lube from my bag.

“Which hole do you want first?” Sarah teased, “too slow!” she said after only a moment.

She pushed him to the ground pulled a condom onto his long shaft and started to ride him. Seeing his dick sink into her made me instantly horny and I climbed onto his face facing Sarah. She rode him slowly at first but picked up speed as Tim’s tongue danced around my soaking pussy. Sarah and I made out and I played with her clit. Before too long I felt my orgasm growing and Sarah threw her head back in a scream. She slowly fell backwards off of time and I followed her. I was on my hands and knees between her legs eating her out through her orgasm. Tim moved and before I knew it he was pushing his length into me. I mined happily and wiggled my ass and he started to fuck.

It was slow at first but soon I felt like his toy and could barely eat Sarah’s pretty pussy. His grabbed my hair and played with my plug and sent me over the edge. My orgasm washed over me and I collapsed onto Sarah’s thighs. I enjoyed the long orgasm as he continued to use me and then he stopped. I turned in the haze of my orgasm confused and watched him remove the condom. It was empty and if briefly got nervous before I felt him remove the butt plug from my ass. He held the lube bottle and I nodded. The cool lube hit my asshole and one of his fingers lightly pushed into my make sure I was nice and lubbed. After a moment I felt the tip of his cock press against my tight virgin ass. He pushed gently and entered me. I moaned loudly and gasped as he push deeper and deeper. With a small amount of uncomfortable pressure and unimaginable pleasure he bottomed out in my ass. His balls lightly touched my pussy and I made eye contact with Sarah. She moaned and I began to eat her out again as Tim slowly fucked my ass. After a few thirsts it became easier to take it and he sped up slowly until he was using my ass almost as roughly as he had my pussy. I gasped happily as each deep thrust stretched my ass. Before long he groaned and I felt his cock twitch inside me. His next few thrust we hard and deep and I felt my guts get flooded with warm cum. The feeling of my first anal creampie drove me to a second orgasm and I was determined to have more.

Sarah and I both kissed Tim’s check, got dressed and left. As we rode home in Sarah’s car I felt the cum slowly leaking out of me and felt certain Sarah and I were bound be have a great sophomore year.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/113tpyy/tale_of_two_friends_part_5_ff_college_work_ffm